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Arbitrability of maritime disputes with a public element 1
Archaeological conferences as an effective form of science communication (comparative analysis of two regular forums) 1
Archaeological evidences of trade relationship in the town of Tara in XVII–XIX centuries 1
Archaeological heritage in museum-reserves of European region of Russia 1
Archaeological microdistricts and problems of cultural chronostratigraphy in the south of Tom-Chulym region (Neolithic-Paleometal–Middle Ages) 1
Archaeology and Paleoecology of Beringia revisited: review of W. Roger Powers, R. Dale Guthrie, and John F. Hoffecker. Dry Creek: Archaeology and paleoecology of a Late Pleistocene Alaskan Hunting Camp. Edited by Ted Goebel. 2017. College Station: Texas A&M University Press. ISBN: 978-1-65982-349-538-1; XI, 330 pages, with 127 illustrations and 44 tables. Listprice $50 US (hardback). Photo courtesy of Texas A&M University Press 1
Archaeology, culture heritage, vandalism and armed conflicts 1
Archaeology, historical heritage and ethical issues 1
Archaeometallography: historiographical notes 1
The archaic and hospitality in an ecophilosophical perspective 1
Archaic items found in a children’s grave in the Selkup burial ground on the river Tym 1
Archaisms and computer spell check (on the material of the anthology Poetry of Moscow University: from Lomonosov to...) 1
Archaisms and historicisms in the Comprehensive Chinese-Russian Online Dictionary (大ВКRS) 1
Archetype of corporativity in globalization process 1
The archetype of the national system of criminal procedure and the prosecutor as its dominant subject 1
Archetypes in the context of a priori knowledge and episteme 1
Archetypes of digital nomadism in advertising 1
Archimandrite Vitaly (Maksimenko) about Slavic unity and the Ukrainian question 1
Architecting the life you want 1
Architectonics of personnel development: a new outline in the market economy of the 21st century 1
Architectural and artistic design: basic models of development 1
Architectural creativity of the municipal union of Novosibirsk housing cooperatives in the first five years 1
Architectural design of the system for university innovation management and educational process supporting 1
Architectural heritage phenomenon 1
Architectural space - a form of cultural and communicative space 1
Architectural space of the new time: dynamics and organizational features 1
Architecture and design: substitution in arttraning of decorative disciplines in project field 1
The architecture of a neural network with a sequential division of images into pairs 1
Architecture of automated information system for the classification of data from XML documents 1
Architecture of SLAM navigation on the example of Octomap software 1
Architecture of the European Middle Ages in the context of culture 1
Archival collections in the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Research Library of Tomsk State University: Experience and prospects of work 1
Archival documents on the participation of Kazakhs in the World War II in Italy 1
Archival materials of the journal “Communist” period of “perestroika”: the source research discourses and social aspects of studying the party ideology 1
Archival primary sources about the Jewish ancestors of V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) 1
Archive of radar observations of meteors in Tomsk in 1965–1966 1
Archive of V. N. Chernetsov as a creative laboratory of a researcher (1920s) 1
Arctic aspect of the Arkhangelsk Region inhabitants identity formation 1
Arctic universities of Russia and Norway expand cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic region 1
The Arctic zone: possibilities and risks of development 1
Arctic, as object of tourism interest 1
The Arctic: an indicator of the planet's health 1
Are carbon nanotubes with impurities and structure disorder metals or semiconductors? 1
Are cassation instance instruments sufficient for the identification of judicial errors? 1
Are game methods effective in the formation of oral speech skills in elementary school? 1
Are Russian consumers ready for the technologies of the future? Practical approbation of the digital innovation readiness assessment 1
Are there mountain xerphytes in the mountains of South Siberia? 1
Are there photons in fact? 1
Areal research in Russian ethnography: traditions and current state 1
Areas of anthropological communities of the neolithic population in the South of Western and Central Siberia 1
Areas of regional tax competition studies 1
Argon low-temperature atmospheric plasma treatment of biocompatible composites based on polylactic acid and hydroxyapatite 1
"Argument for a nationality" in the Russian parliamentary rhetoric (on the material of the discussions in the State Duma of the Russian Empire) 1
Argumentation and risk 1
Argumentation in the wake of euthanasia 1
Argumentation models in procedural instruments authorship examination 1
Argumentation strategies in sociological discourse: linguodidactic perpective 1
Aristotelian Society discussion about time in the Mind journal (Bernard Bosanquet, Shadworth Hodgson, George Edward Moore) 1
Aristotle on theory of comedy: the problem of sources 1
Aristotle's "Topics" and linguistic conventionalism in the context of dialectical argumentation 1
Aristotle’s optimistic teleology of well-being and the basic concept of loneliness 1
Aristotle’s philosophy as a methodological foundation of university education in Philip Melanchthon’s thought 1
"Arka kraya": ways of communication "developer – player" through game mechanics 1
Arkadiy Yakovlevich Tugarinov and the formation of Krasnoyarsk Museum 1
Arkady, Archbishop of Belovodye: on the initial stage of his biography 1
Armandus Armans 1
Armandvs Armans 1
Armenia – in the EAEU with the EU 1
Armenian book advertising: peculiarities of development in Tiflis (1801–1865) 1
Armguards as a part of the armour: the experience of full-scale reconstruction 1
Arms Trade Treaty and implementation of arms trade regulation 1
The Army and militaries in fate of Russian revolution. Review on the book: Grebenkin I. N., Romanika A. S. Revolutionary Russia and the military question: from Sevastopol to Tsushima. M.: AIRO–XXI, 2021. 288 p. 1
Arnold’s duality and Malcev’s matrices 1
The aromatic character of thienopyrrole-modified 20π-electron porphyrinoids 1
An aromatic herbal beverage 1
Aromatic pathways in carbathiaporphyrins 1
Aromaticity and photophysics of tetrasila- and tetragerma-annelated tetrathienylenes as new representatives of the hetero[8]circulene family 1
Aromaticity of the completely annelated tetraphenylenes: NICS and GIMIC characterization 1
Aromaticity of the doubly charged [8]circulenes 1
Aromaticity of the planar hetero[8]circulenes and their doubly charged ions: NICS and GIMIC characterization 1
Around Euler's theorem on sums of divisors 1
Around the Baer-Kaplansky theorem 1
Arrangement of metacognitive processes in teaching foreign language discourse 1
Arrest de la Cour de Parlement de Bourdeaux. Portant cassation des jugemens, condamnations & ordonnances du sieur Foulé; ensemble inhibitions & deffences aux gens de guerre, de s'employer pour la levée des tailles 1
Arrest de la cour de parlement de Bretagne, donné les semestres assemblez, touchant la convocation des estats généraux du royaume et particuliers de la province 1
Arrest de la cour de Parlement de Tolose. Donné les chambres assemblées. Contre les Intendants 1
Arrest de la cour de parlement, contre un livre intitulé, Histoire du ministere d'Armand Jean Du Plessis cardinal duc de Richelieu, sous le regne de Louis le Juste, treiziéme du nom, roy de France & de Navarre. Prononcé & exécuté l'unziéme may 1650. 1
Arrest de la Cour de Parlement, donné en faveur des créanciers du cardinal Mazarin, portant la vente de ses meubles, & que les deniers en provenans, ensemble ceux des revenus de ses bénéfices, seront mis és mains de maistre Claude Martinet, payeur des gages de nosseigneurs dudit Parlement, pour estre distribuez entre lesdits créanciers, ainsi qu'il sera par ladite Cour ordonné 1
Arrest de la Cour de Parlement, portant qu'il sera fait assemblée en l'hostel de cette ville, pour adviser les moyens d'entretenir et augmenter les troupes levées contre le cardinal Mazarin, liberté du commerce et des passages, et pour le payement des rentes deues par sa Majesté. Du mercredy vingt-quatriesme Juillet 1652 1
Arrest de la Cour de Parlement, portant qu'il sera fait fonds de cent cinquante mil livres pour exécuter l'arrest du mois de Décembre contre le cardinal Mazarin. Du mercredy vingt-quatriesme Juillet 1652 1
Arrest de la cour de parlement, pour remedier aux desordres & pillages que commettent les gens de guerre. Du treiziesme juin mil six cens cinquante-deux 1
Arrest de la Cour de Parlement, rendu toutes les chambres assemblées le Roy séant & présidant en icelle. Contre les sieurs Viole, Le Net, le marquis de Persan, Marchin, & autres adhérans du prince de Condé 1
Arrest de la cour de parlement, toutes les chambres assemblees, monsieur duc d'Orleans present; sur l'extremité des desordres arrivez en ce royaume, par les armées & troupes des gens de guerre. Avec commission & reglement pour cét effet. Du 25. may. 1651. 1
Arrest de la cour de Parlement, toutes les chambres assemblees, portant renvoy et descharge de l'accusation contre Messrs de Vendosme duc de Beaufort, Gondy coadjuteur, Broussel & Charreton. Du vingt-deuxiéme janvier mil six cens cinquante 1
Arrest de la Cour des aydes, portant verification de la Declaration de Sa Majesté, donnée pour faire cesser les mouvemens & pour retablir le repos & la tranquillité en son royaume. Du 3. avril 1649. 1
Arrest de la Covr de Parlement de Bovrdeavx. Portant cassation deo Iugemeus, condemnations & Ordonnances du Sieur Foulé; Ensemble inhibition & deffences aux gens de guerre, de s'employer pour la leuée des Tailles 1
Arrest de la covr de Parlement de Tolose. Donné les chambres assemblées. Contre les Intendants 1
Arrest de la Covr de Parlement Toutes les Chambres assemblées, portant renvoy et descharge de l'accusation contre Messrs de Vendosme Duc de Beaufort, Gondy Coadjuteur, Broussel & Charreton. Du vingt-deuxiéme Ianuier mil six cens cinquante 1
Arrest de la covr de parlement, contre vn livre intitvlé, Histoire du Ministere d'Armand Iean du Pleßis Cardinal Duc de Richelieu, sous le regne de Lovis le Iuste, treiziéme du nom, Roy de France & de Nauarre. Prononcé & executé l'vnziéme May 1650. 1
Arrest de la covr de Parlement, donné en favevr des creanciers 1

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