Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета

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Source: International journal of heat and mass transfer. 2016. Vol. 103. P. 955-964
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2016
Description: A numerical analysis of MHD natural convection in a wavy open porous tall cavity filled with a Cu–water nanofluid in the presence of an isothermal corner heater has been carried out. The cavity is coo ... More
Source: International journal of mechanical sciences. 2016. Vol. 119. P. 294-302
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2016
Description: A numerical study of natural convection in a partially open trapezoidal cavity filled with a CuO nanofluid under the effect of uniform magnetic field of various orientations has been carried out. Incl ... More
Source: The computer journal. 2015. Vol. 58, № 11. P. 2793-2803
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2015
Description: The composition of two arbitrary component automata can have deadlock states. A method is proposed to minimally reduce a component automaton such that the resulting composition with the other automato ... More
Source: Testing software and systems : 30th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2018, Cádiz, Spain, October 1-3, 2018 : proceedings. Cham, 2018. P. 149-154
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2018
Description: In contrast to untimed FSMs, two minimal initialized FSMs with timeouts can be equivalent but not isomorphic. Accordingly, we propose an appropriate fault model and a method for complete test derivati ... More
Source: Nanomaterials. 2021. Vol. 11, № 9. P. 2250 (1-13)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2021
Description: In this study, the energy transference of a hybrid Al2O3-Cu-H2O nanosuspension within a lid-driven heated square chamber is simulated. The domain is affected by a horizontal magnetic field. The vertic ... More
Source: Chinese journal of physics. 2019. Vol. 58. P. 324-338
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Description: Mixed convective flow in a vertical channel filled with electrically conducting viscous fluid with isothermal wall conditions is investigated for variable properties. The combined effects of temperatu ... More
Source: Крупные изверженные провинции, мантийные плюмы и металлогения в истории земли : материалы научной международной конференции, Иркутск – Листвянка, 1-8 сентября 2015 г.. Иркутск, 2015. С. 18-19
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2015
Source: Dalton transactions. 2015. Vol. 44, № 4. P. 1805-1815
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2015
Description: Microcrystals of orthorhombic rubidium samarium molybdate, β-RbSm(MoO4)2, have been fabricated by solid state synthesis at T = 450 °C, 70 h, and at T = 600 °C, 150 h. The crystal structure has been re ... More
Source: Journal of alloys and compounds. 2023. Vol. 935, part 1. P. 167912 (1-6)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2023
Description: Noncentrosymmetric borates K7MIn2−xYbx(B5O10)3 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba; x = 0…2) were synthesized by the solid state reaction and the crystals were successfully grown by the top seeded solution growth method ... More
Source: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Математика и механика. 2019. № 58. С. 14-31
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Description: This paper considers the problem of robust adaptive efficient estimating of a periodic function in a continuous time regression model with the dependent noises given by a general square integrable sem ... More
Source: Alexandria engineering journal. 2021. Vol. 60, № 3. P. 2769-2778
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2021
Description: Development of electronic devices depends on cooling techniques. An efficiency of cooling methods can be improved using more effective heat-transfer fluids and extended heat-exchange surfaces. Free co ... More
Source: Известия высших учебных заведений. Физика. 2012. Т. 55, № 5. С. 13-18
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2012
Description: На основе известных экспериментальных данных по постоянным жесткости cij(x) монокристаллов твердых растворов (сплавов) моносульфида самария с примесями иттрия, лантана и тулия исследуются их анизотроп ... More
Source: Материалы XI Всероссийской научной конференции с международным участием "Актуальные проблемы современной механики сплошных сред и небесной механики – 2021", г. Томск, 17-21 ноября 2021 г.. Томск, 2022. С. 98-101
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2022
Description: Разработана кроссплатформенная программа с пользовательским интерфейсом для расчета течения газа в сопле Лаваля в IDE «QT Creator» на языке программирования С++. Алгоритм программы основан на решении ... More
Source: Proceedings of SPIE. 2019. Vol. 11067 : Saratov fall meeting 2018 : Computations and data analysis: from nanoscale tools to brain functions. P. 1106716-1-1106716-8
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Description: The paper presents theoretical study of biomagnetic fluid (such as blood) flow through a tube under magnetic external field. In this work, we consider blood as a conducting and magnetic fluid that is ... More

