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Creative reindustrialisation of the second-tier cities in the digital transformation era: a study using SciVal tools 1
The creative sector and class of society 1
Creative thinking: the main directions of research 1
Creativity and thinking: categorical characteristics 1
Creativity of Victor Arnautoff in the 1930s : identity formation of the american artist 1
Cremations at the Oglakhty burial ground: random variability or variation in funerary practices? 1
Cretaceous System of Russia and Neighboring Countries: Problems of Stratigraphy and Paleogeography 1
Cricetus cricetus: distribution and population in Western Siberia, retrospective and current state 1
Crime and its control in Krasnoyarsk during the years of the Revolution and the Civil War 1
"Crime commission for the first time" as a key concept for optimization of application of institute of release from criminal liability 1
Crime concealment as an element of the method of committing slave trade and slave labor use 1
Crime in Brazil: features, counteraction, directions of researc 1
Crime prevention in the system of state measures for crime prevention 1
Crime provocation, its fiction and presumption: theory, law, the legal position of the European Court of Human Rights 1
The Crimea of the XIV–XV centuries in the dialogue of the cultures of Moscow Rus and Byzantium 1
Crimean repartition 1
The Crimean War in the reception of Egor Kovalevsky and Leo Tolstoy 1
Crimes against the sexual inviolability of minors in the Republic of Kazakhstan and their latency 1
Crimes under Article 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: legal, procedural, and criminological aspects 1
Criminal and legal aspects of preventive activities in the conditions of the "new normality" 1
The criminal and legal significance of formal and essential signs of illegal migration 1
The criminal case fabricated against the Gypsies in Novosibirsk in 1938 1
Criminal case – transition from paper to digital format 1
Criminal drink-driving: a look of a law enforcement agent and perspectives of prevention 1
Criminal justice in the post-genomic era: new challenges and the search for balance 1
The criminal law and penal policy in relation to parole 1
Criminal law and philosophy 1
The criminal law of pre-revolutionary Russia as a source of the history of childhood and motherhood 1
Criminal law protection of the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Republic of Tajikistan 1
Criminal law value of using electronic and information-telecommunication networks as an element of the method of illegal selling of narcotics 1
Criminal legal means against combating group crimes 1
Criminal legal protection of genetic data of the person: to statement of a problem 1
Criminal legal protection of minors from abuse 1
The criminal legal situation in ensuring economic security: the state and prospects 1
Criminal liability for actions of artificial intelligence: Approach of Russia and China 1
Criminal liability for battery (Article 116 of the Criminal Code of Russia): evolution of the law and problems of qualification 1
Criminal liability for breach of confidentiality regime in Russian and foreign legislation 1
Criminal liability for crimes related to illegal traffic of alcohol and alcohol-containing products 1
Criminal liability for non-performance or improper performance of duties of raising a minor in foreign countries 1
Criminal liability for smuggling in foreign countries 1
Criminal liability for violation of the legislation on foreign agents 1
Criminal liability of minors: main stages of the historical development of Russian legislation 1
Criminal offense: pro et contra 1
Criminal persecution in the Buryat customary law 1
Criminal policy regarding crimes committed in the sphere of business 1
Criminal procedural features of the appellate review of judicial decisions made during the execution of the sentence 1
Criminal procedure and criminal law contractual relations: A conceptual aspect 1
Criminal procedure as a form of social conflict resolution 1
Criminal procedure form: concept, properties, system 1
Criminal procedure law in the system of legislation on crime prevention 1
Criminal procedure science: peculiarities of understanding legal regulation in the applied science and sectoral law of the same name 1
Criminal procedure strategy: conflict of the goal 1
Criminal punishment in the form of forced labour: issues of compliance with international law 1
Criminal record and recidivism of crimes 1
A criminal record for crimes committed in the age up to eighteen years old 1
Criminal threats of 3D-printing (dark side of hi-tech) 1
Criminal trial in Russia: law and policy 1
Criminal-legal characterization of ways to information exchange on social networks on the example of Articles 148, 282 and 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1
Criminalistic accounting of firearms with the use of a marker on a shooting sleeve 1
Criminalistic analysis of individuals obstructing lawful entrepreneurial or other business activities as a factor of improving investigation efficiency 1
Criminalistic analysis of the subjects of crimes connected with the organisation of extremist activity 1
Criminalistic aspects of the pre-trial cooperation agreement 1
Criminality of persons with punishment suspended due to pregnancy or young children 1
Criminalization of communism in European Union’s supranational remembrance policy 1
The criminogenic influence of violent attacks in detention facilities on the criminal conduct and victimization of HIV-infected convicts 1
Criminological characteristics of mercenary crimes (a case study of the Altai Territory) 1
Criminological characteristics of repeated crimes committed by those sentenced to punishments not related to isolation from society 1
Criminological characteristics of the personality of a criminal who has committed embezzlement, alienation, concealment or illegal transfer of the entrusted property subjected to inventory or arrest 1
Criminological prejudgment in criminal and penal law 1
Criminological substantiation of penal sanctions of the special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1
The crisis of corporate identity of university lecturers in post-revolutionary Russia (1917 – early 1920s) 1
The crisis of self-consciousness of the Russian emigrant in the G. Gazdanov’s novel "Night roads" 1
The crisis of the Bretton Woods Monetary System and the beginning of European Monetary Cooperation 1
Crisis of the first year and its manifestations due to family interaction 1
Criteria and factors for a reasonable term of pre-trial criminal proceedings 1
Criteria for classifying crimes as private prosecution cases 1
Criteria for evaluating an index for risk-management of extraordinary situations of various genesis for the territory of the Siberian Federal District 1
Criteria for identifying middle-range theories in criminology 1
Criteria for Markov block ciphers 1
The criteria for predicting and prospecting of metal-bearing coals in the Far East of Russia 1
Criteria for the admissibility of a reduction by the court of the costs of paying for the services of a representative of the victim: the applicability of a cross-sectoral approach 1
Criteria for the analysis of causality theories of serial crimes (on the example of biological theories) 1
Criteria of compiling lexical exercises for teaching reading skills 1
Criteria of knowledge management system assessment 1
Criteria of seedling colonization in Siberian stone pine forests in Tomsk Oblast 1
Criteria of selecting quotation illustrations for sports eponyms’ lexicographic description 1
Criteria of the efficiency of symbolic attributes of power in the World Wide Web 1
Criteria related assessment and reflection as a way to increase motivation for foreign language acquisition in school and university 1
Criteria to be assessed in exercising legitimate interests of persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty 1
Criterion for binary decomposability of an algebraic operation 1
A criterion of colorectal cancer diagnosis using exosome fluorescence-lifetime imaging 1
Criterion of convergence of genetic algorithm to minimize the problems of multimodal function 1
Criterion of interfacial bridged cracks initiation and quasistatic growth 1
A criterion of plasticity flow for polycrystals at mesoscale level 1
Critical analysis of early Ludwig Wittgenstein’s theory of symbolism 1
Critical analysis of gender studies in foreign linguistics 1
Critical analysis of the hierarchical approach to the solution of the paradox problem 1
A critical analysis of Western European language ideology (prolegomes to the new social ontology of language) 1
Critical conditions of forced ignition in Ni-Al, Ti-Al powder systems under solid-phase synthesis 1
Critical examination of text summarization metric ROUGE: выпускная бакалаврская работа по направлению подготовки: 09.03.04 - Программная инженерия 1

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