Қиличинг дамида тўғралсин жаллод олчоқдан қутилсин инсон, одамзод. Ёмоннинг жазосин бергани тез бор! Бўйнини шарт узиб қиргани тез бор! / авт. слов А. Умарий
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Қылмыстық-юрисдикциялық қызмет барысында генетикалық ақпаратты қолданудың моральдық негіздері
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ანტიფაშისტური გლობუსი
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Ἔνδοξα: from Aristotle’s topics to fuzzy logic
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Ἔνδοξα: от "Топики" Аристотеля к fuzzy logic
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‘As fast as the bird flies…’ : on the state administration of Siberian peoples in the 1920s to the 1930s
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‘Cracks’ in the scholarly communications system: Insights from a longitudinal international study of early career researchers
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‘Ethnic’ markets in the transport system of Irkutsk: construction and transformation of the urban space
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The ‘here’ and ‘there’ in Kyrgyz migrant stories: the case of Tomsk, Russia
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‘My idol, my teacher, my unattainable model!’: Ivan Turgenev as a reader of Alexander Pushkin
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The ‘nordic eye’ revisited. NAFA from 1975 to 2015
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‘Race’ and other group discrimination in the genomic era
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‘Squatting scene’ through the lens of the ethical turn
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‘The Kazym revolt’: on the history of the first visual anthropology project in Russia
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“...before the revolution the milling industry flourished, and was the profitable point of revenue”: nationalization and municipalization in Akmolinsk and Akmolinsk province in the 1920s of the XXth century
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“According to the system of our father Shakespeare”: dialogue of I. S. Turgenev with W. Scott (“Saint Ronan’s Well” and “Clara Milich”)
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“Anti-raskol” state confessional policy in Russia during the reign of Peter I
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“Every line of the draft of the new Constitution is imbued with concern for Soviet people”: ideas of justice and morality in the discussion of the 1977 draft Constitution
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“Family chronotope” and the local history in the memory of immigrants in the Republic of Tatarstan (based on the materials of field research in 2022–2023)
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“Forest frontier” of the Russian Empire: lower administrative-territorial structures of the tara district of the first half of the 18th century
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“Free” higher school in the Urals at the beginning of the twentieth century: people’s universities in the Russian province
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“Friend”: analyzing linguistic representation and modeling the category (based on Russian and American media texts on the armed conflict in Syria)
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“From gloom to lightness. From fight to the book. From sorrow to happiness”: leisure of the city dwellers of the Middle Volga Region in the 1920s.
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“Gallerie zu Shakspeare’s von Moritz Retzsch” (“Engravings for Shakespear by Moritz Retzsh”) – intermedial aspect (from the personal Graphs Stroganoff’s collection located at the TGU’s ScientificLlibrary)
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“Game-related phenomena” as modern mythmaking
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“Global Britain”: from Idea to Implementation
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“Grachevsky ostrich”: Maxim Gorky and his publishing environment in The Fatal Eggs by Mikhail Bulgakov
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“I am all impulse, I am all seeking...”: “Tomsk period” in the life and work of G. A. Vyatkin
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“I prefer to work for myself”: the entrepreneurship for migrants from Central Asia in a Siberian city (the case study of Tomsk)
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“In the meantime, we need to move up”: the housing shortage in the information agenda of Tomsk during the Civil war (1918–1919)
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“In the unity and diversity of artistic traditions” (book review: Sozina, E. K. (Ed.) (2020) A history of Ural literature. 19th century: in 2 books. Moscow: LRC)
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“Lenore” by Bürger / Zhukovsky in the creative consciousness of Afanasy Fet: russification, orientalization and other alterations
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“Museum construction should be science-based”: on the history of the conceptual model of the museum in the early Soviet period
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“New materialism” in sociology: ontological consequences
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The “Non-Euclidean geometry” of the manuscript: Mikhail Bulgakov’s digital archive
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“Oriental” sketches by Mikhail Lermontov from the Notebook Presented by Vladimir Odoyevsky: the history of the text and semantic architectonics
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“Orpheus in Hell”: the transformation of the myth Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in Boris Poplavsky’s novel Home from Heaven
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“Our brother-in-law Harald is going to sail”: Russian history in the ballads of Aleksey K. Tolstoy
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“Our class is the most friendly”: schoolchildren of Tomsk writing to a newspaper (1960–1970s)
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“Our journal enter in Scopus any minute”: content analysis of scientific electronic journals
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A “pitch-dark” character in a “pitch-dark” world of Russian postmodern drama
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“Polish question” in the Russian socialist journalism of the 1860s–1890s
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“Proletarianizing” the Soviet Higher School: a case study of Tomsk University
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The “researcher” as an epistemological status of a subject: social ethics and metaposition
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“Returning to the original meaning of words is the task of every poet”: Nikolay Gumilyov’s unknown review of Rene Schickele’s poetry
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“Right to the city”: political construction of post-pandemic world order
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The “Russia’s pivot to Asia” and perspective strategy of multilateral cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region
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“Sasha is drawing a rocket and Borya is drawing a candy...”: space representation in Soviet magazines for children in the late 1950s–1960s
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“Science has no fatherland: this slogan is both true and not” (foreign scientists’ responses on the 220th anniversary of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
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The “Siberian Project” of the correctional labor (penal) code of the Russian Federation during penal legislation codification
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“Siberian Questions” and “Questions of Colonization”: two views on issues of resettlement enterprise in Russian Empire in the begging of the XX century
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The “Standard Liar”: Wittgenstein, language-games and self-reference
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The “Star” magazine by Nikolay Gumilyov and Mstislav Farmakovsky
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“The Invisible Gardener or the Blind Watchmaker?”: an argument “from the laws of nature” in the context of the controversy between theism and naturalism
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“The Land and the People” in the context of Eurasianism concept (with an example on the materials of XVII – beginning of XX centuries)
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“The living and the dead” in the funeral and wake rites of Perm Prikamye
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“The painful monotony of conversations about one and the same thing”: сonstitutive signs of thematic discourse on the example of the discussion on political correctness in Germany
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“The poet’s inimitable breath”: the word in the practice of creating an Artist’s book by Mikhail Pogarsky
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“The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne in the creative mind of Ivan Turgenev: from reading to explication
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“The unexplored nineties”: systematization of sources and conceptual design of the database (a case study of Tomsk and Tomsk Oblast media system of the 1990s)
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“The work of reviewing”: the review as an artefact, institution and form of reflection in the academic world of today. Book review: Dolgorukova, N. M. & Pleshkov, A. A. (eds) (2020) Academic Reviewing in the Humanities: Genre, Studies, Texts. Moscow: Higher School of Economics
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“This book will be interesting for the reader who...”: types of readers G. L. Yuzefovich’s book reviews
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“This collision of two ideas, two rights, two equal motives…”: Turgenev’s perception of Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone
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“This whole matter was surrounded by some kind of mystery”: the fate of the manuscripts of Svyatoslav’s Izbornik and the book tradition of Siberian Old Believers of the second half of the 19th–21st centuries
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“To avoid ethnic hatred to local Finns”: organization of spiritual charity of Lutherans of Yenisei Province in the second half of the 19th century
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“Unchildren” themes in the repertoire of modern children’s publishers
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“We all need your dictionary”: letters to Sergey Ozhegov of the 1940s–1960s (to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the scholar)
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“We have no literature of art” (A. N. Maikov): on the state of Russian art criticism in the 1840s – early 1850s. Article two: new trends in russian art criticism of the 1840s – early 1850s
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“World literature” and communication: literary connections, reading practices
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A “worthy man” (“homo dignus”) in modern constitutionalism and in the legal regulation of the status of a person (domestic, comparative and international aspects)
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“Ya sidela u akoshechka, pisala vecherkom”: the vocabulary of women’s records from Northern Tomsk of Old Believers’ collection
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“Антисоветчик” Валерий Тарсис: поведенческая модель писателя-нонконформиста как реализация идентичности
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"…I would like to publish the third volume of my microlanguages": (to the philological portrait of professor A. D. Dulichenko)
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"…In a tattered wagon, amid chickens and kind bashkirs": Leo Tolstoy inverts western orientalism (creativity and life-creativity in the bashkir steppe)
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"…To take measures to prevent this corrupting work": The Young Men’s Christian Association in the perception of the Kolchak government
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"…Возможность проехаться и подышать западноевропейским воздухом": взаимоотношения науки и власти в сфере заграничных командировок в 1920-е гг.
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"…Принять меры для воспрепятствования этой разлагающей работы": Христианский союз молодых людей в восприятии Правительства А. В. Колчака
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"…Я хотел бы издать третий том своих микроязыков": (к филологическому портрету профессора А. Д. Дуличенко)
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∇N-Einstein almost contact metric manifolds
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∇N-Эйнштейновы почти контактные метрические многообразия
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⟨2⟩-exponents of shift register transformations nonlinearity dipgraphs
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当代俄罗斯文学: 回顾与趋势 (1990-2000)
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