X-ray computed tomography of the structure of roots and dynamics of soil biota in the early growth stages of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
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X-ray diffraction study and luminescence of agates of Southern Siberia
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X-ray diffraction study of residual elastic stress and microstructure of near-surface layers in nickel-titanium alloy irradiated with low-energy high-current electron beams
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X-ray digital tomography for diagnostics of radio-electronic equipment elements
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X-ray fluorescence analysis of metal finds, slag and ores from the bronze age the Soviet Way-1 settlement in the foothills of Altai
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X-ray induced and thermostimulated luminescence of new fluorine containing compounds (potential luminophores, scintillators and dosimeters)
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X-ray inspection systems with sandwich radiation detectors: A survey
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X-ray microbeam characterisation of crystalline defects in small pixel GaAs:Cr detectors
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X-ray pulsed beam detection and diagnosis method
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X-ray radiation and runaway electron beams generated during discharges in atmospheric-pressure air at rise times of voltage pulse of 500 and 50 ns
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X-ray radiation from the Sun and geomagnetic disturbances as environmental factors affecting humans
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X-ray tomographic method to study the internal structure of a TiNi-TiB2 metal matrix composite obtained by direct laser deposition
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XEI-эксилампа барьерного разряда
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Xenon as a transdermal enhancer for niacinamide in Strat-M TM membranes
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Xenon-induced effects in relieving experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome
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Xenonyms лаовай and лаобайсин as linguistic and cultural markers of the discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora of China
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XI Всероссийская научная конференция с международным участием "Актуальные проблемы современной механики сплошных сред и небесной механики - 2021", г. Томск, 17-21 ноября 2021 г. : [материалы конференции]
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XI Экономические чтения памяти заслуженного деятеля науки РФ профессора Александра Петровича Бычкова : сборник материалов конференции, 6-7 ноября 2015 года
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XII sonate per clavicembalo con accompagnamento d’un violon
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XII Экономические чтения памяти заслуженного деятеля науки РФ профессора Александра Петровича Бычкова : сборник материалов Международной научно-практической конференции, 26-27 октября 2017 г
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XIII экономические чтения : материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции, посвященной 145-летию Томского государственного университета и 125-летию экономического образования в Томском государственном университете "Глобальные вызовы и векторы регионального социально-экономического развития", Томск, 23–25 ноября 2023 г
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Xinjiang economic development belt in the early 2010s
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XIV Конгресс антропологов и этнологов России, Томск, 6-9 июля 2021 г. : сборник материалов
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XS-схемы: скрытие тактовых оракулов
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XV-й год существования Томского общества содействия физическому развитию
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XVII Western Siberian archaeological and ethnographic conference in Tomsk: a new step in the 45-year history
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XVII Западносибирская археолого-этнографическая конференция в Томске: новый шаг в 45-летней истории ЗСАЭК
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XXI век: жанр фэнтези и эскапизм
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XXII областная молодежная художественная выставка "Регион 70" : альбом-каталог : живопись, графика, декоративно-прикладное искусство
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XXIV Olomouc Days of Russianists
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XXIV Оломоуцкие дни русистов
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XXIX Всемирная зимняя Универсиада в г. Красноярске 2019 г.: особенности и результаты
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XXIX. Вперед к новым победам коммунизма! : [плакат]
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XXth century visual arts: the great Mother Archetype
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XXVII Годовщина. Колхозники и колхозницы, рабочие и работницы МТС и совхозов, специалисты сельского хозяйства! Давайте фронту и стране больше продовольствия и сырья для промышленности! Шире развертывайте социалистическое соревнование за досрочное выполнение государственного плана хлебопоставок и сверхплановую сдачу хлеба в фонд Красной Армии! Да здравствует советское крестьянство! : [плакат]
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XXXIX Сибирский теплофизический семинар
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XX–XXI в. – глобализация социокультурного кризиса современности
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Xylan catalytic processing to produce formic acid and xylitol in the presence of heteropoly acids
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X‐ray diffraction and dielectric investigations of ferroelectric PbZr0.958Ti0.042O3, antiferroelectric PbZrO3 and PbHfO3 single crystals in superstrong electric fields up to 30 MV/m
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Yablo's paradox and circulus vitiosus: why lie about yourself when you can lie about everyone else?
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Yablo’s paradox, self-reference and mathematical induction
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Yakov Blumkin in Mongolia
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Yakut deputations and the indigenous law as one of the features of policy of Russian Empire in the North-East (the end of XVIII - the first half or the XIX century)
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Yakut governor Ivan Kraft and his contribution to the construction of the Amur-Yakutsk Highway at the beginning of the 20th century
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Yakut-Altai lexical parallels (based on manual labor tools terminology)
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Yamal nomads: facing risks and maneuvering
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Yard complex of Semeyskie of Trans-baikal region: construction culture and terminological variability
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Yaroslavl Demidov Juridical Lyceum at the beginning of the 20th century
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Yaroslaw. Cathédrale de la Nativité : (27 septembre 1839)
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The Yassy-Kishinev Military Strategies - the most brilliant offensive operation of WWII and its interpretation in current Rumanian historiography
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Year of 1948 in the confessional policy of the state and the life of religious organizations of the USSR
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Yegor Kovalevsky and Ivan Turgenev: From personal relationships to creative connections
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Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, further everywhere: what is it: the Russian "city every day life" and why it is necessary?
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Yelets fortress at the southern boundaries Moscow state at the end to the XVI first half of the 17th centuries. (construction, restoration, reconstruction)
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Yemelyan Pugachev in Russian historiography
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The Yenisei corridor of Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) migration to North Asia
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Yermak in Russian literature before Karamzin: First efforts to narrate the story of the Siberian campaign
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Yevgeny Zamyatin’s "hypertext" about the female warrior. Article I
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Yevgeny Zamyatin’s "Hypertext" about the female warrior. Article II
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Yiddish-Slavic language parallels (on the material of prefixed verbs in Der Nister’s "Shiker" and its Ukrainian translation)
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Yinli molla in the Nogai steppe: the phenomenon of Soviet Islam
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YKL-39 induces monocytes migration and angiogenesis and inversely correlates with metastasis in patients with breast cancer
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Yorick's Whiskers: the poetics of T. Tolstaya's small prose and its translations into English
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Young people in Britain: alternatives to higher education
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Young people in public spaces of the city
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A young revolutionary? The level of radicalism as a factor determining Ukrainian youth’s mood to protest
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Youth and patriotic sentiments during the reign of Emperor Nicholas II
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Youth creative localities in a metropolitan environment: conditions and barriers to development
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Youth enterprise: problems and solutions
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Youth entrepreneurship concept and its place in the country's economy development
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Youth entrepreneurship environment as a platform for the students' professional competence formation
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Youth in Europe and Russia. Europe and the EU through the eyes of scholars
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Youth in search of their political party
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Youth of the plant, their expectations and labor values
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Youth reading practices in Tomsk (late 19th - early 20th centuries)
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Youth-led bloggers such as influencers on teenagers’ social media
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YouTube как коммуникационное пространство репрезентации политических идеологий России: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 41.04.04 - Политология
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Yu. Vella’s book Talk to Me as a stylistic harmony: composition and architectonics
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Yu.I. Venelin's creativity in the context of romanticism
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Yugoslavs in the politics of Russia's White Army governments, 1918-1920
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Yuri Slonimsky. Librettology in the service of ideology: dramatic experience
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Z boson production in p + Pb collisions at √ s NN = 5.02 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector
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Zapovednaya cave – the new location of pleistocene and holocene mammals fauna in Minusinsk depression (Southern Siberia)
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The zems initiatives for improving the law enforcement system in Urals in 1917
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Zero carbon home: Britain’s house of the future (?)
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Zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge based on sets of polynomials
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Zeugma in the system of enumeration stylistic devices (a typological analysis of English examples)
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Zhangir Khan: a loyal subject of Russia and steppe reformer
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Zheng He's contribution to the development of China's soft power concept
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"Zhukovsky is our true brother": Nikolay M. Karamzin and Vasily A. Zhukovsky (on the problem of Karamzin and his circle)
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Zhukovsky, German Revolution and institutions of imperial propaganda (based on the unpublished correspondence with Grand Duke Alexander Nikolayevich)
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Zimbabwe: from Mugabe to Mnangagwa
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Zinc content in medical plants growing in Surgut area of Khanty-Mansy Autonomous Region - Yugra
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Zinc oxide films obtained by sol-gel method from film-forming solutions
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Zine-culture as a practice of formation of social micro-identity
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Zitterbewegung в AdS-пространстве-времени космической струны
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Zitterbewegung в бислое графена – нитрида бора
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Zitterbewegung в четырехмерном сферически-симметричном пространстве-времени
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Zitterbewegung вблизи четырехмерной черной дыры Лифшица
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Zlatoust Catholics – specialists of socially important professions during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
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