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G. A. De Wollant and Ugric Russia 1
G. A. Vyatkin is the cultural life’s reporter in the beginning XX century 1
G. D. Dymina. Classification, Dynamics and Ontogeny of Phytocoenoses (on the Examples of Regions of Siberia). Novosibirsk: NSPU Press, 2010. 213 p. 1
G. E. Katanaev - historiographer of the Siberian cossacks 1
G. E. Katanaev and regionalism: the formation of research ideas in the context of the development of Siberian studies in the second half of the 19th century 1
G. G. Shpet about the nation and the nationalism problems 1
G. I. Choros-Gurkin's etude "Burial": History of creation, archaeological context and current state 1
G. M. grant vs G. Smith: the idea of "continentalism" in the Canadian political culture on the eve of the twentieth century 1
G. N. Potanin and P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky: relationships and scientific collaboration 1
G. N. Potanin and V. I. Vernadsky: experience of scientific interaction 1
G. N. Potanin's research strategies in the context of anthropocentric humanism 1
G. N. Potanin: letter to V. P. Sukachev 1
G. P. Fedotov on Russian national consciousness formation in the 20th century 1
The G. Sharpꞌs theory of non-violent revolution, and the methods of psychological struggle of political prisoners in the Tobolsk prison castle: On the issue of political plagiarism 1
G2-structures and quantization of non-geometric M-theory backgrounds 1
Ga2S3 - перспективный нелинейный кристалл для ИК диапазона 1
GaAs:Cr X-ray sensors noise characteristics investigation by means of amplitude spectrum analysis 1
Gadamer's hermeneutics in Rorty's neopragmatism: philosophy as "conversation" 1
The Gagauzes in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and their ethnic identity 1
Galectin 3 and non-classical monocytes of blood as myocardial remodeling factors at ischemic cardiomyopathy 1
Galen. On the sects for beginners 1
Galerie des portraits gravés des généraux, officiers, etc. qui, par leur valeur, leurs talens militaires et leur patriotisme, ont contribué aux succès des armes russes, pendant la guerre commencée en 1812 2
Galicia – Ukraine: the antinomies of one contemporary political discourse 1
The Galician operation of 1914 and its influence on the development of the neo-Russian style: a case study of archeology and iconography of the Fedorov town 1
Galician russian politics of the last years 1
Galician-Russian Praise of the Virgin icons of the 15th - 16th centuries: genesis and metamorphosis 1
The Galician-Volhynian Chronicle and a decline in the interest in the omens in the Old Rus population of the 13th century 1
Galician-Volhynian Rus: between Byzantium, the Mongols and Rome (achievements and challenges of modern historiography) 1
Galitzin General de Cavalerie 1
Gall-forming arthropods in green areas of Tomsk 1
"Gallerie zu Shakspeare’s von Moritz Retzsch" ("Гравюры к Шекспиру Моритца Ретча") – интермедиальный аспект (из личной коллекции графов Строгановых в Научной библиотеке НИ ТГУ) 1
Gallicinium nuper auditum Franciam expilante Mazarino 1
Gallicinivm nvper avditvm Franciam expilante Mazarino 1
Gallicisms in the Russian language 1
Galvano-rotational effect induced by electroweak interactions in pulsars 1
Gamasid mites (Mesostigmata: Gamasina) associated with bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae, Rhinolophidae, Molossidae) of boreal Palaearctic zone (Russia and adjacent countries) 1
Gamasid mites (Mesostigmata: Gamasina) parasitizing bats (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae, Molossidae) of Palaearctic boreal zone (Russia and adjacent countries) 1
Game as a tool for transgression in the novel La Joueuse de Go by Shan Sa 1
Game as an educational practice: A phenomenological and hermeneutic aspect 1
Game content in the media consumption by studying youth: Survey results 1
A game model for optimizing of strategies for diagnostic main gas pipeline networks 1
Game neological discourse and the problem of the writer’s crisis diagnostics 1
Game technologies for foreign language teaching at a non-linguistic universities as an element of psychokeeping technologies 1
Game text as a form of author's artistic world modeling. Part 1 1
Game vocabulary and specific features of its translation (based on the dorama "瞄准你的未来") 1
Game-based modeling in professional training of interpreter of Chinese language 1
Games in teaching Chinese students how to read the press (on the example of a newspaper chronicle) 1
Games that teachers play with the learners: language pedagogy in action 1
"Games with a case" and "The philosophy of chance" in the context of the philosophical and cultural problems 1
Gamification in education: characteristics and elements 1
Gamification of MOOCs: experience of development game applications 1
The gaming component of the media content: functional and typological models 1
Gaming vocabulary in the Middle Ob dialects 1
Gamma-spectrometric determination of uranium, torium and potassium content in soils of south-east of Tomsk region 1
GaN power electronics as a driver of energy efficiency growth in electrical energy converters 1
Gapped momentum states and piezo-nuclear effects in strongly coupled mesoscopic systems 2
Gaps in the penal legislation as a consequence of the dynamic development of criminal policy 1
Gas dynamics features of physico-chemical processes in the SRM large-sized charges at open firing 1
Gas extraction from porous medium containing hydrates by means of depression influence 1
Gas flow calculation method of a ramjet engine 1
Gas flow in a long tube with a permeable porous wall 1
Gas lasers pumped by diffuse discharge formed by run-away electrons 1
Gas lasers pumped by runaway electrons preionized diffuse discharge 1
Gas mixtures IR absorption spectra decomposition using a deep neural network 1
Gas sensitivity of IBSD deposited TiO2 thin films 1
Gas sensors based on pseudohexagonal phase of gallium oxide 1
Gas-dynamic approach to modelling a burning surface 1
Gas-free combustion regularities of Al-Ti-B system 1
Gas-phase oxidation of alcohols with dioxygen over Au/TiO2 catalyst: The role of reactive oxygen species 1
Gas-phase oxidation of alcohols with O2 and N2O catalyzed by Au/TiO2: A comparative study 1
GaSe:Er3+ crystals for SHG in the infrared spectral range 1
Gasless combustion in combined binary mixtures containing low-melting reagent: mathematical model 1
Gasless combustion in two-layer structures: a theoretical model 1
Gastic images as symbols of Christmas Moscow in the works of Ivan Shmelyov 1
Gastronomic metaphor in Russian linguocultural discourse 1
[Gaudeamus]. 12-го января 1885 года 1
Gaudia-vaisnavism in Russia: several words about establishment and local specificity 1
Gauge symmetries in 2D field theory 1
Gauge symmetry of linearised Nordström gravity and the dual spin two field theory 1
Gauge symmetry of unimodular gravity in Hamiltonian formalism 1
Gaussian approximation for MMPP/M/∞ with varied service 1
Gaussian approximation of distribution of states of the retrial queueing system with r-persistent exclusion of alternative customers 1
Gaussian asymptotics for a multiclass M/M/1/1 retrial queueing system 1
Gavrila (Ivan) Basov's life and art as the master of manuscript art (the last quarter of the XVIth - the first third of the XVIIth centuries) 1
Gazebo as a tool for investigation and modeling of robotic technical systems 1
Gazebo как инструмент исследования и моделирования робототехнических систем 1
Gazeta Transilvaniei si Bucovinei : organul Comitetului National Roman in Rusia 1
GC-based chemoprofile of lipophilic compounds in Altaian Ganoderma lucidum sample 1
Ge/Si avalanche photodiodes dark current 1
Ge/Si elongated quantum dots formation modelling with respect to the energy of edges 1
GE/SI quantum dots formation by the method of molecular beam epitaxy 1
Geant4 simulation of precipitated activity-to-γ-dose rate conversion factors for radon and thoron decay products 1
Geek culture in the culturological context 1
Geert Hoftede’s cultural dimensions as a scientific foundation of pedagogical interaction with foreign students 1
Gel polymer filled compositions with regulatedstructural-mechanical properties 1
The Geminid meteor shower radiant: a mathematical model 1
Gemmological features of Norilsk ammolites 1
The gendarme district in Siberia: system of organization and transformation 1
Gendarme reports of the 1850s–1870s as a source for studying the development of gold mining in Western Siberia 1
Gendarme staff officers and heads of the provincial gendarme administration in Tomsk Province: the practice of appointment and the social portrait 1

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