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Change in situation as one of the bases of conviction without sentencing in the Russian criminal proceedings 1
Change in the composition of the spore-pollen spectra along the altitude profile in the river basin of Aktru river (Central Altai) 1
Change in the content of total carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the boreal soils of the Republic of Karelia when used in agriculture 1
Change in the discursive policy of the subject in uinversity education 1
Change in the electronic properties of an InAs (111)A surface at oxygen and fluorine adsorption 1
Change in the expression of receptors of tumor-associated macrophages under the cisplatin treatment 1
A change in the list of the grounds for a cassation review of a verdict ruled by a court in a special order owing to a pre-trial cooperation agreement 1
The change in the quantity of macrophages and their stabilin-1+ M2 subpopulation in the myocardium in patients during early postinfarction period 1
Change in the vegetation of the Karakanskiy ridge near surface coal mines 1
Change in urinary myoinositol/citrate ratio associates with progressive loss of renal function in ADPRD patients 1
The change of approach to English translations of Alexander Pushkin’s A Journey to Arzrum 1
Change of cathodoluminescence spectra of dimonds irradiated by electron beam 2
Change of electroluminescent characteristics of oled using technology of doping 1
Change of physico-chemical and adsorption properties of alumina driers when modifying their bases 1
Change of task in search of criminal proceeding resources 1
Change of the physical-chemical properties of natural zeolite after mechanical activation 1
Change of topography of Ni Ti surface after treatment by silicon and tantalum ions beams 1
Change of water properties in the process of destruction of flood plants 1
Change of ZnO nanoparticles colloidal behavior in aqueous solutions of humic acids 1
Change response styles in the structure of the psychological system of activity in youth from St. Petersburg and Tomsk 1
Change the properties of the southern Chernozem in conditions of monoclinal relief Shira steppe 1
Change, repetition and history 1
Change-point detection in AR(1) process with unknown parameter after the disruption 1
Changes in anti-erosion resistance of irrigated grey Cinnomanic soils of the dry subtropical zone of Azerbaijan depending on the age of irrigation 1
Changes in arable land use in Siberia in the 20th century and their effect on soil degradation 1
The changes in chromosome 6 spatial organization during chromatin polytenization in the Calliphora erythrocephala Mg. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) nurse cells 1
Changes in cultural sphere of society: information approach 1
Changes in optical properties of model cholangiocarcinoma after plasmon-resonant photothermal treatment 1
Changes in physical and mechanical properties of the Al-based alloy 1560 caused by severe plastic deformation 1
Changes in profiles of classes and of individual polyphenols in leaves of Spiraea chamaedryfolia and Spiraea media along an altitudinal gradient 1
Changes in rules of substantive law as grounds for reversal of a judgment in appeal proceedings 2
Changes in sensorimotor indicators human organism in a gradient magnetic field 1
Changes in the amount of court fees and financing of arbitration courts as a prerequisite for improving the effective protection of entrepreneurs 1
Changes in the cultural landscape during the Soviet and the post-Soviet periods: rural temples and cemeteries (on the example of the Komi Republic) 1
Changes in the electro-physical properties of MCT epitaxial films affected by a plasma volume discharge induced by an avalanche beam in atmospheric-pressure air 1
Changes in the electro-physical propertyies of MCT epitaxial films affected by a plasma volume discharge induced by an avalache beam in atmospheric-pressure air 1
Changes in the European Union – United States relations after Biden administration took office 1
Changes in the exciton cathodoluminescence spectra of diamond at elevated temperatures 1
Changes in the intra-annual distribution of precipitation and the dynamics of snowfall in the Kuznetsk Alatau Mountains 1
The changes in the lexicographic principles of representation of phraseological units and stable word combinations in the Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language and in the Large Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language 1
Changes in the lichen cover of palsas peatlands in the cryolithozone of Western Siberia under the influence of peat fires 1
Changes in the moisture of the Caspian region of Russia due to global warming 1
Changes in the physical properties of soils as a result of forestry activities in the larch forest of Kuznetsk Alatau 1
Changes in the plasma levels of myokines after different physical exercises in athletes and untrained individuals 1
Changes in the plasma levels of myokines after different physical exercises in athletes and untrained persons 1
Changes in the sets and levels of flavonoids and phenolcarboxylic acids in the leaves of Spiraea betulifolia subsp. aemiliana (Rosaceae) during introduction into Novosibirsk conditions 1
Changes in the spectral characteristics of biological tissues depending on temperature 1
Changes in the stress-strain states of subsurface layers of steel during loading 1
Changes in the structure and aboveground biomass of stands in the transition zone between the forest and mountain steppes in the Kraka massif, South Urals 1
Changes in tourism legislation as a factor of development of internal tourism 1
Changes in tree growth synchrony and resilience in Siberian Pinus sylvestris forests are modulated by fire dynamics and ecohydrological conditions 1
Changes in unfrozen water contents in warming permafrost soils 1
Changes of meteorological quantities and background activity of ionizing radiation during the passage of mesoscale convective complexes 1
Changes of the actor structures and configuration of Ukraine's party system by the results of 2019 presidential and parliamentary elections 1
The changes of tour industry’s legal regulation (by the example tour operator business) 1
Changes of urban-related identity depending on the time of residence 1
The Changing Arctic : . 1
The Changing Arctic : massive open online course. 1
Changing climate extremes in Western Siberia: tendencies and distribution 1
Changing demand for education as a reflection of the transformation of the social norm 1
The changing identity of the community of the St. Augustine, Province of Quebec, Canada 1
Changing the character of the gendarms supervision for the Siberian gold industry in the 50s-70s 19th of the century 1
Changing the characteristics of regulatory controls and value orientations of students in the context of a pandemic 1
Changing the media repertoire in the process of transnational migration: a case study of Russophones 1
Changing the procedural status of the prosecutor in the pre-trial stages of the criminal process 1
Channel erosion as one of the leading exogenous processes in the Western Siberia 1
Channel morphodynamics of the mouth section of the Olha river over a ten-year period 1
Channels, instruments and methods of media support of volunteer projects 1
Chaotic and regular dynamics study of the asteroids – Venus companions 1
The character image of russian and soviet cinema: from socialist realism model to uncertainty of post-soviet period 1
The character of "patsan" as an image of masculine features in russian cinema: characteristics and reasons of relevance 1
The character of a work of art as an independent object of copyright: theory and practice 1
Character of localized deformation and fracture of solids at mesolevel 1
The character of the leader in the cinematograph of Dziga Vertov 1
Characterisation of the dip-bump structure observed in proton–proton elastic scattering at √s = 8 TeV 1
Characterisation of the HEXITEC4S X-ray spectroscopic imaging detector incorporating through-silicon via (TSV) technology 1
Characterisation of the ultrasonic acoustic spectrum and pressure field in aluminium melt with an advanced cavitometer 1
Characteristic features of adapted legal text 1
Characteristic features of higher education in France 1
Characteristic features of physical and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained Al–Mg alloy 1560 1
Characteristic of antagonistic activity of Staphylococcus aureus in cross-species interaction between microorganisms 1
The characteristic of geological knowledge from the standpoint of narratology 1
Characteristic of prototypes of biblical phraseology and ways of their transformation to language units 1
Characteristic of the moisture and thermal regims of oligotrofic bog 1
Characteristic of the snow cover for the Western Siberia territory 1
Characteristics and perspectives of laser welding for glass 1
Characteristics cerebral blood flow cyclic sports athletes in the performance of cognitive tests 1
Characteristics of a pulse-periodic corona discharge in atmospheric air 1
Characteristics of a quasi-stationary non-self-sustained pulsed gas discharge with a hot cathode 1
Characteristics of alexithymia in the context of mental health 1
Characteristics of alexithymia in the context of mental health in adolescence and youth 1
Characteristics of an ultrawideband 8x8 array of cylindrical helical antennas 1
Characteristics of atmospheric radiation for control of plant conopy changes 1
Characteristics of clinical current and structural-functional state of left ventricular in decompensation of chronic heart failure in patients with ischemic chronic heart failure with systolic dysfunction and inflammation of the myocardium 1
Characteristics of coenopopulations of rare mountain and rocky species in Trans-Urals of Bashkortostan Republic 1
Characteristics of convective clusters reconstructed from data obtained with atovs sensing TOOLS 1
Characteristics of cyclones formed over the Western Siberia depending on the area of their formation 1
Characteristics of Hadamard square of special Reed — Muller subcodes 1
Characteristics of heavy precipitation in Western Siberia 1
Characteristics of hydrogen sensors based on thin films Au/SnO2:Sb, Au, Ni 1

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