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Understanding in mathematics and Wittgenstein’s rule-following 1
Understanding neurocognitive developmental disorders can improve education for all 1
Understanding of collisions in law: the link between conceptual and axiological aspects 1
Understanding of the essence of the phenomenon "law" in the humanistic tradition 1
Understanding of the phenomenon of the unconscious in the philosophy of Plato 1
Understanding sleep paralysis: unique state of consciousness 1
Understanding the amoral in the context of the moral foundations theory: a sociopsychological and linguocognitive study 1
Understanding the composition of zircon concentrate and applicable concentration and processing techniques 1
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties 1
Understanding the process of decision-making in universities in a VUCA-world 1
Understanding the role of electronic effects in CO on the Pt−Sn alloy surface via band structure measurements 1
Understanding the role of ideology in contemporary international relations: an axiological aspect of foreign power of Japan in Central Asia 1
Understanding trauma: a discussion of one analysis 1
Underwater archeological developments on Issik-Kul lake in 2015 1
Underwater holographic sensor for plankton studies in situ including accompanying measurements 1
Underwater launching of a supercavitating projectile out of a ballistic test setup 1
Unemployment as a problem of education: a view of the American economist P. Z. Pilzer 1
The uneven development of Siberian regions: impact on migration loss 1
Unexpected expenses of the victory: November 4 in the context of the policy of memory and massive historical consciousness 1
Unexplored within us or the problem of consciousness in modern society 1
The unfinished novel Leon by Aleksandr Nikitenko in the light of Pushkin’s tradition 1
Unfinished project as a way to conceive Soviet urban planning in the 1920s and the 1930s: the case of socialist cities 1
Unfolding spinor wave functions and expectation values of general operators: Introducing the unfolding-density operator 1
Unfree gauge symmetry in the BV formalism 1
The unicellular microorganisms "Amoeba Proteus" locomotion simulation with the use of movable cellular automata method 1
Unifactorial structure of anxiety. Factors of gender and educational track in eight measures of anxiety among adolescents with high academic achievement.: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 37.04.01 - Психология 1
Unified description of BABAR and Belle data on the bottomonia decays Υ(mS)→Υ(nS)π+π- 1
Unified digital space of Russian museums: problems of content ordering and gaps in the professional training of museum workers 1
Unified field of detection probabilities for heterogeneous means of observations 1
Uniform law of large numbers for indicator-based statistics 1
Unimodular F(R) gravity 1
Union de la noblesse de France. Touchant leurs préminences 1
Union de la ville de Paris avec Son Altesse Royale et monseigneur le Prince, suivant l'arrêt du parlement du premier jour de ce mois 1
Union de la ville de Paris avec Son Altesse Royalle et Monseigneur le Prince, suivant l'Arrest du Parlement du premier jour de ce mois 1
The Union of Rusins and Ukrainians of Yugoslavia: creation and first years of activity 1
The Union of Russian National Communities in 1918-1920: history of creation, ideology and activity 1
Unipolar barrier structures based on HgCdTe for infrared detection 1
Unipolar semiconductor barrier structures for infrared photodetector arrays (Review) 1
The unique image of the city in the context of the characteristics of the formation of architectural and landscape space key 1
Unique list colorability of the graph Kn2 + Kr 1
The unique nature monuments of the Chai River basin (Tomsk oblast, Western Siberia) 1
Unique thickness-dependent properties of the van der Waals interlayer antiferromagnet MnBi2Te4 films 1
Uniqueness of recovery of the Sturm-Liouville operator with a spectral parameter quadratically entering the boundary condition 1
"Unit of analysis" L. S. Vygotsky and "Modality" N. Hartman 1
The unit-idea of "the forced labor of prisoners" in English public thought of XVI-XVIII centuries 1
Unitary and nonunitary evolution of qubit states in probability representation of quantum mechanics 1
Unitary quantization and para-Fermi statistics of order 2 1
Unitary transform and subadditivity condition for composite and noncomposite systems 1
United database on polarization laser sensing of high-level clouds: optical and meteorological characteristics 1
United Indian patriotic association vs National Congress (1888–1893) 1
The United Kingdom and the factor of the “open borders” in the European Union 1
The United Nations as an institute of global governance: a view of Russian emigrants (mid-1940s – early 1950s) 1
The United States - EURATOM agreement of 1958: The Cold War impact 1
The United States of America in the Four Power Agreement on Berlin (1971) 1
"Unity in essence, not in form": European political integration projects of the middle of the 1960s 1
Unity of words and painting in books written and published by artists of Buryatia 1
The universal algorithm for solving the gas dynamics equations on the mesh with arbitrary number of cell faces 1
The universal characteristic of G. W. Leibniz and the prospective developments in the foundations of mathematics 1
Universal limiting shape of worn profile under multiple-mode fretting conditions: theory and experimental evidence 1
Universal meaning possibility/impossibility: modifications in lexical semantics and lexicographic representation 1
The universal metaphorization aspects of food heat treatment images in Russian and English languages 1
Universal properties of materials with Dirac dispersion relation of low-energy excitations 1
The universal vulnerability exploitation platform for CTF 1
The universalist turn of the 21st century: from the philosophy of the Other to the philosophy of the Same 1
Universality of law as a basis for state-citizen consensus in the context of legal regulation and legal anticipation 1
Universality of response to emotional stimulus as indicator of development of communicative status of voice assistant (using the example of emotion "fear") 1
Universally fully and Krylov transitive torsion-free abelian groups 1
Universities and local communities: problems and perspectives of interaction 1
The Universities and the local community development (the case of Tomsk region) 1
Universities in the History and Culture of the pre-Revolutionary Russia 1
University and government "cohabitation" in a smart city 1
University and the Academy of Sciences: pas de deux in the rhythms of the epoch 1
The university and the city: relationships in postindustrial society 1
University as a catalyst for social creativity in the structure of network communication of a smart city 1
The University as a co-existence in upbringing and education: towards F. M. Dostoevsky's higher education ideas 1
University as a cognitive institution: the target for development 1
University charters as a legislative basis for museum business in Russian universities (XIX - early XX centuries) 1
University communications 1
The university community participation in improving the availability of higher education, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens with health disabilities 1
University corporate culture transformation: sociologocal and linguistics diagnosis methods 1
University department as a subject of study for social psychology of higher education: a review 1
University eco-campus: world experience and russian dynamics 1
A university exam: recontextualization 1
University in urban space: from brand - to city - university 1
University library in the digital age: invitation to discussion 1
University lifestyle as a resource of fashionable thought 1
University Mottoes: Style and Functions 1
University of the future: the development strategy 1
The university professordom and student movements in Russia at the turn of the XIX and the XX centuries 1
University psychological service capabilities in of self-regulation resources of students in the context of online counseling 1
University scientific and educational community in 1920-1930-ies: factors, manners and forms of manifestation of corporate identity 1
University students' perceptions of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the university 1
University students' personal and professional development: the socio-cultural environment effect 1
University teacher: methodologist, reseacher, novator? 1
University teaching community of Russia late XIX - early XX centuries: forms of manifestation of corporate identity 1
"University" versus "smart city" in the context of Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic on the example of the United Kingdom 1
University's personnel policy: a focus on human capital 1
The university: from the Gutenberg galaxy to the Zuckerberg galaxy 1
The university’s new identity: The optics of the responsibility ethic 1
The university’s website as a communication channel for attracting international students from Central Asian countries in the context of the soft power theory 1

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