E-beam generation in discharges initiated by voltage pulses with a rise time of 200 ns at an air pressure of 12.5–100 kPa
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E-catalog as an information resource for users of the Tomsk University
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E-cigarette smoking vape impact on optical properties of porcine gingival mucosa measured ex vivo in the range from 200 to 800 nm
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E-commerce solution for the sale of microwave line accessories
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E-Government development strategy in Mexico for the 2012-2018 federal administration
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E-government implementation
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"E-Government" as a tool to improve public authorities
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E-groups and E-rings
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E-learning as a means to improve the quality of higher education
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E-learning as a modern resource of education
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E-learning as the way to improve foreign language teaching process at the military university in the context of education digital transformation
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E-learning course "Numerical methods and mathematical modeling"
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E-learning resource for supporting the course "Professional Translation and Communications"
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E-models of inflation and primordial black holes
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E-rings and their nilradicals
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E-solvable modules
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E-training (distance learning) elements for supplementary sports tourism education service: benefits analysis
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E-кольца и их нильрадикалы
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E-нильпотентные и E-разрешимые абелевы группы класса 2
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E-энгелевы абелевы группы ступени ≤ 2
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E. G. Etkind and P. Ingold as authors-compilers of the German anthologies of Russian poetry: the experience of mapping strategies
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E. Hemingway’s tradition in the creation of women characters by C. Bukowski and S. Dovlatov: "Women" and "Branch"
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E. M. Ineshin & A. V. Tetenkin (translated by P. N. Hommel & N. Reynolds). Humans and the environment in northern Baikal Siberia during the Late Pleistocene. 2017. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars; 978-1-4438-8277-4 £64.99
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Ealculation of water balance elements of forest basin by data from arcticDEM and climatic reanalysis
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The earliest barrow gold in the Lower Dniester region as an indicator of intercultural relations
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The earliest box-shaped iron smelting furnaces in Asia: New data from Southern Siberia
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Early adolescence behavior problems and timing of poverty during childhood: A comparison of lifecourse models
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Early career researchers and their authorship and peer review beliefs and practices: An international study
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Early career researchers in the pandemic-fashioned ‘new scholarly normality’: a first look into the big changes and long-lasting impacts (international analysis)
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Early career researchers in the pandemic-fashioned ‘new scholarly normality’: voices from the research frontline
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Early Cretaceous choristoderes (Diapsida, Choristodera) from Siberia, Russia
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Early detection of epidemics
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Early developmental trajectories of number knowledge and math achievement from 4 to 10 years: Low-persistent profile and early-life predictors
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Early devonian magmatism in Altai Mountains: relation of plume- and plate-tectonic factors
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Early maladaptive schemas as stress and emerging mental pathology "moderators"
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Early mesozoic lamproites and monzonitoids of Southeastern Gorny Altai: geochemistry, Sr–Nd isotope composition, and sources of melts
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Early Mesozoic lamproites and monzonitoids of southeastern Gorny Altai: geochemistry, Sr–Nd isotope composition, and sources of melts
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Early motherhood as a multi-aspect and multifactor phenomenon
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Early Nietzsche’s philosophical anthropology
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Early nomads’ clan organization and the problem of its identification
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Early Paleozoic intrusives of the Kuznetsk Alatau, Siberia: Isotopic evidence of oceanic lithosphere participation in sources
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Early physiological response of potato plants to entomopathogenic fungi under hydroponic conditions
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Early prediction of plastic strain localization from observation of mesoscale surface roughening
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The early proterozoic Matachewan Large Igneous Province: geochemistry, petrogenesis and implications for Earth evolution
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Early risk factors of overweight developmental trajectories during middle childhood
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Early stage litter decomposition across biomes
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The early stage of arctic anthropology in St. Petersburg: constructive endeavors at the Time of Interregnum
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Early traditionalism and socialist realism: the problem of artistic interaction in Leonid Leonov’s The Russian Forest
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Earth and sky equites of the Berezov city: the question of mytho-epic tradition in the historical consciousness of the Russian population in Asian part of Russia (XVII – early XX century)
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East and West in Hitler’s military strategic plans of '"post-Munich" period
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The East in the artistic creation of the romantic period
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The East in the european culture of the 19th century
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East Siberian Sea: Interannual heterogeneity of the suspended particulate matter and its biogeochemical signature
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East Slavic languages in the reflexion of a naive native speaker (content-analytical study of the social networks communication)
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East Slavic varieties of the plot about Marko the Rich (AaTh 930) in Siberian texts
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East Slavs’s pantheon: from heathendom to Christianity
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The Eastern origins of creativity A. Bakshi
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Eastern traditions in western culture
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EBSD analysis of aluminum allow AMg6 modified by groove pressing technology
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EBSD characterization of friction-stir processed 6061-T6 aluminum alloy
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An EBSD investigation of cryogenically-rolled Cu-30%Zn brass
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EBSD-исследование алюминиевого сплава АМг6 после интенсивной пластической деформации методом циклического рифления при прессовании
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Ecdysteroids and flavonoids of Silene graefferi
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Echo de la France trovblee, par le degvisé Mazarin. Representé par la figure d'vn ours.
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The echo of Arzhan or archaeological cultures on the chronological shelf
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Echo sounding for remote estimation of seabed temperatures on the Arctic Shelf
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Eco-friendly goods
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Eco-geographcal education and training students in secondary school by performans tour
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Eco-marketing: "green" advertisement, assistance of the market and other tools to promote technological innovation in the university cities of the world and Russia
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The ecogeochemical situation of southern flank of Sora copper-molybdenym deposit (Republic of Khakassia)
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Ecohumanistic aspects of the compensatory mechanism of culture
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Ecological and biological characteristics of Hemerocallis minor (Hemerocallidaceae) species, rare for Yakutia
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Ecological and biological features of Gentiana cruciata L. (Gentianaceae) in the south of the Tomsk region
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Ecological and biological features of Mertensia sibirica during introduction in the south of Western Siberia
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Ecological and biological features of Rhodiola algida оn the territory of the Akkol mountain-glacial basin (Altai Republic)
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Ecological and coenotic description of Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) at the highest line of its distribution in the Central Altai
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Ecological and coenotic positions of Maianthemum bifolium (L.) F. W. Schmidt and Linnaea borealis L. within their northern range periphery
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Ecological and economic components of personnel training for minerals processing enterprises
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Ecological and faunistic review of the coleopterous (Insecta, Coleoptera) dendrophagans of the Priketye conifer forests (Tomsk Oblast)
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Ecological and faunistical reference whitefishe parasites of Sobach'e Lake (Taimyr)
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Ecological and forestry results of experimental works on melioration of soils in the green zone of Astana
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Ecological and geochemical assessment of Nizhnevartovsk on the example of studying the elemental composition of solid phase of snow cover
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Ecological and geochemical assessment of the distribution of toxic elements in the soil cover in the impact zone of a mining and processing plant (using the example of the Khapcheranginsky mining and processing plant (Transbaikal territory)
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Ecological and geochemical condition of water bodies in the Grasberg miming area (Idonesia, Western Papua) and conditions of their autopurification
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Ecological and geochemical state of the territory of Taldinsky coal deposit
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Ecological and geographic education and training students by performance tour
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Ecological and geographical confinement of rare medicinal plants of forest flora of the Kuznetski Alatau in need of protection
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Ecological and geographical features of the Western Pamir-Alai endemic Ranunculus botschantzevii Ovcz.
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Ecological and morphological features of Rhodiola rosea L. in natural populations in the Altai Mountains
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Ecological and social problems of construction solid municipal waste landfills
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Ecological area of Atragene speciosa Weinm. in the Altai-Sayan mountain region
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Ecological area of Atragene speciosa Weinm. on the Kuznetsk Alatau
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Ecological arrangement of floro-faunistic heterogeneity of northern Eurasia
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Ecological aspects of microsporidia parasitizing in natural populations of the Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) blood-suking mosquitoes in Western Siberia
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Ecological aspects of territorial distribution of a fur carpet beetle (Attagenus pellio) in Surgut residential area
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Ecological characteristics of the major groups of fragments of tehnokompleks Adenophora coronopifolia Fischer at the Kuznetsk Aalatau
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Ecological condition of small reservoirs of different nature protection status (Samara region)
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Ecological crimes in Russian legislation from Russian Truth to modern law
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Ecological differentiation of mouse-like rodent (Rodentia) species in Altai-Sayan mountain forest belt
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Ecological diversity of soils of the micro hollows in the south-eastern part of Western Siberia
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