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Arrest de la covr de parlement, Pour remedier aux desordres & pillages que commettent les Gens de guerre. Du treiziesme Iuin mil six cens cinquante-deux 1
Arrest de la covr de parlement, Rendu toutes les Chambres assemblées le Roy séant & présidant en icelle. Contre les sieurs Viole, Le Net, le Marquis de Persan, Marchin, & autres adhérans du Prince de Condé 1
Arrest de la covr de parlement, tovtes les chambres assemblees, Monsieur Duc d'Orleans present; Sur l'extremité des desordres arriuez en ce Royaume, par les Armées & Troupes des Gens de Guerre. Auec Commission & Reglement pour cét effet. Du 25. May. 1651. 1
Arrest de la Covr des Aydes, portant verification de la Declaration de sa Majesté, donnée pour faire cesser les mouuemens & pour retablir le repos & la tranquillité en son Royaume. Du 3. Auril 1649. 1
Arrest de la Covr dv Parlement de Bretagne, donné les semestres assemblez. Tovchant la convocation des Estats generaux du Royaume, & particuliers de la Prouince 1
Arrest du Parlement de Provence: sur les nouveaux troubles arrivez dans la ville de Marseille 1
Arrest dv Parlement de Provence: Sur les nouueaux troubles arriuez dans la ville de Marseille 1
[Arrest] de la Covr de Parlement, Donné toutes les Chambres assemblées le huictiesme iour de Mars 1649. en favevr dv mareschal de Turenne; & pour authoriser l'entrée de son armée en France 1
Arrêt de la cour de parlement contre un livre intitulé Histoire du ministère d'Armand Jean Du Plessis cardinal duc de Richelieu, sous le règne de Louis le Juste, treizième du nom, roi de France et de Navarre 1
Arrêt de la cour de parlement de Bordeaux portant cassation des jugements, condamnations et ordonnances du sieur Foulé, ensemble inhibitions et défense aux gens de guerre de s'employer pour la levée des tailles 1
Arrêt de la cour de parlement, donné en faveur des créanciers du cardinal Mazarin, portant la vente de ses meubles, et que les deniers en provenant, ensemble ceux des revenus de ses bénéfices, seront mis ès mains de maître Claude Martinet, payeur des gages de nosseigneurs dudit parlement, pour être distribués entre lesdits créanciers, ainsi qu'il sera par ladite cour ordonné 1
Arrêt de la cour de parlement, toutes les chambres assemblées, monsieur duc d'Orléans présent, sur l'extrémité des désordres arrivés en ce royaume par les armées et troupes des gens de guerre, avec commission et règlement pour cet effet 1
Arrêt de la cour de Parlement, toutes les chambres assemblées, portant renvoi et décharge de l'accusation contre messieurs de Vendôme duc de Beaufort, de Gondi coadjuteur, Broussel et Charreton. Du vingt-deuxième janvier mille six cent cinquante 1
Arrêt de la Cour des aides, portant verification de la déclaration de Sa Majété, donnée pour faire cesser les mouvements & pour retablir le repos & tranquillité en son royaume. Du 3. avril 1649 1
Arrêt de la Cour du Parlement de Bretagne, donné les semestres assemblez, touchant la convocation des États généraux du royaume, & particuliers de la province 1
Arrêt du Parlement de Provence: Sur les nouveaux troubles arrivés dans la ville de Marseille 1
[Arrêt] de la Cour de Parlement, donné toutes les Chambres assemblées le huitième jour de Mars 1649. En faveur du maréchal de Turenne ; & pour autoriser l’entrée de son armée en France 1
Arsenic-ion implantation-induced defects in HgCdTe films studied with Hall-effect measurements and mobility spectrum analysis 1
"Art 3.0" in the actual socio-cultural architectonics 1
Art and font design of electronic publications 1
Art as the production of life 1
Art blog texts as a source for studying the media image of China 1
Art mutual funds as a crossing of sciences 1
The art of carving as a manifestation of the national and cultural revival of the Lemkos-Rusins (the late 10th - first third of the 20th century) 1
The art of Russian costume in China 1
The art space in Eugene Vodolazkin’s novel Brisbane: The imagological aspect 1
Artemisia saurensis Kupr. – новый вид из Саура (Казахстан) 1
Artemisia saurensis Kupr., a new species from the Saur (Kazakhstan) 1
Arthur Schopenhauer as a poet 1
Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation needs improving 1
Article 333 of the civil code of the russian federation: problems of enforcement 1
Article about the textbook on the development of speech for foreign students: the material, structure and lesson tasks 1
Artifical intelligence, ownership of intellectual property rights and legal responsibilities - present & future 1
Artificial ecosystems 1
Artificial intelligence and the human mind 1
Artificial intelligence as a participant in civil relations: the transformation of law 1
Artificial intelligence in banking sector: consumer perceived threats 1
Artificial intelligence in countering crime: An international legal aspect 1
Artificial neural networks in modern technological art: the problem of authorship 1
The artificial organs: problems and future prospects 1
Artistic and mythological essence of a musical text as the basis for the semantic analysis of works of art: search methodology 1
Artistic collections in school museums, galleries and exhibition halls in the institutions of additional education of the Altai Territory 1
Artistic components of interactive design in the synthesis of arts of architectural space 1
Artistic concepts in the format of a poetic dictionary 1
Artistic connections of A. Beardsley and D. H. Lawrence 1
The artistic decoration of northern manuscripts 1
The artistic expansion phenomenon of sculpture parks on the international symposiums basis 1
Artistic functions of B. Pasternak lyrics in the story "Exchange" by Y. Trifonov 1
The artistic functions of the choir in novel "The Taking of Ishmael" by M. Shishkin 1
Artistic image and the problem of documentary in the works by Evgeniya Arbugaeva 1
An artistic image metaphoricity: cultural memory and translation 1
Artistic philosophy of "spring feeling" in lyric poetry by N. M. Karamzin and V. A. Zhukovsky 1
Artistic space as a means to psychologize the main characters in comedies "The Inspector" by N. V. Gogol and "Lack of Money" by I. S. Turgenev 1
The artistic specificity of the Transcarpathian material culture in the works by Sergey Makovsky: a look at the historical tradition as a fact of modernity 1
The artistical cast-iron of Kusa (1860-1917) 1
Artists of Semipalatinsk in the second half of the 1930s: expectations and reality 1
Arts of living on a damaged planet: ghosts and monsters of the anthropocene. Edited by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Heather Anne Swanson, Elaine Gan and Nils Bubandt. (Minneapolis, London: University Of Minnesota Press, 2017. 368 p. Price£22.99.) 1
The Aryan myth in the nationalisms of modern Tatarstan 1
"As adamite, we're a little the beasts of the forest..." (identification with the beast in the poetry of acmeism: ways of expression) 1
As USSR orientalists in Borovoe during the Great Patriotic War 1
As you give, you will receive? Language students’ attitudes to peer-assessment and feedback 1
Asceticism and foolishness of Christ in Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy 1
Aschet velocities of the combustion metallizirovannogo STT with provision for processes in gas phase 1
Ascriptive expressions and the construction of reality 1
Ascriptive legal language and its origins in the speech act theory 1
Ascriptive speech act and legal language 1
Asen Balikci's Russian overcoat. In memoriam 1
Ashig songs of Koroghlu: About connections with the ashig tradition and interpretation of the song form in Uzeyir Hajibeyli’s opera 1
Asian frontier and the foreign policy powers of the governor-generals in Asian Russia 1
Asian Russia education system development programs in the Second Siberian Committee records 1
Asie Politique. Atlas universel par vivien de Saint-Martin & Fr. Schrader 1
Asimptotic analysis of heterogeneous queuing system M|M|∞ in a Markov random environment 1
Aspect-predicate representation of component circuits for adaptive analysis 1
Aspects for efficient wide spectral band THz generation via CO2 laser down conversion 1
Aspects of AdS2 holography with non-constant dilaton 1
Aspects of constructing a positive image of a political actor in the crisis 1
Aspects of nonlocality in quantum field theory, quantum gravity and cosmology 1
Aspects of the theoretical understanding of the folk and folk stage dance of Altai 1
Asplenium sajanense Gudoschn. & Krasnob. 5
Asplenium sajanense Gudoschn. et Krasnob. Holotypus 1
Asplenium sajanense Gudoschn. et Krasnob. Isotypus, [1] 1
Asplenium sajanense Gudoschn. et Krasnob. Isotypus, [2] 1
Asplenium sajanense Gudoschn. et Krasnob. Isotypus, [3] 1
Asplenium sajanense Gudoschn. et Krasnob. Paratypus 1
Asplenium sarelii Hook. f. altajense Kom. ≡ Asplenium altajense (Kom.) Kom. Lectotypus 1
Assassin's Creed - the synthetic myth of modernity 1
Assassin's Creed - синтетический миф современности 1
Assemblages of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the wheat and corn fields of the West Siberian forest-steppe zone 1
Assembly instructions as a speech genre of engineering and didactic discourse 1
Assesmentof icing in-flight conditions over the south-eastern part of Western Siberia 1
Assess the feasibility of the technology of ionplasma treatment modifies the surface of the nanostructured titanium alloys 1
Assessing and developing the professionalism of professors of university teacher education: Changes in concept and technology 1
Assessing and improving the accuracy of T-matrix calculation of homogeneous particles with point-group symmetries 1
Assessing antioxidant activity of tea extracts and some of chemicals using voltammetry and potentiometry 1
Assessing regional innovation development using the DEA method 1
Assessing the effects of riboflavin/UV-A crosslinking on porcine corneal mechanical anisotropy with optical coherence elastography 1
Assessing the effects of storage medium on the biomechanical properties of porcine lens with optical coherence elastography 1
Assessing the genetic diversity of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) by microsatellites 1
Assessing the human capital’s balance in the Russian Federation 1
Assessing the impact of the integrated use of technogenic waste to resource cycles in the region (in the Kemerovo region) 1

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