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Anthropology of the cold: methodology, concepts, images (on the materials of cultural traditions of indigenous peoples of the North and the Arctic) 1
The anthropology of the future. Research directions : Review of Bryant R., Knight D.M. The Anthropology of the Future. Cambridge University Press, 2019. 275 p. ISBN: 97811083782 1
Anthropology proletarian physicality: the ideological strategy of consumption of suffering and death in the cultural traditions of the American horror film 1
Anthropology searches by Alexander Bogdanov 1
Anthropomorphic faces in the ancient art of Western and Eastern Siberia 1
Anthroponyms of Russian Germans in Tomsk region according to survey 1
Anthroponymy of the residents of Bolgarsky village in Kazakhstan (on ethnogenesis of the Gagauz in Budjak) 1
Anthroposocial approach in the context of transformations of the public administration paradigm. Participatory management in the “service” state 1
Anti-adhesion effect of composite film materials based on glycoluril-modified sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 1
Anti-alcohol campaign (1985-1987) in the perception of people of the Tomsk city 1
The anti-alcohol campaign in the USSR in the perestroika years: the historiography of the problem 1
Anti-Chinese pogrom in Wyoming in 1885: causes, course, consequences 1
Anti-cosmopolitan campaign in Khakassia (1949-1953) 1
Anti-essentialism and the problem of causality in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche 1
Anti-modernism, anti-globalisation, and ‘the Russian National Idea’ in radical Siberian Neo-Paganism: a case study of Rodoslavie 1
Anti-religious printed propaganda in the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic: a case study of the Erdem ba Shazhan magazine 1
Anti-Semitism in the late USSR in the perception of Siberian Jews: preliminary observations 1
"Anti-Soviet" Valery Tarsis: the behaviour model of the nonconformist writer as a realisation of identity 1
Anti-sovietism as part of Winston Churchill’s foreign policy views 1
Antiarrhithmik effect of dibornol in the model of асите myocardial ischemia/reperfusion 1
Antibacterial activity of wound dressing based on biodegradable polymer and ZnO nanoparticles 1
Antibacterial and photochemical properties of cellulose nanofiber-titania nanocomposites loaded with two different types of antibiotic medicines 1
Antibacterial electro-explosive Co/CoO composite nanoparticles: Synthesis, structure, magnetic and antibacterial properties 1
Antibacterial ferroelectric hybrid membranes fabricated via electrospinning for wound healing 1
Antibacterial properties of PMMA functionalized with CuFe2O4/Cu2O/CuO nanoparticles 1
Antibiotic therapy for acute respiratory viral infections in children: What do parents know about antibiotics and antibiotic resistance? 1
Anticancer activity of crumpled aluminum nanosheets through disruption of ion balance in tumor microenvironment 1
Antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te2Se2 1
Antiferromagnetic topological insulators MnBi2Te2Se2 and VBi2Te2Se2 1
Antigen-induced changes in odor attractiveness and reproductive output in male mice 1
Antihumanism: overcoming humanism or a new version of it? 1
Antimicrobial activity of butanol complexes and isolated secondary metabolites of some species of genus Silene of the family Caryophyllaceae 1
Antimonopoly compliance as a circumstance which mitigates administrative responsibility 1
The antinomy of life and memory in the novel "Smile" by Alexander Ilichevsky 1
Antioxidant properties (1R,9R,10R,13S)-4,5- dimethyl-8,11,15-trioxatetracyclo[,13.02,7]pentadeca-2,4,6- trien-9-ol 1
Antipattern practice for Essence Practice Library 1
"Antique evening" as a platform for realization educational projects prepared within the workshop of Core of the baccalaureate "Metamorphoses" by Ovid and European art” 1
Antisemitism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th – 18th centuries and its reflection in old Polish literature 1
Antisymmetric stress component associated with polycrystal deformation and fracture of mesovolumes 1
Antitoxic activity of extract from Salix viminalis leaves under conditions of 5-fluorouracil treatment 1
Antitumor therapy efficiency of different types of nanosecond pulseperiodic microwave radiation in combination with doxorubicin in vitro 1
Antiviral and antibacterial effects of silver-doped TiO₂ prepared by the peroxo sol-gel method 1
The antiviral, antiradical, and phytochemical potential of dry extracts from Spiraea hypericifolia, S. media, and S. salicifolia (Rosaceae) 1
Anton Chekhov's "Ionych" and George Eliot's Middlemarch: the fate of man in a "soul-wasting struggle with worldly annoyances" 1
Anton Chekhov’s novella The Steppe in English translations 1
Anton Chekhov’s novella The Steppe in English translations by Constance Garnett and Ronald Hingley: strategies of domestication and foreignization 1
Anxiety (trait and spatial) of male and female students as a success factor in spatial tasks 1
Anxiety and aggression during COVID-19: on example of four regions of Russia 1
Anxiety as the care of being in A. G. Bitov's short story "Man in the Landscape" (1983) 1
Anxiety in relation to foreign language learning in secondary school: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 37.04.01 - Психология 1
Anxiolytic activity of diterpene alkaloid songorine 1
"Anxious assessment of prospects" and psychological well-being of gifted adolescents 1
Apathy and academic failure among students: results of a pilot longitudinal study 1
Apllication of digital images correlation method for an experimental study of a steel angle surface in a deformed state under a noncentrosymmetric tensile deformation 1
Apokamp - a new source of ionisation waves in potential pulse-periodic discharge 1
Apokamp discharge as a source of nitrogen oxcides 1
Apokamps produced by repetitive discharges in air 1
Apollonius and Apollinaris: "The Life of Apollonius of Tyana" in the controversy between christians and pagans in the 3rd-5th cc. AD 1
Apologie de messieurs les deputez du parlement de Bordeaux, sur les affaires de ce temps 1
Apologie de messievrs les depvtez dv Parlement de Bordeavx, Sur les affaires de ce Temps 1
Apologie des frondeurs 1
Apologie des frondevrs 1
Apologie des Normands au roi pour la justification de leurs armes 1
Apologie des Normans, au roy. Pour la justification de leurs armes 1
Apologie des Normans, av Roy. Povr la ivstification de levrs armes 1
Apologie pour Messieurs les Princes envoyée par Madame de Longueville à Messieurs du Parlement de Paris 1
Apologie pour monseigneur le cardinal Mazarin, tiree d'une conference entre Son Eminence et Monsieur ****** homme de probité & excellent casuiste. Tenuë à Sainct Germain en Laye deux jours consecutifs. Premiere [-seconde] journee 1
Apologie pour monseigneur le cardinal Mazarin, tirée d’une conférence entre Son Éminence et Monsieur ******* homme de probité & excellent casuiste. Tenue à Saint Germain en Laye deux jours consécutifs. Première [-seconde] journée 1
Apologie pour monsieur de Broussel conseiller du roy, en son parlement, sous-doyen de la Grand'chambre, & prevost des marchands de Paris. Contre les imposteurs qui le qualifient du nom de factieux, dans les edicts, declarations, & arrests du conseil 1
Apologie povr Messievrs les Princes envoyee par Madame de Longveville à Messievrs dv Parlement de Paris 1
Apologie povr Monseignevr le Сardinal Mazarin, tiree d'vne conference entre son Eminence et Monsieur ****** homme de probité & excellent Casuiste. Tenuë à Sainct Germain en Laye deux iours consecutifs. Premiere [-seconde] iournee 1
Apologie povr monsievr de Brovssel conseiller dv roy, en son parlement, sovs-doyen de la Grand'Chambre, & Preuost des Marchands de Paris. Contre les impostevrs qui le qualifient du Nom de Factievx, dans les Edicts, Declarations, & Arrests du Conseil 1
Apostasy and the apostate man in eschatological presentiments of Russian religious and philosophical thought 1
The apotheosis of the collectivization campaign: the role of Komsomol 1
An apparatus for blasting ice emulsion explosives 1
The apparatus for fight against oncology by means of EHF-therapy 1
The appeal period for the court decision and the way of its calculation 1
Appeals to classic literature in the journalism of Vladimir Krutovsky as a way of broadcasting sociopolitical ideas 1
The appearance and development of iron production on the border between the steppe and taiga cultural worlds in Western Siberia (Tomsk Ob Region) 1
Appearance of new words in the Chinese language 1
Applanation optical coherence elastography: noncontact measurement of intraocular pressure, corneal biomechanical properties, and corneal geometry with a single instrument 1
The applicability of acoustic emission method to modeling the endurance of metallic construction elements 1
The application (and mis-application) of Wittgenstein’s rule-following considerations to legal theory 1
Application by arbitration courts of foreign private law: legislative regulation and legal positions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation 1
The application by courts of the consequences of release by amnesty to a person who was not amnestied 1
Application of "Meliogran" organic fertilizer based on poultry litter biocompost: field trial results 1
The application of a combined biopesticide for controlling the number of pests of decorative plants in a conservatory 1
Application of a plate sonotrode to ultrasonic degassing of aluminum melt: Acoustic measurements and feasibility study 1
Application of a solution of polyvinyl alcohol for improvement of physical-mechanical properties of wood for the application in construction designs 1
Application of a voltammetric method for investigation the formation mechanisms of silver nanoparticles in multicomponent solutions 1
Application of a Weather Research and Forecasting model to study the urban heat island in Tomsk 1
The application of an assisting gas plasma generator for low-temperature magnetron sputtering of Ti-C-Mo-S antifriction coatings on titanium alloys 1
Application of aptamers to increase the bioscompatibility parameters of porous materials based on TiNi 1
Application of artificial neural networks for determining the temperature and partial pressures of the components of high-temperature gaseous media 2
Application of artificial neural networks in studying the dynamic structure of the near-Earth orbital space 1
Application of Benford's law in deepfake image detection 1
Application of biofilter in computational modeling of the process of wastewater self-purification 1
Application of broadband microwave near-field sensors for glucose monitoring in biological media 1
Application of cartographic materials of the late XIX - early XX century to characterize the development of the settlement network of Tomsk county of Tomsk province 1
Application of certain fungicide in a complex sanitary and therapeutic measures in the apiary 1

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