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Effects of sonochemical modification of carbon nanotubes on electrical and electromagnetic shielding properties of epoxy composites 1
Effects of substrate and environmental adsorbates on the electronic properties and structural stability of antimonene 1
The effects of surface-layer grain size and texture on plastic strain localization and deformation-induced surface roughening in commercial purity titanium hardened by ultrasonic impact treatment 1
Effects of temperature oscillation on unsteady MHD hybrid nanofluid motion overa semi‐infinite moving vertical sheet 1
Effects of the grain shape and crystallographic texture on the grain-scale mechanical behavior of additively manufactured aluminum alloys 1
Effects of the processing technology of CVD-ZnSe, Cr2+:ZnSe, and Fe2+:ZnSe polycrystalline optical elements on the damage threshold induced by a repetitively pulsed laser at 2.1 μm 1
Effects of the transverse coherence length in relativistic collisions 1
Effects of thickness on corneal biomechanical properties using optical coherence elastography 1
Effects of ultrasonic melt processing on microstructure, mechanical properties, and electrical conductivity of hypereutectic Al–Si, Al–Fe, and Al–Ni alloys with Zr additions 1
Effects of uniform rotation and porous layer on free convection in an enclosure having local heat source 1
Effects of vibration and modification on crystallization and mechanical properties of АК7 alloy 1
The effects of wind and diurnal variability of surface heat fluxes on riverine thermal bar dynamics: a numerical experiment 1
Efficiency estimation of biological detoxification of lignocellulosic hydrolysates from inhibitors of acetone-butanol fermentation 1
Efficiency of 3D printing in educational robotics 1
Efficiency of computer testing in teaching mathematics at primary school 1
The efficiency of gendarme supervision of a private gold mining in Western Siberia in the middle of the 19th century (on the example of relationship with local executive power) 1
Efficiency of laser excitation of PO photofragments of organophosphates 1
Efficiency of laser excitation of PO-photofragments of organophosphates 1
Efficiency of mechanisms of innovative development of the Russian economy 1
Efficiency of Pseudomonas aureofaciens colonization in wheat rhizosphere under model condition 1
The efficiency of pumping the active medium of a copper vapor laser in the regime of reduced energy deposition 1
The efficiency of sulphaguanidine phototransformation in water 1
The efficiency of the healthcare sector: Evidence from Mongolia 1
The efficiency of the modern practice of teaching the critical analysis of historical sources in Russian teachers’ self-assessments 1
Efficiency of the phasor plot approach for the analysis of the antimicrobial properties of nanoparticles using two photon microscopy 1
Efficiency of the phasor plot approach for the analysis of the antimicrobial properties of nanoparticles using two-photon microscopy 1
The efficiency of the pumping of the lasers based on self-terminating atomic transitions operating in the energy input cut-off mode 2
Efficiency of the screening capacity of sprayed water during a fire 1
Efficiency of the voluntary movement from a position of quality management of public work 1
The efficiency of THz wave generation in β-BBO under visible and IR FS pulse pump 1
The efficiency of THz wave generation in β-BBO under visible and IR fs pulse pump 1
Efficiency of using of financial recources for chemical analyses in qualuty control department on modern pharmaceutical factory - evidence from Novo Nordisk company 1
Efficiency of using peat as a component of Pseudomonas-based boipreparation 1
Efficiency of vermicompost based on food waste in the conditions of vegetation experience 1
Efficient adsorbent-desiccant based on aluminium oxide 1
An efficient and effective democracy at the local level: new alternatives to policy networks 1
Efficient estimation methods for non‑Gaussian regression models in continuous time 1
Efficient FPGA implementation of a reconfigurable FSM based on substitutions 1
Efficient gas lasers pumped by double-discharge circuits with semiconductor opening switch 1
Efficient gas lasers pumped by run-away electron preionized diffuse discharge 1
Efficient management as a factor of success of the non-profit public organization 1
Efficient matrix multiplication for cryptography with a companion matrix over F2 1
An efficient method for energy levels calculation using full symmetry and exact kinetic energy operator: Tetrahedral molecules 1
Efficient N2laser pumped by nanosecond diffuse discharge 1
Efficient nonparametric estimation of square-integrable functions in continuous time regression models 1
Efficient pointwise estimation based on discrete data in ergodic nonparametric diffusions 1
Efficient S-repetition method for constructing an IND-CCA2 secure McEliece modification in the standard model 1
Efficient steganography detection by means of compression-based integral classifier 1
Efficient step-mediated intercalation of silver atoms deposited on the Bi2Se3 surface 1
Efficient synthesis of tetraacetylglycoluril in the presence of phosphorus-containing catalysts 1
Eggplant culture (Solanum melongena L.) in Siberia 1
Egods by William Sims Bainbridge: guarding the future or the past? 1
Egor Letov`s philosophy of creativity: from romantic rebellion to natural-philosophical myth 1
Egor Purtov and his expeditions along the coast of southeastern Alaska (1787–1797) 1
"Egorka’s Life" by George Grebenstchikoff in Russian and English: the constructing of imaginary Siberia 1
Egyptians in the Mamluk administration: al-Tablawi family 1
EHE: nonce misuse-resistant message authentication 1
Eigenfunction expansions of the magnetic Schrödinger operator in bounded domains 1
Ein Blick auf die heissen Quellen im Russischen Altai und ihre Umgebungen 1
Einige Inhaltskomponenten des DAF-Unterrichts im Masterstudium 1
Einsatz der neueren Informations-und Kommunikationstechnologien bei der Entwicklung der Hör- und Sprechkompetenzen 1
The ekological end geochemical assessment of soils of the Khemchik depression (Republic of Tuva) on cartographical models 1
Ekphrasis artistic functions in the novel "Maiden's Hair" by M. Shishkin 1
The elaboration of risk management regulations in higher education institute 1
Elastic precursor decay and spallation in nonporous tungsten carbide ceramics 1
Elastic properties of additively manufactured steel produced with different scan strategies 1
Elastic properties of fullerites and diamond-like phases 1
Elastic vortex displacements as precursors of mechanical stress relaxation in heterogeneous materials 1
Elastically stressed pseudomorphic SiSn island array formation with a pedestal on the Si(1 0 0) substrate using Sn as a growth catalyst 1
The elastocaloric effect in [001]-single crystals of titanium nickelide containing nanosized Ti3Ni4 particles 1
Elastocaloric effect in aged single crystals of Ni54Fe19Ga27 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy 1
Elastocaloric effect in heterophase TiNi single crystals 1
Elastoplastic deformation of rotating disk made of aluminum dispersion-hardened alloys 1
Elastoplastic properties of aluminium alloys at high strain rates 1
Elderly citizens' human capital preservation in the labor activity 1
Elderly women’s attitude to training in health groups 1
Election observation in a pandemic: a new reality 1
Elections to legislative assemblies of 2017 and dynamics of party systems in russian regions 1
Elections to the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly (December 1917 – January 1918): campaign progress, lists of candidates, and voting results by districts 1
Electoral absenteeism in the context of contemporary sociopolitical transformations 1
The electoral cycle 2012-2016 and party systems in Russian regions 1
Electric charge is a magnetic dipole when placed in a background magnetic field 1
The electric field and ultrasonic treatment casing of titanium dioxide 1
The electric field of the undisturbed atmosphere in the south of Western Siberia: A case study on Tomsk 1
Electric field of the undisturbed atmosphere in Tomsk 1
Electric properties of stannous and stannic halides: How good are the experimental values? 1
Electric pulse heating of reactive compositions by thin-walled conductors-heaters in the modes of multi-point ignition of propellant charges 1
The electrical activity of the human heart during ventricular repolarization under acute normobaric hypoxia before and after interval hypoxic training 1
The electrical characteristics of a field effect transistor on the basis of pentacene 1
Electrical characteristics of epitaxial MCT after As+ implantation 1
Electrical characteristics of metall-TiO2-Si structures on an alternating signal 1
Electrical characteristics of n-GaAs-anode film-Ga2O3-metal structures 1
Electrical characterization of insulator-semiconductor systems based on graded band gap MBE HgCdTe with atomic layer deposited Al2O3 films for infrared detector passivation 1
Electrical conductive and photoelectrical properties of heterostructures based on gallium and chromium oxides with corundum structure 1
Electrical explosion synthesis, oxidation and sintering behavior of Ti-Al intermetallide powders 1
Electrical muscle stimulation as a method of training javelin 1
Electrical profiling of arsenic-implanted HgCdTe films performed with discrete mobility spectrum analysis 1
Electrical properties of carbon foam in the microwave range 1
Electrical properties of nBn structures based on HgCdTe grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates 1
Electrical properties of n‑HgCdTe MIS structures with HgTe single quantum wells 1

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