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Izhnin, Igor I. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Korotaev, Alexander G. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Jerzy |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Marin, Denis V. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V.
Source: Applied nanoscience. 2022. Vol. 12, № 3. P. 395-401
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2022
Bright–feld and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy were used for nano-scale structural studies of defects induced by implantation of arsenic ions with 190 keV energy and 1014 cm–2 fuence
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Izhnin, Igor I. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Korotaev, Alexander G. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Jakiela, Rafal
Source: Journal of electronic materials. 2021. Vol. 50, № 6. P. 3714-3721
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2021
Accumulation of arsenic implantation-induced donor defects in heteroepitaxial Hg1−xCdxTe structures with the composition of the active layer xa = 0.30 was studied with the use of the Hall-efect measur
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Izhnin, Igor I. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Korotaev, Alexander G. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Świątek, Zbigniew
Source: Infrared physics and technology. 2021. Vol. 114. P. 103665 (1-7)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2021
Carrier species in arsenic-implanted p– and n–type Hg0.7Cd0.3Te films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy were investigated with the use of the Hall-effect studies and mobility spectrum analysis. The impl
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Izhnin, Igor I. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Jerzy |
Korotaev, Alexander G. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N.
Source: International research and practice conference "Nanotechnology and nanomaterials" (NANO-2021), 25-27 August 2021, Lviv, Ukraine : abstract book. Kiev, 2021. P. 378-
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2021
We report on the results of comparative study of fluence dependence of defect layers in molecular-beam epitaxy-grown epitaxial film of p-Hg1-х CdхTe (х=0.22) implanted with arsenic ions with 190 keV e
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Source: Фотоника 2021 : Российская конференция и школа молодых ученых по актуальным проблемам полупроводниковой фотоэлектроники (с участием иностранных ученых), 4-8 октября 2021 г., Новосибирск : тезисы докладов. Новосибирск, 2021. С. 140
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2021
В работе представлены результаты исследований процессов накопления радиационных донорных дефектов и их отжига в подвергнутых ионной имплантации (ИИ) мышьяком (As) гетероэпитаксиальных пленках CdxHg1-x
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Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, J. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Korotaev, A. G. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Marin, Denis V. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Izhnin, Igor I. |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V.
Source: Infrared physics and technology. 2020. Vol. 109. P. 103388 (1-7)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
Optical reflectance in the visible wavelength range, transmission electron microscopy, and the Hall-effect measurements with mobility spectrum analysis have been used for the direct comparison of the
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Izhnin, Igor I. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Nesmelov, Sergey N. |
Dzyadukh, Stanislav M. |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N. |
Korotaev, A. G. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Jerzy
Source: Surface and coatings technology. 2020. Vol. 393. P. 125721 (1-5)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
Results of the Hall-effect studies of surface properties of n–type HgCdTe films modified with arsenic ion implantation
Shvets, Vasiliy |
Ikusov, Danil |
Uzhakov, Ivan |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Dluzewski, Piotr |
Morgiel, Jerzy |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N. |
Izhnin, Igor I.
Source: Physica status solidi B. 2020. Vol. 257, № 5. P. 1900598 (1-5)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for the study of interfaces in two HgTe/HgCdTe single quantum-well (QW) structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates. The studies are co
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Fitsych, Olena I. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Korotaev, Alexander G. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Kurbanov, K. R. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N. |
Remesnik, V. G. |
Izhnin, Igor I. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Jerzy
Source: Russian physics journal. 2020. Vol. 63, № 2. P. 290-295
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
By profiling the electrical parameters of the arsenic implanted CdHgTe films, grown by molecular beam
Izhnin, Igor I. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Jerzy |
Korotaev, Alexander G. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V.
Source: International research and practice conference "Nanotechnology and nanomaterials" (NANO-2020), 26-29 August 2020, Lviv, Ukraine : abstract book. Kyiv, 2020. P. 421
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2020
Izhnin, Igor I. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Syvorotka, I. I. |
Korotaev, Alexander G. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Marin, Denis V. |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Jerzy |
Jakiela, Rafal |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V.
Source: Applied nanoscience. 2020. Vol. 10, № 12. P. 4971-4976
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
Optical reflectance and bright-field and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy studies of radiation damage induced
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Y. |
Izhnin, Igor I. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Korotaev, A. G. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Varavin, Vasilii S.
Source: Applied nanoscience. 2020. Vol. 10, № 8. P. 2867-2871
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
Bright-field and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and microdiffraction have been used for the study of defects in two HgTe/HgCdTe single quantum well (QW) structures grown by molecular
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Фицич, Елена Ивановна |
Войцеховский, Александр Васильевич |
Коротаев, Александр Григорьевич |
Мынбаев, Карим Джафарович |
Курбанов, Курбан Рамазанович |
Варавин, Василий Семенович |
Дворецкий, Сергей Алексеевич |
Михайлов, Николай Николаевич (физик) |
Ремесник, Владимир Григорьевич |
Ижнин, Игорь Иванович |
Якушев, Максим Витальевич |
Бончик, Александр Юрьевич |
Савицкий, Григорий Владимирович |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Jerzy
Source: Известия высших учебных заведений. Физика. 2020. Т. 63, № 2. С. 98-103
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
Путем профилирования электрических параметров имплантированных мышьяком пленок CdHgTe, выращенных молекулярно-лучевой эпитаксией, и сопоставления полученных данных с результатами исследований, проведе
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Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Korotaev, Alexander G. |
Syvorotka, I. I. |
Fitsych, Olena I. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Mikhailov, Nikolay N. |
Remesnik, V. G. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Jerzy |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V. |
Izhnin, Igor I.
Source: Infrared physics and technology. 2019. Vol. 98. P. 230-235
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
The Hall-effect/electrical conductivity measurements and mobility spectrum analysis (MSA) have been used for the study of the profiles of different electron species and corresponding defects induced i
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Fitsych, Olena I. |
Świątek, Zbigniew |
Morgiel, Y. |
Bonchyk, A. Yu. |
Savytskyy, Hrygory V. |
Mynbaev, Karim D. |
Voytsekhovskiy, Alexander V. |
Korotaev, Alexander G. |
Yakushev, Maxim V. |
Marin, Denis V. |
Varavin, Vasilii S. |
Dvoretsky, Sergei A. |
Izhnin, Igor I.
Source: Opto-electronics review. 2019. Vol. 27, № 1. P. 14-17
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Effect of annealing on the structural properties of arsenic-implanted mercury cadmium telluride film grown by molecular beam epitaxy was studied with the use of transmission electron microscopy and op
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