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Comparing spatial ability of male and female students completing humanities vs. technical degrees 1
Comparison accounting stationary and nestacionarnyh velocities of the combustion of the gunpowder N under changing pressure 1
Comparison between thermoelastic and ablative induced elastic waves in soft media using ultra-fast line-field low coherent holography 1
Comparison of advanced turbulence models for the Taylor-Couette flow 1
Comparison of approaches to teaching english for students of non-linguistic faculty and educational students 1
The comparison of atmospheric instability indices retrieved from the data of radio sounding and MODIS spectroradiometer on thunderstorm days over West Siberia 1
Comparison of background donor concentration in HgCdTe grown with different technologies 1
Comparison of classification methods used for analysis of complex biological gas mixtures by means of laser spectroscopy 1
Comparison of coupled and uncoupled thermo-elastic models in the range of low temperature below zero 1
A comparison of Czech and Slovak lexical nuclei using vocabulary parametric analysis 1
Comparison of dead time estimates obtained by the method of moments and the maximum likelihood method in generalized MAP with two states 1
Comparison of deep learning sentiment analysis methods, including LSTM and machine learning 1
Comparison of different methods of the preventive destruction of a hazardous asteroid 1
Comparison of drone recognition methods 1
Comparison of educational theory and practical activities of an interpreter 1
Comparison of effective elastic properties of dispersed-filled polymer composites calculated under plane and spatial statements 1
Comparison of efficiency of vibromagnetic and ultrasonic methods of organic compounds extraction from sapropel in the water environment 1
Comparison of EOG and VOG obtained eye movements during horizontal head impulse testing 1
Comparison of experimental data and numerical simulation of large turbulent structures in diffusion flames 1
The comparison of extraction of energy in two-cascade and one-cascade targets 1
Comparison of friction and acoustic emission of Hadfield steel single crystals 1
A comparison of genome-wide DNA methylation patterns between different vascular tissues from patients with coronary heart disease 1
Comparison of historical interpretations on the example of smallholders’ land seizures in the Central Chernozem Region in the 18th century 1
The comparison of lightning activity registered by different lightning detection systems in the south-east of Western Siberia 1
Comparison of mathematical methods of geochemical data processing 2
The comparison of maximum likelihood estimation and method of moments estimation of dead time value in a generalized asynchronous flow of events 1
Comparison of methods for measuring the second dendrite arm spacing 1
Comparison of methods for optimization of conveyor production 1
Comparison of methods for RNA extraction from potato plants for real-time PCR 1
Comparison of natural and synthetic wollastonite modifying action in epoxy polymers 1
Comparison of nonparametric filtration algorithms with kalman filter 1
Comparison of one-dimensional and two-dimensional schemes for solving the main problem of internal ballistics of solid-fuel rocket engines 1
A comparison of People’s Liberation Army of China and Brazilian Armed Forces drill commands 1
Comparison of phase composition and physicochemical properties zinc- and coppermodified hydroxyapatite 1
Comparison of photonic nanojets key parameters produced by nonspherical microparticles 1
Comparison of protective reactions of rape seeds to chloride salination at exposure to epibrassinolide before or during salt stress 1
Comparison of robust estimates of modified variants of standard deviations and average absolute deviations 1
Comparison of second - and third - order asymptotic ana lysis results for MMPP|M|∞ with repeated requests 1
Comparison of soil moisture volume according to different measuring systems 1
Comparison of sufficient degree based conditions for Hamiltonian graph 1
Comparison of supported CrOx catalysts in non-oxidative and oxidative dehydrogenation of light alkanes 1
Comparison of temperature regimes of peat soils of wetland ecosystems in the warm season 1
Comparison of temperature sensing of the luminescent upconversion and ZnCdS nanoparticles 1
A comparison of terahertz electro-optic sampling in ZnTe, ZnSe, GaP and GaSe1-xSx crystals 1
A comparison of terahertz generation and detection in ZnTe, GaP, GaSe and GaSe:S crystals 1
A comparison of terahertz optical constants and diffusion coefficients of tissue immersion optical clearing agents 1
Comparison of terrain-based drift models to improve the quality of soil predictive mapping at a field scale 1
Comparison of the algorithm of multiscale image analysis in the frequency domain with the Mall algorithm 1
Comparison of the criteria for assessing the strength in the problems of mechanics of composites 1
Comparison of the effectiveness of optic atmosphere investigation tasks distribution techniques in local network 1
Comparison of the efficiency of microchannel and microjet systems for cooling thermo-stressed equipment 1
Comparison of the growth processes of germanium quantum dots on the Si (100) and Si(111) surfaces 1
The comparison of the image of a "Little Man" in Russian and Chinese literature (based on the materials by N. V. Gogol’s novel and Lu Xun’s story both titled "A Madman’s Diary") 1
Comparison of the MUSC-type schemes for a gas flow calculation in de Laval nozzles 1
Comparison of the near-Earth asteroids’ motion prognosis calculating perturbations from the ephemerides DE408, DE421 and DE423 1
Comparison of the photocatalytic activity of nanomaterials obtained by pulse laser ablation Zn, Bi, Ti, Sn and Mn targets in water 1
Comparison of the physical optics code with the GOIE method and the direct solution of Maxwell equations obtained by FDTD 1
Comparison of the speech portrait of the character in the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" in original and dubbed versions 1
Comparison of the structure and description of the processes of the life cycle of it services in ISO/IEC 20000 (2013) and documents ITIL V3 (2011) 1
Comparison of the temperature profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer in Tomsk with results of measurements of the profiler and radiosonde data 1
Comparison of training systems of quality management at the higher school in Russia and Germany 1
Comparison of turbulence models in the calculation of aerodynamics in the air centryfugal classifier 1
Comparison of two methods of estimation chaotic in the dynamics of near-earth space objects 1
Comparison of two statistical approaches to a solution of the stochastic radiative transfer equation 1
Comparison of two ways of assigning weights when fitting asteroid orbits 1
Comparison of wild and introduced Dracocephalum jacutense P.: Significant differences of multicomponent composition 1
Comparison study on consumer behavior on technology market: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 38.04.02 - Менеджмент 1
Comparison study on the properties of the CaP coatings formed by RF-magnetron sputtering of the Mg- and Sr-substituted ß-tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite 1
Comparisons in the book of travel essays Frigate "Pallada" by I. A. Goncharov 1
Comparisons of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic large igneous provinces and black shales in the North China and North Australian cratons 1
A comparitive analysis of foreign language teaching in modern educational environment in british and russian universities (the case of Durham University, UK, and Tomsk State University, Russia) 1
Compatibility problems of electrooculography and videoocuography systems during a head impulse test 1
Compatriots in the strategic priorities of modern Russia (1992-2018): federal and regional aspect 1
Compensation for environmental damage in Russian legal studies (review of literature for 2009-2019) 1
Compensation for harm caused by medical treatment: Tort law vs. alternative (insurance) scheme 1
Compensation for oil pollution damage 1
The compensation incentive effect of athletes: A structural equation model 1
Compensation to the convict for the harm caused by unlawful detention in the event of probation revocation 1
Competence approach in interdisciplinary education 1
The competence approach in teaching foreign military discourse 1
Competence approach to the preparation of technical specialists 1
Competence of the manager of the successful entrepreneurial project (regional aspect) 1
Competence-based training reform in Australia: lessons for Russia 1
Competence-oriented tasks as a way of self-organization formation while teaching a foreign language in a military university 1
Competency-based learning in the training of civil defense commissioners of educational institutions 1
Competing interactions between mesoscale length-scales, order-disorder, and martensitic transformation in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys 1
Competition of criminal penalties and other measures of penal liability 1
Competition of discourses and perception of nuclear energy risks 1
The competition of the provisions of criminal laws providing for exemption from criminal liability 1
Competition – game – ritual: Three aspects of communicative interactions in the courtroom 1
Competitive analysis of applications with the function of notification of the time of taking the drug 1
Competitiveness analysis of Russian regions' forest industries 1
Competitiveness problems for educational organizations in the terms of overcoming the digital inequality 1
Complainte des partisans au cardinal Mazarin. Sur le rétablissement de leurs bureaux en France 1
Complainte des partisans av cardinal Mazarin. Sur le restablissement de leurs Bureaux en France 1
Complementarity as a principle for developing partnerships in an innovative educational system 1
Complementary analysis of Mueller-matrix images of optically anisotropic highly scattering biological tissues 1
Complementing and eliminating images as cognitive ways of generating new conceptual meaning in secondary phraseologization 1
Complete mitogenome of the ixodid tick Ixodes pavlovskyi (Acari: Ixodida) 1
The complete works in the aspect of modern publishing strategies: the phenomenon of seriality 1

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