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Environmental challenges by geography 1
Environmental conditions in northwestern Russia during MIS 5 inferred from the pollen stratigraphy in a sediment core from Lake Ladoga 1
Environmental consciousness under the formation of scientific paradigms 1
Environmental consequences of landscape fires in Trans-Baikal forests 1
Environmental controllers for carbon emission and concentration patterns in Siberian rivers during different seasons 1
Environmental factors controlling zooplankton communities in thermokarst lakes of the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra permafrost peatlands (NE Europe) 1
Environmental factors of urbanization in the north of Western Siberia and their impact on urban development in the mid-1960s – 1980s 1
Environmental inequality: modern approaches to conceptualizing the concept 1
Environmental influence of problematic social relationships on adolescents' daily cortisol secretion: a monozygotic twin-difference study 1
Environmental issues in the publicism of Viktor Astafyev 1
Environmental journalism of the Southern Urals: Some features of the perception of modern content by the youth audience 1
Environmental knowledge of primary school children 1
The environmental law mechanism: concept and elements 1
Environmental legal aspects of stimulating innovation: EU experience 1
Environmental liability in French law 1
Environmental organization of spatial-typological diversity of the communities of terrestrial vertebrates of the West-Siberian Plain 1
Environmental problems of Tomsk 1
Environmental risk, environmental harm and insurance: civil and environmental legislation and law enforcement in the Russian Federation 1
Environmental self-regulation of business entities in Russia: the statement of the problem 1
Environmental storytelling: about narrative devices in computer games 1
Environmental, economic and social risks of nuclear power engineering (the case of the southern part of the Ob-river basin) 1
Environs de Moscou. Palais Impérial de Petrovskoï prés de Moscou : (15 octobre 1839) 1
Environs de Moscou. Église d'Ismaëloff. : 24 août 1839 1
Enzootic diseases and extinction of mammoths as a reflection of deep geochemical changes in ecosystems of Northern Eurasia 1
Ephemeroids of the family Ranunculaceae Juss. in the flora of Tajikistan 1
Epidemiological safety and mental health during the coronavirus pandemic 1
Epidemiology of cancer in the Altai Republic 1
Epigenetic differences in monozygotic twins discordant for major depressive disorder 1
Epilogve, ov Dernier appareil dv bon citoyen, Sur les miseres publiques 1
Epipaleolithic complexes of the Badynoko rockshelter (Elbrus region) 1
Episodic melting and magmatic recycling along 50 Ma in the Variscan belt linked to the orogenic evolution in NW Iberia 2
The epistemic aspect of the surprise exam puzzle 1
Epistemic communities in the promotion of ideas in the agenda of public administration 1
Epistemic grounds for the analysis of ethical statements in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein 1
Epistemic modal logic, universal philosophical epistemology, and natural theology: God's omniscience as a formal-axiological law of the two-valued algebra of metaphysics as formal axiology (demonstrating the law by "computing" relevant evaluation-functions) 1
Epistemic risks of the softwarization of modern research activities 1
Epistemological contributions to the study of science in the latter days of the USSR: rethinking orthodox Marxist principles 1
Epistemological fields and new narratives 1
The epistemological interpretation of de se attitudes 1
Epistemological norms and social practices of mathematical proof 1
Epistemological risk aspects 1
The epistemological roots and socio-legal prerequisites for the emergence of the principles of justice, integrity and reasonableness in the civil law of the Russian Federation 1
Epistemological status of a logical procedure: logical vs cognitive? 1
Epistemological, ethical, and aesthetic foundations of Dostoevsky’s existential analytics 1
The epistemology of smart technologies: is smart epistemology derived from smart education? 1
The "epistolary diary" of a writer and a contemporary addressee (Viktor Astafiev’s I Have No Answer...) 1
Epistolary didactics of Vasily Zhukovsky (based on correspondence with members of the royal family) 1
Epitaxial B-Graphene: large-scale growth and atomic structure 1
The epithet "Italian" in Alexander Pushkin’s literary, journalistic and epistolary works 1
Epoche and experience: metaphors and terms 1
EQ против IQ – кто победит? 1
The equality of ethnic groups and languages in the laws of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia (1946–1963) as a fundamental principle of the state formation 1
Equalizing academic achievement by means of mind mapping 1
Equations of moments for estimation of dead time in correlated and recurrent generalized MAP 1
Equations over direct powers of algebraic structures in relational languages 1
An equi-stress hole for a stringer plate with cracks 1
Equilibrium concentration of kinks on the SB steps of the Si(100) surface 1
Equilibrium electric current of massive electrons with anomalous magnetic moments induced by a magnetic field and the electroweak interaction with matter 1
The equilibrium of martensite shear stress at phase transitions in TiNi-based alloy 1
Equimorphism and related images in architectural form-making 1
Equipment for the production magnetic textured polymer material 1
Equisetum x mildeanum Rothm. (Equisetaceae) - новый для флоры Сибири гибрид хвоща 1
The equivalence of translation as a research problem 1
ER-model development for the RDBMS PostgreSQL of a psycholinguistic database RuWordPerception 1
ERA5 reanalysis for the data interpretation on polarization laser sensing of high-level clouds 1
Ergodicity of one server queuing systems in random environment 1
Erich Fromm 's critical anthropologism 1
Erinnerungsorte – kooperatives Lernen zwischen physischer und virtueller Mobilität 1
Ernst Jünger and the war experience of the Great War generation 1
Ernst Jünger’s phenomenon: building "beyond oneself" 1
EROS - автоматизированный комплекс эфемеридной поддержки наблюдений малых тел Солнечной системы 1
The erosion of patriarchal values in Conan Doyle’s detective fiction 1
Eroticism in Joseph Brodsky’s English poetry: linguistic peculiarities and translation difficulties 1
Erotization as the basis of female metaphor in the english language 2
Erratum to "Reducible gauge symmetry versus unfree gauge symmetry in Hamiltonian formalism" [Nucl. Phys. B 973 (2021) 115577] 1
Erratum to the paper "Fourier transforms CO spectra near 1.19 μm" by Yu. G. Borkov, A. M. Solodov, T. M. Petrova, A. A. Solodov, E. V. Karlovets, V. I. Perevalov [J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 242 (2020) 106790] 1
Erratum to the paper "Fourier transforms CO spectra near 1.6 μm" by Yu. G. Borkov, A. M. Solodov, T. M. Petrova, A. A. Solodov, E. V. Karlovets, V. I. Perevalov [J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 253 (2020) 107064] 1
Erratum to: A mobile full-time daily system for fetal monitoring 1
Erratum to: Principles of a prototype model of a device for automatic control of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation procedures 1
Erratum to: Search for single top-quark production via flavour-changing neutral currents at 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector 1
Erratum to: Search for supersymmetry in events containing a same-flavour opposite-sign dilepton pair, jets, and large missing transverse momentum in √s = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector 1
Erratum to: Special aspects of the development of health information systems as one of the areas of expertise of university students majoring in professional instrument engineering 1
Erratum to: Study of the spin and parity of the Higgs boson in diboson decays with the ATLAS detector 1
Erratum: Measurement of the inclusive jet cross-section in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV using 4.5 fb-1 of data with the ATLAS detector 1
Erratum: Search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying to a top quark pair in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV 1
Error correction circuits structures based on Boolean complement with calculation checking by code with summation of weighted transitions from bit to bit 1
Errors in determining coordinates in the digital holography of particles 1
Errors in the interpretation of the "occasion / event" concept in pedagogical research 1
Erucastrum gallicum (Brassicaceae) – новый для Сибири адвентивный вид 1
Erweiterung der Netzwerkkooperation von deutschen und russischen Universitäten im Rahmen des interkulturellen Telekollaborationsprojektes 1
Erythrocytes as regulators of blood vessel tone 2
Erythropoiesis-stimulating properties of anthocyanin-containing complex from Sorbus aucuparia L. in cytostatic anemic syndrome in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma 1
Escalation of ethnopolitical conflicts: rational calculation of the elites and the emotional reaction of the masses 1
The ESG coordinate system in the methodology of asset valuation 1
Esoteric metaphors in W. B. Yeats’ early poetry and its russian translations 1
ESP teaching strategies based on language learners’ beliefs 1
ESP как инструмент формирования культуры профессионального становления магистров направления "технологические машины и оборудование" 1
Especially of the burial rite Tashtyk' population (from anthropological analysis of cremated bones of Tashtyk monuments under stone plates in site Markelov Mys II) 1
An Essay on Russian Grammar by Vasily Zhukovsky 1
An essay on the poetics of Russian spiritual verses: symbolism of aquatic images 1

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