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The Queen of Spades by Pushkin in opera, operetta and animation 1
Quest as a method of work with readers (on the example of Tomsk libraries) 1
The radius of social identification and trust as a factor of cultural capital 1
Rare books as historical and cultural heritage: editions from A. F. Smirdin’s bookshop as a part of A. V. Nikitenko’s personal library 1
Reading music at sight as strong incentive of allmusical development performing musician 1
Reception of Disraeli novels on the pages of "Otechestvennye Zapiski" in 1840–1870 in the context of Jewish issue 1
A regional analysis of the endowment market 1
The Regulations about the Jews Settlement in Siberia from the Second Half of the 19th Century to the Early 20th Century 1
Reinterpretation of values of modern culture 1
The "reiterhelmet" of the first half – the middle of the XVIIth century from Voskresenskaya mountain (Tomsk city) from MAES TSU collection 1
The relationship between the elements of the musical language and interdisciplinary analogs in the work of the Pianist-performer 1
The repetition as a way of forming in a musical piece 1
Review of the book by E. M. Shenderovich "In the Concertmaster Class: Reflections of a Teacher" 1
Review of the exhibition "# SibirMonAmur. The legacy of the Mako and Tyumentsev families" in the Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore 1
The road of time: The theme of wandering in the musical art 1
Russian and European traditions in the architectural image of Tomsk 1
Russia’s current national-cultural identity: mechanisms of formation and foundations of sustainability 1
S. M. Slonimsky. Concerto for alto and chamber orchestra "Tragicomedy" 1
S. M. Slonimsky: symphony poem "Petersburg visions" 1
The Salamanca School in a series of portraits of outstanding Spaniards from Stroganov's book collection 1
Scenic appearance as an important component of the embodiment of an opera image 1
Scientific base of cultural and educational activities in the Paleontological Museum of Liaoning in China 1
Scientific communications in the modern Russian ecclesiastical education: forms and meaning 1
Self-determination of European cinematographies: basic issues and ways of resolving them 1
Semantic areas of loneliness in a monoopera genre 1
Sergey Slonimsky. Piano suite "Three Graces" (1964) 1
Sergey Volkov. Paintings of Moscow 1
Service of the readers with disabilities in municipal rural libraries of Tomsk region: analysis of the experience 1
Siberian association of the printing business 1
Siberian Old Believer bookbinding in the funds of the TSU Scientific Library and their features (on the example of manuscripts from the Yurlov's and Babaev's collections) 1
The significance of humanities knowledge in the construction of the modern university student’s identity 1
Sinesthetic properties of verbal design in opera text 1
The singer's personality: features and functional objective 1
Single emotional zone: basis of intergenre and interdisciplinary communication 1
Smart technologies in modern culture: pro et contra 1
Smart-технологии в современной культуре: pro et contra 1
Social and cultural impacts of video games, how are we affected by video games? 1
Sound representation and reflection of folk-genre elements in the works of Russian composers 1
Space and time in the mythical-historical memory of the Mansis 1
Spanish city landscape in "Picturesque and historical travel to Spain" of Alexander de Labord (to studying of Stroganov' book collection) 1
"The spirit of Russian culture" in contemporary musical art 1
Stage excitement: reasons and overcoming 1
The state protection of monuments in the 1920th: to history of studying 1
Status of social competencies of power engineers in the context of forming the concept of an intelligent network or smart grid 1
Study methods of church historical science of the second half of the XIX - the first quarter of the XX centuries: search and approbation 1
Supernaturally timeless or sisters in modernity? Contemporary art in classical university 1
Symbols of the university Tomsk 1
Synchronization of modernity: "rhizome" of Russian contemporary art in global and regional context 1
Tandem of emotivity and conditions in forming the semantic integrity of a vocal work 1
Teaching English online: advantages, challenges and objectives 1
Teaching stylised image as a means to develop abstract imaginative thinking in students 1
Technology of decorative font design: from idea to result 1
Terrorist identification: Breivik’s casus as a methodological case 1
"Theological alphabet of sun and moon": about the history of the manuscript, its restoration and exposure 1
Theoretical and methodological principles of defining "profession" and "transfession" concepts: a comparative analysis 1
There is to a question of the current state of study of the concept "architectural heritage" 1
Time and space in the Samoyedic tradition: the calendar and the sledge 1
To explication of the issue of contemporaneity: general philosophical and cultural historical approaches 1
To lekton in stoic philosophy and Sinn in Gottlob Frege’s semantic theory: the logical aspect 1
To the history of studying of architectural heritage in Tomsk 1
To the history of the family of the Seryakovs from the Tyma Parish (Kargasoksky District of the Tomsk Region) 1
To the history of the study of the scientific heritage G. N. Potanin (1920s – early 1990s) 1
To the issue on division of Russian Museum history into periods 1
To the origins of museum science in Altai city of Biysk (late 19th to early 20th century) 1
To the problem of scenic excitement 1
To the question of the impact of the Russian legislation to the museum of the Imperial Tomsk University (late XIX – beginning XX century) 1
Tolerance in the context of soft globalization 1
Tomsk amateur filmmakers' film production as a prosumer practice 1
Tomsk artists at the interregional art exhibition "SIBERIA-XIII" 1
Tomsk children's and youth film festivals and studios: the experience of children and youth cinema revival 1
"Tomsk diocesan journal" as a source on the history of healthcare service in Tomsk province (the last quarter of the XIX - early ХХ century) 1
Tomsk museum of local history studies: the phase of establishment 1
Tomsk Regional Museum and the protection of cultural values (1920-s) 1
Tomsk, 1917: creation of a regional Parliament 1
Towards the problem of automated creativity in arts and design: instrumental and generative approach 1
Tradition and innovation: retrospection of Russian Germans’ culture in Narym Krai 1
Traditional food of the Tomsk region Ukrainians: dynamics in time and space 1
Transforming ideas about photography: systematizing existing approaches 1
Trends in the development of design education: history and modernity 1
Tutoring in training of a student pianist 1
Two letters from the Buryat leader to G. N. Potanin 1
Typological and specific classification of cultural heritage memorials 1
Ukrainian village in Siberia: the dynamics of building traditions 1
The University as a co-existence in upbringing and education: towards F. M. Dostoevsky's higher education ideas 1
University charters as a legislative basis for museum business in Russian universities (XIX - early XX centuries) 1
University in urban space: from brand - to city - university 1
Valery Chernetsov’s archive: Mansi ethnography, folklore and linguistic perspective 1
Valery Kalistratov "On the Street, Street" from the cycle "Five Wedding Songs" for women's choir (intonation analysis and tuning analysis) 1
Valery Kalistratov "The cry of the bride – orphans at the grave of parents" from the cycle "Five wedding songs" for women's choir 1
The value of landscape painting in development of the Russian fine arts of XVIII-XIX centuries was 1
Vasily Markovich Florinsky and his contribution to Russian muzeology 1
Venetian veduta 1
Visual practices in the activities of Tomsk urban eco-communities 1
Vocal poems by Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel "Soupir" by Mallarme 1
Vocal sound as a complex independent system 1
Vocational training features of costume designers in modern higher education conditions 1
"Well temperir clavir" by I. S. Bach: the meaning framework of the whole 1
The West Siberian city holidays in the aspect of value-sign system 1
Where did the "Tungus from Hanychar" nomadize: twists of a literary plot 1
"Will to power" and the coordinates of modernity in the philosophy of art of Boris Groys 1

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