Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета

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Source: Proceedings of SPIE. 2018. Vol. 10483 : Optical coherence tomography and coherence domain optical methods in biomedicine XXII. P. 1048319-1-1048319-6
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: Screening for ocular diseases, such as glaucoma and keratoconus, includes measuring the eye-globe intraocular pressure (IOP) and corneal biomechanical properties. However, currently available clinical ... More
Source: Applied physics letters. 2015. Vol. 106, № 23. P. 233702-1-233702-4
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2015
Description: Wave models that have been used to extract the biomechanical properties of the cornea from the propagation of an elastic wave are based on an assumption of thin-plate geometry. However, this assumptio ... More
Source: Optics letters. 2018. Vol. 43, № 9. P. 2006-2009
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: Wave-based optical elastography is rapidly emerging as a powerful technique for quantifying tissue biomechanical properties due to its noninvasive nature and high displacement sensitivity. However, cu ... More
Source: Gynecologic and obstetric investigation. 2019. Vol. 84, № 2. P. 145-153
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Description: BACKGROUND: Determining biomechanical changes in vaginal tissue with tissue stretch is critical for understanding the role of mechanotransduction on vaginal tissue healing. Noncontact dynamic optical ... More
Source: Journal of biomedical optics. 2017. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 020502-1-020502-4
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2017
Description: Current clinical tools provide critical information about ocular health such as intraocular pressure (IOP). However, they lack the ability to quantify tissue material properties, which are potent mark ... More
Source: Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 2017. Vol. 66. P. 87-94
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2017
Description: The biomechanical properties of the cornea play a critical role in forming vision. Diseases such as keratoconus can structurally degenerate the cornea causing a pathological loss in visual acuity. UV- ... More
Source: Biomedical optics express. 2017. Vol. 8, № 2. P. 993-1004
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2017
Description: Optical coherence elastography (OCE) is an emerging technique for quantifying tissue biomechanical properties. Generally, OCE relies on point-by-point scanning. However, long acquisition times make po ... More
Source: IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics. 2016. Vol. 22, № 3. P. 6801911 (1-11)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2016
Description: The mechanical properties of tissues can provide valuable information about tissue integrity and health and can assist in detecting and monitoring the progression of diseases such as keratoconus. Opti ... More
Source: Biomedical optics express. 2017. Vol. 8, № 1. P. 349-366
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2017
Description: In this work we utilize optical coherence elastography (OCE) to assess the effects of UV-A/riboflavin corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) on the mechanical anisotropy of in situ porcine corneas at var ... More
Source: Proceedings of SPIE. 2018. Vol. 10474 : Ophthalmic technologies XXVIII. P. 104740N-1-104740N-4
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: Several methods have been proposed to assess changes in corneal biomechanical properties due to various factors, such as degenerative diseases, intraocular pressure, and therapeutic interventions (e.g ... More
Source: Известия высших учебных заведений. Физика. 2012. Т. 55, № 5. С. 13-18
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2012
Description: На основе известных экспериментальных данных по постоянным жесткости cij(x) монокристаллов твердых растворов (сплавов) моносульфида самария с примесями иттрия, лантана и тулия исследуются их анизотроп ... More
Source: Гуманитарная информатика. Томск, 2015. Вып. 9. С. 98-110
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2015
Description: В ходе использования современных коммуникационных и информационных технологий у многих людей накапливаются различные цифровые материалы, связанные с их повседневной жизнью. Свойственное человеку стрем ... More
Source: Байкальская молодежная научная конференция по геологии и геофизике : материалы III всероссийской молодежной научной конференции, Улан-Удэ, 24 августа 2015, с. Горячинск, база санатория "Горячинск", 25-29 августа 2015 г.. Улан-Удэ, 2015. С. 58-60
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2015
Source: Крупные изверженные провинции, мантийные плюмы и металлогения в истории земли : материалы научной международной конференции, Иркутск – Листвянка, 1-8 сентября 2015 г.. Иркутск, 2015. С. 18-19
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2015

