en-us 5 Эффект памяти формы и сверхэластичность в [001]-монокристаллах ферромагнитного сплава Fe-Ni-Co-Al-Nb(B) Wed 09 Oct 2019 10:17:27 KRAT ]]> The effect of thermal cycling and stress-assistant ageing two-way shape memory effect in [123]-oriented Co40Ni33Al27 single crystals Tue 02 Jul 2019 10:12:30 KRAT ]]> The influence of hydrogen on the mechanical and functional properties of TiNi and TiNiFe single crystals Tue 02 Jul 2019 10:12:29 KRAT ]]> Shape memory effect and superelasticity in [001] single crystals of FeNiCoAlNb(B) alloys Tue 02 Jul 2019 09:44:30 KRAT ]]> Влияние термической обработки на физические свойства и на мартенситные превращения в сплаве Ti50Ni48.7Mo0.3V1 с эффектами памяти формы Thu 06 Jul 2017 10:46:14 KRAT ]]> Multiple ferroic glasses via ordering Mon 03 Dec 2018 10:52:58 KRAT ]]> Influence of particles on the functional properties of single crystals of high-strength ferromagnetic alloys 373K compared with the crystals without particles. Single crystals of FeNiCoAlX (X=Ta, Ti) alloys have experimentally demonstrated that the precipitation of ordered γ'-phase particles at a size of d=5-10 nm during aging at T=973 K, 3 h, leads to the occurrence of the shape memory effect and superelasticity.]]> Mon 01 Jul 2019 15:11:42 KRAT ]]> One-way and two-way shape memory effect in ferromagnetic NiFeGaCo single crystals Fri 07 Dec 2018 10:12:05 KRAT ]]>