K современном понимании понятий "правовые средства прокурорского надзора" и "формы реализации правовых средств прокурорского надзора"
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K-contact structures on Lie groups
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k-good formal matrix rings of infinite order
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K-pop cover dance и сетевое поколение: влияние и формы реализации на сцене и в жизни
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k-вполне транзитивность однородно разложимых групп
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k-вполне транзитивные абелевы группы без кручения : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук : 01.01.06.
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k-вполне транзитивные абелевы группы без кручения : диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук : 01.01.06.
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K-контактные структуры на группах Ли
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K-плоскости в n-мерно упорядоченных группах
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K-транзитивность одного класса блочных преобразований
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K. M. Golodnikov – critic, author and editor of "Tobolsk provincial sheets"
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K. Marx and A. A. Bogdanov about revolution in Russia
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K. Pavlova – tranlsator of W. Scott’spoetry
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K. Ya. Grot and Carpatho-Danubian Lands
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Kai Donner: Linguist, ethnographer, photographer. Donner Joakim & Juha Janhunen (eds.), Peter Sandberg (photo ed.). Helsinki: Société Finno-Ougrienne, National Board of Antiquities, 2014. 175 p. (Travaux ethnographiques de la Société Finno-Ougrienne 21)
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Kaizen system - Japanese strategy of improvements
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Kalacheevskaya cave in the Middle Don: interpretation of sacred topos in the context of the Via Dolorosa
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The Kalahari and Grunehogna Cratons, and their placement within neoproterozoic Rodinia, defined by new U-Pb geochronology on large igneous provinces
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The Kalistraticha III burial site in the system of Ob`-Yrtysh Seima-turbino phenomenon sites
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Kalman filtering in the problem of noise reduction in the absorption spectra of exhaled air
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Kalmyk art: local style of the Buddhist iconografy
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Kamchatka in industrial photo reportage of G. Z. Gaidukevich, 1930s
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Kamchatka soils provinces distinguishing by the composition and age of volcanic ashes on which they are formed
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Kantian linguistic tradition in Peter Strawson's philosophy of language
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Kaon electroproduction on the proton
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Karate classes as a means of motor and psychomotor training for preschool children
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Karim Idelguzhin about Bashkir troops and the struggle for power in 1917–1919
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Karst area of Kokuya mountain (Altai Mountains)
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Karyotype and genome size in Adonis vernalis and Adonis volgensis
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Karyotypes and genome size of Adonis amurensis and Adonis apennina (Ranunculaceae) from Asian Russia
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Karyotypes and nuclear DNA content in some Trollius L. and Hegemone Bunge ex Ledeb. (Ranunculaceae) species of Asian Russia and China
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Kasan. Cathédrale de l'Announciation. Blakovestchensky : (17 septembre 1839)
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Kasan. Cathédrale de St. Pierre et St. Paul : 13 septembre 1839
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Kasan. Dôme de Nikolskoï. Dans le Gostinnoi-dwor (Grand Bazar) : 10 septembre 1839
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Kasan. Entrée par les Moulins et la Kasanka, : 16 septembre 1839
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Kasan. La Forteresse. Côté de la Kasanka
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Kasan. Monastère de Saint-Jean-Baptiste : (15 septembre 1839)
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Kasan. Ruines du Palais tatare et tour de Soumbecka : interieur de la forteresse (18 septembre 1839)
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The Kashpar cambrian-ordovik gabbro-diorite-quartzmontsodiorite-syenite complex - new petrography department on the Eastern slope of the Kuznetsk Alatau
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Kasten, Erich (Hg.) Reisen an den Rand des Russischen Reiches: Die wissenschaftliche Erschließung der nordpazifischen Küstengebiete im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Fürstenberg/ Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien, 2013. – 320 pp., 9 Farbabbildungen. ISBN: 978-3-942883-16-0 : рецензия на книгу
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The Kazakh steppe of the Orenburg Department in the regional policy of the Russian Empire in the 19th century
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Kazakhstan education in the context of globalization
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Kazakhstan in the Belt and Road Initiative (2013–2022)
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Kazakhstan model of ethno-confessional consent
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The Kazakhs’ attitude towards the Kalmyks in the 1760s
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The keeper who put the Khanty of the Vasyugan on the map
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Keeping pagan sanctuaries in ancient Russia: facts against myths
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Kelp forests and their significance for nature and humans
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Kenmotsu manifolds with a zero curvature distribution
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Kennzeichen der Mündlichkeit in den schriftlichen Aushängen (im Russischen im Vergleich zum Deutschen)
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The Ket shaman drums from the Kunstkamera and the Ethnographic Museum of the Kazan University
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The Kets and their culture. Research problems in the 20th–21st centuries (the statement of the problem)
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Key areas of education according to V. Sukhomlinsky, and their significance for modern professional education
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Key aspects of the economy of the Tagar culture population: main concepts and problems of research into animal husbandry
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Key concepts in Siberian literature of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries: on the problem of the region’s cultural landscape formation
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Key concepts of Russian culture in Dostoevsky's Idioglossary
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Key digital technologies and their impact on consumer market
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Key eye movement measures in Russian-Chinese and Chinese-Russian bilingual reading
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Key features and strategies for interpreting ‘buffo’ phenomena in screenplay translation
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Key ingredients of the alkali atom – metal surface interaction: chemical bonding versus spectral properties
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Key milestones in bibliographic index formation of the works by "forgotten" writer L. A. Charskaya (1901-2021)
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Key problems in the labor market of the youth of Tomsk
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Key role of elastic vortices in the initiation of intersonic shear cracks
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Key schedule based on a modified additive generator
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Key section of karginsk deposits in the middle reach of the Chulym river (Tomsk region)
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Key stages in traditional land-use impacts on the soils in the center of the European Russia in the middle and late Holocene
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Key tasks as a means of advancing schoolchildren’s mathematical knowledge when learning elementary functions
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Key tendencies of triolet evolution in the russian poetry of the 18th–21st centuries
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The key to the discovery of Russian Classical Literature. Book reveiew: Lebedev, Yu. V. (2020) Russian Literature of the 19th Century: a course of lectures for bachelors of theology: in 2 vols. Moscow: Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies; Poznanie
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The key to the future: predictive meanings of political metaphor (based on British texts about Russia of the Great Patriotic War period)
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Key words of the coronavirus pandemic era and their derivatives: A comparative analysis (based on the material of Russian, Slovak, Czech, and German)
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Keyword as a tool for linguistic and cultural analysis of paremia
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The Khairkhan dunite-troctolite-gabbro massif (Lake Zone of the Western Mongolia) - example of syncollision Middle Cambrian mafic intrusion
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Khakas ethnos as of tourist interest
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Khanty consonants of the second articulation range (physical data)
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The Kharkov researcher of Kazakhstan antiquities (about Semen Semenov-Zuser)
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Khatanga and Anabar reindeer herders: the changing tundra dwellers’ way of life
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"Khitryy" and "khitar" in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of cognate languages (on the Russian and Serbian language material)
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Khlebnikov and Sukhovo-Kobylin. On the problem of the textology of Russian cosmism
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Khorezmian "tropics": the anthropology of the Ullu-Pir mazar
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Khosrow Mirza: historical figure and artistic image. On the cultural originality of Russian-Persian ties
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The Khotin uprising: causes and consequences
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Khowledge transformation: digital technology and family psychology
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"A killing excellence": Anthony Trollope’s The Bertrams in Leo Tolstoy’s evaluation
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Kim Il Song’s birthday as a part of DPRK ideology
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"A kind of gentle painting". On the divine origin of artistic talent in the Hilliard’s treatise
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Kinematic identification of the angular power distribution and the linear polarization of radiation of an arbitrarily moving charge
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Kinematic modelling Jovian inner satellite orbits
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Kinematics of a power-law fluid flow in a pipe with a varying cross section
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Kinematics of the fountain flow during pipe filling with a power-law fluid
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Kinesiological physical education model for preschoolers
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Kinesiological potential of senior schoolchildren
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Kinetic approach to the development of computational dynamic models for brittle solids
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Kinetic determination of thiocyanate by the reaction of bromate with crystal violet immobilized in a polymethacrylate matrix
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Kinetic features of l-lactide production by catalytic depolimerization of oligomers of l-lactic acid
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Kinetic investigation on the smouldering combustion of boreal peat
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Kinetic model for UV/H2O2 degradation of 8-methoxypsoralen
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Kinetic model of the initial stage of the nanowire growth
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Kinetic model of the manganese vapor active medium
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Kinetic modeling of amplifying characteristics of copper vapor active media for a wide range of input radiation power
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