en-us 5 The feeder system of the Toba supervolcano from the slab to the shallow reservoir Tue 04 Apr 2017 10:51:59 KRAT ]]> Кислые магмы кальдерных извержений острова Итуруп: первые результаты исследования расплавных включений во вкрапленниках пемз кальдеры Львиная пасть и перешейка Ветровой Thu 22 Mar 2018 10:02:15 KRAT ]]> Флюидный режим очагов крупных кальдерообразующих извержений на примере плейстоцен-голоценовых кальдер острова Итуруп (Курильские острова) 1.5 kbar) and in contrast to VI similar increase in water content resulted in crystallization of Mg-hornblende. The presence of CO2 was documented only for fluids released on degassing from the VI reservoir. Rhyolitic melts of both eruptions were strongly depleted in S. Small amounts of SO2 were released on degassing of the VI magma, but the most was redistributed between apatite and sulfide. Similarly S was distributed between minerals: apatite and sulfide in the LP magma. Despite the degassing of the VI reservoir Cl was mostly distributed between the melt and apatite. Probably small amounts left it with aqueous fluids. In the LP reservoir Cl was distributed between the melt, apatite and amphibole. Similarly to the most of subduction-zone felsic magmas the melts of both eruptions are depleted in F. However F plays important role in the magma evolution. In both reservoirs apatite is a major sink for F, while in VI reservoir some fluorine could be lost with fluids. The study showed that in the shallow magma reservoirs of large caldera eruptions at the Iturup Island the behavior of H2O and CO2 strongly depends on pressure and degassing. Other major volatiles S, Cl and F tend to rest in the crystallizing melts or to be distributed in the crystallized minerals.]]> Fri 04 May 2018 13:29:07 KRAT ]]>