en-us 5 Characterization of chromium compensated gaas sensors with the charge-integrating JUNGFRAU readout chip by means of a highly collimated pencil beam Thu 27 Oct 2022 10:01:37 KRAT ]]> Influence of temperature on the energy resolution of sensors based on HR GaAs:Cr Thu 26 Jan 2023 09:56:16 KRAT ]]> Impact of Cr2O3 additives on the gas-sensitive properties of β-Ga2O3 thin films to oxygen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and toluene vapors Thu 15 Dec 2022 13:24:34 KRAT ]]> High-spatial resolution measurements with a GaAs:Cr sensor using the charge integrating MÖNCH detector with a pixel pitch of 25 μm Thu 09 Mar 2023 09:37:35 KRAT ]]> Characterisation of the HEXITEC4S X-ray spectroscopic imaging detector incorporating through-silicon via (TSV) technology Mon 06 Mar 2023 11:23:34 KRAT ]]>