The paper presents the results of а study the surface morphology and topographic parameters of Ti-Ni-Ta and Ti-Ni-Ta-Si-based surface alloys (SAs) synthesized on the TiNi substrates. It has been defined that the addition of Si to the deposited films (Tig0Ta30Si1o) used in the additive thin-film electron-beam synthesis of micron-thick SAs on NiTi-substrates leads to the appearance of surface inhomogeneity, that consisting of regions as crater-like relief, and as a smoothed surface. It was found that the parameter of the average roughness Ra for the Ti-Ni-Ta-Si-based SA, despite the surface’s inhomogeneity, has lower values of Ra ~ 0.098 fim, than for the Ti-Ni-Ta-based SA, in which Ra ~ 0.195 fim.
Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук : сборник научных трудов XVIII Международной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, 27–30 апреля 2021 г.. Томск, 2021. Т. 1 : Физика. С. 61-63
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Физический факультет
Морфология и топографические параметры поверхности Ti-Ni-Ta и Ti-Ni-Ta-Si сплавов, синтезированных на TiNi-подложках