The main characteristics of ballistic experiment are the maximum pressure in the combustion chamber Pmax and the projectile velocity at the time of barrel leaving UД. During the work the burning law of the new high-energy fuel was determined in a ballistic experiment for different initial temperatures. This burning law was used for a parametric study of depending Pmax and UД from a powder charge mass and a traveling charge was carried out. The optimal conditions for loading were obtained for improving the initial velocity at pressures up to 600 MPa for different initial temperatures.
Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук : сборник научных трудов XIV Международной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Россия, Томск, 25-28 апреля 2017 г.. Томск, 2017. Т. 1 : Физика. С. 129-131