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The contradiction of foreign English and own Russian colonialism in I. Goncharov’s travelogue The Frigate Pallada 1
The contradictions of the historical and social memory in relations between church and state 1
Contrast and diffuse form of multidimensional the Tajik and Uzbek monody 1
Contrast in political cartoons of the Great Patriotic War 1
Contrasting metamorphic gradients: Barrovian-type vs. high-pressure metamorphism. An example on the northern margin of Gondwana (NW Iberia) 1
Contrasting metamorphic gradients: Barrovian-type vs. high-pressure metamorphism. An example on the Northern margin of Gondwana (NW Iberia) 1
Contrastive imagery gradation in forming opposite phraseological semantics 1
Contrat de mariage du parlement avec la ville de Paris 1
Contribution of A. Kannisto and V. N. Chernetsov to mansi ethnography 1
Contribution of Al2O3 nanoparticles to the structure and sensitivity to changes in the strain rate of undoped aluminum grade A0 1
Contribution of B. G. Mogilnitski to the development of the Tomsk historiographical school (to the 90th anniversary of B. G. Mogilnitski) 1
Contribution of forest fire ash and plant litter decay on stream dissolved composition in a sub-humid tropical watershed (Mule Hole, Southern India) 1
The contribution of M. Ştefănescu to the studies of the Rusin toponymy of the Carpathian-Dniester lands 1
The contribution of Orthodoxy to the formation of a social health institution in Russia 1
The contribution of Problem laboratory of history, archaeology and ethnography of Siberia staff to the works of Museum of archaeology and ethnography of Siberia 1
The contribution of the professor V. P. Boiko in the study of the enterpreneurship and the history of Siberian merchants 1
Contribution of the scientific community of the Imperial Tomsk University to the organization of psychiatric care and charity of the mentally ill on the materials of the section of psychiatry of the First Congress of doctors of Tomsk province (1917) 1
The contribution of the Siberian physicists’ scientific community to Russian modernization at the end of XIX first half of the XX centuries 1
The contribution of the Udmurt Military-Industrial Complex to the development of the social sphere and the infrastructure of the republic in 1945–1956 1
The contribution of Tomsk geographers in the study of the nature of Siberia: to 95-anniversary of Department of Geography and the 100th anniversary of the Natural Science Department of Geology and Geography Faculty of Tomsk State University 1
The contribution of Tomsk Province’s society of practitioners to the development of health care quality in Tomsk and Tomsk Province 1
The contribution of Tomsk research and educational park to development of research in cybernetics in 1950-1960s 1
Contribution to the ectoparasite fauna of bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae, Rhinolophidae) of Crimea 1
Contribution to the ectoparasite fauna of rare and poor studied bat species of Southern Siberia 1
Contribution to the fauna and bionomics of entomophagous insects feeding on the small spruce bark beetle Ips amitinus (Eichh.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in West Siberia 1
Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 3 1
Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 4 1
Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 6 1
Contribution to the solution of the problems of the development of the younger generation's scientific and technical potential 1
A contribution to the theory of gas hydrate particle formation and decomposition in the process of their ascent in water. 1
Contributions for apartment houses capital repairs in Russia: about supposed and true beneficiaries 1
Contributions of chemistry and material sciences to the translational research: examples of the current research 1
Contributions to joint ventures’ authorized (joint-stock) capital and mutual fund: knowledge, skills and abilities 1
Control algorithms for discrete delayed systems with unknown inputs and model parameters using nonparametric technique 1
Control and supervision over the use of genetically modified organisms in Russia and Germany 1
Control conductance of single walled carbon nanotubes films during synthesis 1
Control function and biological carrier in quantum model of emotional meaning 1
Control of a robot manipulator in conditions of uncertainty 1
Control of discrete delay systems with incomplete information on the model perturbations 1
Control of levitating particle in ultrasound field 1
Control of lung myofibroblast transformation by monovalent ion transporters 1
Control of nanoliquid thermal convection with combined effects of rotation, magnetic field, and porous object in a cylindrical cavity 1
Control of optical transparency and infrared laser heating of costal cartilage via injection of iohexol 1
Control of oxidative stress in the exhaled air by the method of laser spectroscopy 1
Control of Pt species formation in Pt/CeO2 catalysts via pretreatment of support and catalyst 1
Control of structure and properties of deposited wear-resistant coatings by modification of the melt of the low-frequency modulation take 1
Control of structurization processes in wood-cement systems at fixed pH 1
Control of terahertz polarization sensitive filters based on the formation by a magnetic field of structures of microparticles of the 5BDSR alloy in a liquid medium 1
Control of the Lyapunov spectrum of discrete systems with chaotic dynamics 1
Control of the magnitude and spatial distribution of interference energy flows in near fields of systems of identical radiators 1
Control over oscillation frequencies of resilient electromechanical system 1
Control over the propagation of high-power phase-modulated femtosecond laser pulses in air 1
The control over the Trans-Siberian Railway as a motive for Britain’s participation in an allied intervention in the Far East and Siberia in 1917–1919 and its role in the operation (based on the memorandum “Siberia” by George Nathaniel Curzon (December 20, 1919)) 1
Control procedures as a tool for preventing financial fraud 1
Control strategies for discrete delayed systems with unknown input using nonparametric algorithms 1
Control system of parameters of the azimuthal module 1
Controllable electronic transformer based on the resonance structure with switching capacitor for low-rise buildings residential area power supply stabilization systems 1
Controlled drug release from electrospun PCL non-woven scaffolds via multi-layering and e-beam treatment 1
A controlled focus of microwave radiation 1
Controlled nitrification 1
Controlled oxidation of cobalt nanoparticles to obtain Co/CoO/Co3O4 composites with different Co content 1
Controlled restoration of forest ecosystems on sandy technogenic substrates in the far northern taiga of the Russian European Northeast 1
Controlled spectral translucence of nanoporous SiO2/Al2O3 xerogel filled with ammonia and acetone 1
Controlled synthesis of MnO2 nanocatalysts 1
Controlling food safety management system of enterprises: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 38.04.02 - Менеджмент 1
Controlling of Ge quantum dots arrays parameters in Ge/Si nanoheterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy method 1
Controlling the near-infrared transparency of costal cartilage by impregnation with clearing agents and magnetite nanoparticles 1
The controversial issues of Batu’s invasion on the southwest Rus’ and Prykarpattya 1
Controversial issues of geomorphology and paleogeography of the Upper Yenisei valley 1
Controversial issues of the introduction of content and language integrated learning approach to teaching foreign language professional communication in Russia 1
Controversy over GMO: science vs bias 1
Convection analysis of the radiative nanofluid flow through porous media over a stretching surface with inclined magnetic field 1
Convection heat transfer in enclosures with inner bodies: A review on single and two-phase nanofluid models 1
Convection in a differentially heated cubic cavity rolling about horizontal axis 1
Convective flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in a flat channel with a porous insertion 1
Convective heat transfer in a rotating nanofluid cavity with sinusoidal temperature boundary condition 1
Convective heat transfer in a vertical rectangular duct filled with a nanofluid 1
Convective heat transfer of a pseudoplastic nanosuspension within a chamber with two heated wall sections of various heat fluxes 1
Convective potential of the atmosphere of Western Siberia in a changing climate 1
Convective-radiative heat transfer in a rectangular cavity with heatconducting solid walls and local heater 1
Convective-radiative heat transfer in rotating regions with heat sources 1
Convective-radiative magnetized dissipative nanofluid (CNTs-water) transport in porous media, using Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer model 1
Conventional legal regulation of value-added taxation by the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council 1
Conventionalism and the research potential of semantics 1
Conventionality as a factor for the sustainable development of the society 1
Convergence and isotopic studies of methane spectra by global variational calculations 1
Convergence of an iterative algorithm for computing parameters of multi-valued threshold functions 1
Convergence of locally selfsimilar solutions to exact numerical solutions of boundary layer equations for a plate 1
Convergence of means from track and field athletics in the training of athletes involved in the northern multiathlon 1
Convergence of metonymy and metaphor in the pedagogical discourse of the Soviet period 1
Convergence of multicultural and multilingual education in the context of student´s foreign language training 1
Convergence of normal mode variational calculations of methane spectra: Theoretical linelist in the icosad range computed from potential energy and dipole moment surfaces 1
Convergence of parceling and metaphor as means of focusing in literary and media discourses 1
Convergent-conceptual algorithm for the research of the artistic concept "Siberia" in the text of Georgy Grebenshchikov: An experience of a system-level model 1
The conversation about light. Expressive possibilities of light in painting 1
Conversational simulators in the formation of communication skill of dialogic speech 1
Conversion of 8-MOP in water-ethanol solution under influence of irradiation of XeBr and KrCl exilamps in the presence of H2O2. 1
The conversion of linear C5-C8 alkanes over NI-ZSM-5 1
Conversion of the anomalous skin effect to the normal one in thin-film metallic microwave systems 1
Conversion of the technology of sports training design in the professional applied physical training of future military engineers-repairmen 1

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