A. A. Ivanov. An ardent right-winger. Vladimir Mitrofanovich Purishkevich. St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2020. 621 p.
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A. I. Herzen in the minds of writers of the first wave of Russian emigration: problem statement
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A. I. Tevkelev's state activity on the implementation of the South-Eastern policy of the Russian Empire in the 18th century
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A. I. Yatsimirsky as the researcher of historical paper of the Balkan and Carpathian manuscripts
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A. N. Grabar's universities and teachers: on the history of professional formation of a historian
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A. N. Maikov's aesthetics and lyrics of the 1840s-1850s in I. A. Goncharov's artistic consciousness
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A. N. Ostrovsky and Carlo Gozzi
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A. P. Chekhov’s novella "The Steppe" in the "canonical" English translations made by C. Garnett and R. Hingley
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A. S. Lavrov, A. V. Morohin, Les zélotes de la piété : Essais sur l’Église et les activités littéraires
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A. S. Uvarov and P. S. Uvarova and museology in Russia
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A. V. Dukhnovych and his cultural and educational activities
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A. V. Khudyashev (1885–1927): biographical features and analysis of the artist’s creative heritage
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A. V. Kolchak government's crisis in the autumn of 1919 covered by the New York Times
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A. V. Potanina's scientific heritage: works on the daily life of the Buryat women in the XIX century
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A. Ye. Beideman's murals in St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris in connection with the Crimean period of the artist's oeuvre
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A.S. Budilovich and Carpathian Rus'
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Aactors of political space in the context of transnationalization
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Aadhaar (India): a national biometric identification program (experience and implementation)
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Aadhaar (Индия): национальная программа биометрической идентификации (опыт и реализация)
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Ab initio and multipolar characterisation of the induced dipole surface for CH4-CH4: Application to dipole-forbidden absorption in the Titan's atmosphere
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Ab initio calculation of ro-vibrational spectra for GeH4 molecule
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Ab initio calculations for search optimization of multicomponent alloy configurations
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Ab initio calculations of absolute surface energies of clean and hydrogen covered 3C-SiC(001), (110) and (111) surfaces
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Ab initio calculations of electric multipole moments, (higher) polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilitiy of (H2S)n, n = 1-4
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Ab initio calculations of electronic absorption spectra of para-substituted aromatic nitroso oxides
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Ab initio calculations of energy levels and ro-vibrational spectra for SiH4 molecule
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Ab initio calculations of optical constants of GaSe and InSe layered crystals
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Ab initio calculations of static dipole polarizabilities and Cauchy moments for the halomethanes, CHmClnF4mn
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Ab initio investigation of Co/TaC interfaces
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Ab initio investigation of electric and magnetic dipole electronic transitions in the complex of oxygen with benzene
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Ab initio investigations of Fe(110)/graphene interfaces
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Ab initio potential and rotational spectra of the CO-N2 complex
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Ab initio predictions and laboratory validation for consistent ozone intensities in the MW, 10 and 5 μm ranges
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Ab initio study of 2DEG at the surface of topological insulator Bi2Te3
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Ab initio study of antichalcopyrite Be2SeTe
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Ab initio study of electronic states of astrophysically important molecules
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Ab initio study of low-energy collective electronic excitations in bulk Pb
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Ab initio study of the adsorption, diffusion, and intercalation of alkali metal atoms on the (0001) surface of the topological insulator Bi2Se3
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Ab initio study of the CH4-Ar potential and induced dipole surfaces: true bound dimer content and collision-induced absorption
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Ab initio study of the O3–N2 complex: Potential energy surface and rovibrational states
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Ab initio variational predictions for high-resolution laser spectroscopy: Assignment of 107 new sub-bands of methane in the Icosad range 6280-7800 cm-1
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Ab initio variational predictions for understanding highly congested spectra: rovibrational assignment of 108 new methane sub-bands in the icosad range (6280–7800 cm-1)
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Ab initio исследование фосфоресценции гетеро[8]циркуленов
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Ab initio методы расчета влияния электрических полей на спектральные и электрические свойства атомов, ионов и двухатомных молекул : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора физико-математических наук : 01.04.02.
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Ab initio расчеты электрон-фононного взаимодействия и характеристик больших поляронов в рутиле и анатазе
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Ab initio расчеты электронных спектров поглощения пара-замещенных ароматических нитрозооксидов
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Ab initio расчеты энергий адсорбции атома кремния на крае и в изломах моноатомной ступени на поверхности Si(100)
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Ab initio теория электрон-фононных процессов в полупроводниковых кристаллах : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук : 01.04.10.
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Ab-initio design of the spinterface based on α-sexithiophene/LSMO
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Ab-initio study of cation-rich InP(001) and GaP(001) surface reconstructions and iodine adsorption
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Ab-initio study of metal-zirconia interfaces
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Ab-initio study of new Ga-rich GaAs(001) surface (4 × 4) reconstruction
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Abandonment of motherhood in the system of legal facts: problems of discrepancy between theory and practice
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Abbreviations of english and russian economic terms: a contrastive aspect
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The ABC and XYZ techniques modified for censored data
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ABC effect and resonance structure in the double-pionic fusion to 3He
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ABC- XYZ анализ: модификации при управлении материальными потоками: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 38.04.02 - Логистика и управление цепями поставок
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The ABC-XYZ analysis modified for data with outliers
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ABC-XYZ inventory analysis accounting for change points
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ABC-XYZ анализ ассортимента предприятия г. Томска по случайно цензурированным данным
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ABC-анализ при наличии дефицита
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Abductive step in dialogs. An informal approach
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Abelian groups with enough π-regular ring of endomorphisms
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Abelian groups with left comorphic endomorphism rings
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Abelian groups with sufficiently π-regular endomorphism ring
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Abelian SACR-groups
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Abies sibirica Ledeb. fine root respiration in the bilberry-sphagnum pine forest in the middle taiga
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Abilities as explanatory concept in modern psychology
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Ability of electric eels to generate electricity and what practical relevance it has today
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Ability of fullerene to accumulate hydrogen
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Ability self-disclosure mechanism in adolescents as factor of academic success
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Abiotic factors for forming landscape diversity
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The Abkhaz-Georgian conflict as the cause of the forced migration
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Ablation of biological tissues by radiation of strontium vapor laser
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Ablation of small meteor bodies: comparison of solid and porous body models
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Abnormally high work hardening ability and excellent comprehensive properties of copper alloys due to multiple twins and precipitates
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Aboriginal "small towns" of the Lower Ob of the 16th-17th centuries: problems of identification and correlation of written and archaeological sources
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Aboriginal small towns of the Lower Ob of the 15th–16th centuries: the trade aspect
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The abortive symbiosis: Tibetan medicine and the making of socialist healthcare in the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR (the 1920s – early 1930s)
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About 2-cascade finite automata cryptographic generators and their cryptanalysis
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About a permeability of graphene pores
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About a virgin who appeared to be insane: the origins of the holy fool image in Palladius’ Lausiac History
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About application of the theory of polynomials to the course of higher mathematics
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About Bulgaria as a about promising destination in the tourist market of the Russian Federation
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About Catabrosa genus in the Altai
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About changes time limits and structural units spring season in podtayge zone south-west of West Siberian valley
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About corruption: socio-economic aspect
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About crisis in aspect of problem of posthumanism future
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About criteria of modern art: cultural approach
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About cryptography in information security (on the example of TSU)
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About determining the wettability of coal surface
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About development of cognitive tools which is invariant to problem areas, and about their crossplatform program realization and integration into intelligent systems (part 1)
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About development of cognitive tools which is invariant to problem areas, and about their crossplatform program realization and integration into intelligent systems (part 2)
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About evaluation evanescent fields of aperture probe of the nearfield microscope
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About expansion of the subject of verification activities in proceedings in cassation courts
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About experience of musical and drama statement on the scene of the Krasnodar Musical Theatre
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About experience of tourism development in Canada
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About features of Hall effect in the n-CdxHg1-xTe MBE and LPE heteroepitaxial structures in the pulse magnetic field up to 55 T
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About features of the vocal speech in the Russian chamber music (on the example of M. I. Glinka's romances)
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About foreign experience of youth social entrepreneurship development
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