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U-Pb baddeleyite age of a ne trending doleritic dyke swarm in the Tagragra of Akka Inlier: additional constraints on the ca. 1416-1360 Ma Mesoproterozoic magmatic event(s) in the anti-atlas of Morocco (West African Craton) 1
U-Pb baddeleyite ages of key dyke swarms in the Amazonian Craton (Carajás/Rio Maria and Rio Apa areas): Tectonic implications for events at 1880, 1110 Ma, 535 Ma and 200 Ma 1
U-Pb geochronolgy of the deformed Juzbado Granite (Salamanca, NW Spain) 1
U-Pb geochronology of subvolcanic and pyroclastic formations of the Zmeinogorsk barite-polymetallic deposit (Rudny Altai) 1
U-Pb изотопное датирование цирконов из ультрамафитовых реститов Шаманского массива (Восточное Забайкалье) 1
U-последовательности и примарные группы, содержащие собственные изоморфные себе вполне характеристические подгруппы 1
The U. S. Greater Middle East initiative and the Strategic Depth doctrine of Turkey: challenges and opportunities for the Russian foreign policy in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea region 1
U.S. election offers Russians a back door to criticizing their own system 1
U.S.-China strategic economic dialogue in progress: tasks for Trump administration 1
UAV platform for testing autonomous navigation algorithms 1
UAV-based photogrammetry: Assessing the application potential and effectiveness for archaeological monitoring and surveying in the research on the ‘valley of the kings’ (Tuva, Russia) 1
Ubersichts - karte der organisation der verbundenen Deutscben vereine zur Pflege im Felde verwundeter und erkrankter Krieger sowie der Deutscben frauen vereine und der betracbtlicberen depors des Deutscben central comites und der Deutscben landes vereine wabrend des Krieges von 1870 - 1871 : [на немецком языке] 1
Ubiquitous and cell type-specific transcriptomic changes triggered by dissipation of monovalent cation gradients in rodent cells: Physiological and pathophysiological implications 1
Ueber barometrische hoehenbestimmungen im Nordwestlichen Altai 1
Ueber die Bedingungen eines Handelsverkehrs mit dem westlichen Sibirien : Bericht über eine Spezial-Untersuchungs-Reise von C. Hage und H. Tegher 1
Ueber die Entwicklungsfähigkeit des Amurlandes, insbesondere in mercantiler Beziehung 1
"Uebungsfirma" as one of the forms of project work 1
Ugrian Rusins in the works of Volodymyr Hnatiuk: the archeology of memory 1
UGV Lidar point cloud segmentation: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 09.04.02 - Информационные системы и технологии 1
UHP metamorphism in the Polar Urals: evidences from the Marun-Keu Complex (Russia) 1
UHT metamorphism of granulites from the Kaltygei cape, Western Baikal region: pseudosection and U-PB (SHRIMP) age 1
UHT метаморфизм гранулитов мыса Калтыгей, Западное Прибайкалье: псевдосекции и U-PB (SHRIMP) возраст 1
UI/UX Дизайн мобильного приложения moodle.tsu.ru для преподавателей: выпускная бакалаврская работа по направлению подготовки: 09.03.02 - Информационные системы и технологии 1
UI/UX дизайн мобильного приложения для абитуриентов: выпускная бакалаврская работа по направлению подготовки: 09.04.02 - Информационные системы и технологии 1
UI/UX дизайн мобильного приложения для сайта moodle.tsu.ru для студентов: выпускная бакалаврская работа по направлению подготовки: 09.03.02 - Информационные системы и технологии 1
Ujedinjenje 1
UK in Africa before and after Brexit 1
UK universities: choosing the right partner 1
The Ukrainian "Black Hundred"? K. K. Fedevich’s concept as an attempt to "Ukrainize" the Union of the Russian People 1
Ukrainian movement and Czechoslovak policy in the Rusin question during the interwar period as reflected by Amerikansky Russky Viestnik 1
The Ukrainian professional associations of teachers of Galicia and Bukovyna (second half of the 19th - early 20th century): an attempt of comparative analysis 1
The Ukrainian question in the Russian right-wing periodicals (1914 – February 1917) 1
The "Ukrainian question" in the newspaper "Yuzhny kray" (March – October 1917) 1
Ukrainian themes in the national education of peasantry in Podolia and Volhynia: following church publications of the early 20th century 1
Ukrainian village in Siberia: the dynamics of building traditions 1
Ukrainian émigré press in the interwar Romania 1
Ukrainian-Romanian diplomatic and economic relations in the context of the Bessarabian question in 1918 1
Ukrainian-Russian parallels in translation of contemporary French prose 1
Ukrainisation in the Soviet educational policy in the Far East of the USSR (1922–1930) 1
Ukrainization in the Far East in 1931: the essence and difficulties of the process 1
Ulaan tuyaa : [газета] 1
The Ulantovsky granitoid pluton: a new age stage of potentially productive Early Devonian magmatism at Salair 1
Ulkan-Bilyakchan LIP (ca. 1.7 ga), SE Siberian platform, associated triple junction rifting, and ore deposits 1
Ulmus japonica (Ulmaceae) communities in Western Transbaikalia: distribution, value for biodiversity conservation and perspectives of protection 1
Ultra-fast line-field low coherence holographic elastography using spatial phase shifting 1
Ultra-high speed OCT allows measurement of intraocular pressure, corneal geometry, and corneal stiffness using a single instrument 1
Ultra-right movement in FRG and Bundestag election at 24 of September 2017 1
Ultra-thin broadband nanostructured insulator-metal-insulator-metal plasmonic light absorber 1
Ultra-violet radiation in area of lake Shira (Hakasiya) 1
Ultra-wideband tomography of land cover 1
Ultrafast diffusive cross-sheet motion of lithium through antimonene with 2 + 1 dimensional kinetics 1
Ultrafine-grained structure and its thermal stability in low-carbon steel 1
Ultrasonic degassing of aluminium alloys: basic studies and practical implementation 1
Ultrasonic dispersion of agglomerated particles in metal melt 1
Ultrasonic impact on a metal melt containing electrostatically charged nanoparticles 1
Ultrasonic impact on a metal melt containing electrostaticly charged nanoparticles 1
Ultrasonic liquid metal processing: The essential role of cavitation bubbles in controlling acoustic streaming 1
Ultrasonic melt processing: opportunities and misconceptions 1
Ultrasonic melt treatment in a DC casting launder: the role of melt processing temperature 1
Ultrasonic probing system with multiple transmitters and multiple receivers with undersampling 1
Ultrasonic processing of molten and solidifying aluminium alloys: overview and outlook 1
Ultrasonic surface treatment of titanium alloys. The submicrocrystalline state 1
An ultrasonic treatment of the paraffinic highly resinous crude oil 1
Ultrasound velocity measurements in high-chromium steel under plastic deformation 1
Ultrastructural characterization and comparative phylogenetic analysis of new microsporidia from Siberian mosquitoes: Evidence for coevolution and host switching 1
The ultraviolet and vacuum-ultraviolet Excilamps... 1
Ultrawideband combined antenna with improved matching 1
Ultrawideband dipole receiving antenna for measuring short pulses with extended bandwidth 1
Ultrawideband monostatic ultrasonic tomography in water 1
Ultrawideband radiotomography with movable parabolic reflector 1
Ultrawideband receiving antenna array 2х2 for rec with spectrum within 0.01-2 ghz 1
UMAOH calcium phosphate coatings designed for drug delivery: vancomycin, 5-fluorouracil, interferon α-2b case 1
The umbrella terms for supernatural entities used by eminent Japanese folklorists and anthropologists 1
UML representation of object-oriented design antipatterns 1
The ummah of Krasnoyarsk Krai in the past and present 1
The Umov effect for irregular shaped particles larger than the wavelength 1
The Umov effect for large irregular-shaped particles 1
The Umov effect for large nonspherical particles 1
Umov effect for large nonspherical particles for remote sensing of cirrus clouds 1
UN reform and its impact on the contemporary international relations system 1
(Un)dying rural countryside of Japan 1
The (un)lost decade of pioneers: preservation of memory in young oil cities of Western Siberia 1
Unaussprechliches Витгенштейна: о чем невозможно сказать, о том невозможно сказать ясно 1
The Unbaptized Pope and the Vicar of Bullhampton: a response to Anthony Trollope's novel in Nikolay Leskov's story 1
Uncertainty impact on companies’ investment activities: the case of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad oblast 1
The uncertainty of temporal boundaries in reenactment studies 1
Uncodified usage of capital/lowercase letters in mass communication texts 1
Uncodified vocabulary in the language of hydropower engineers 1
Uncompleted construction of the imperfect 1
Uncontrolled dataset clustering to improve the quality indicators of multilevel data processing models 1
Under pressure from Slovak nationalists: The status and political activity of the Rusins in Slovakia 1939–1945 1
Under the sign of war, or a look at the cultural archetypes of boyhood in Central Africa (the example of the Republic of the Congo) 1
Underground coal mining: Brief overview of some related problems, solutions 1
The Underground Hero and the problem of self-identity in modern culture 1
Underside of the good: pupils suicide and reformation of the Russian education system in the early 20th century 1
Understanding as computation 1
Understanding as psychology of possible 1
Understanding effects of permafrost degradation and coastal erosion on civil infrastructure in arctic coastal villages: A community survey and knowledge co-production 1
Understanding extra-pair mating behaviour: A case study of socially monogamous european pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in Western Siberia 1
Understanding global infrared opacity and hot bands of greenhouse molecules with low vibrational modes from first-principles calculations: the case of CF4 1

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