Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета

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Language as factor of image integrity in syntetic text 1
Lecture of A. Y. Tugarinov at the congress on the organization of the Institute for the study of Siberia (1919) 1
The legal basis for the formation of the museum science of Imperial Tomsk University 1
Legislative acts of the Soviet State as a source of study of museum management 1
Legislative basis for the creation of the Liaoning paleontological museum 1
Legislative support of the establishment and operation of medical museums in Russian universities in the XIX century 1
Libraries and the family: the practice of libraries of Tomsk region 1
Library in the context of the 800th anniversary of Salamanca University 1
Library of the historian A. I. Pliguzov in the fund of the Scientific Library of Tomsk State University 1
The Library of the University of Salamanca during the initial stage of its history 1
Library tours as a means of development of local history tourism 1
Light as a formative element of the operatic whole 1
Local history activity of the modern rural library (on the example of the works of the libraries of the districts of the Tomsk region) 1
Local history direction in social activity of rural libraries (on example of Tomsk region) 1
Love as power over another 1
Love as power over others 1
Lozum hum: Valeriy N. Chernetsov as a phenomenon in the field ethnography of the 1930s 1
M. A. Polumordvinov as orientalist and collector (based on materials of the Tomsk regional museum and TSU Scientific library) 1
Main activities of the European Union in the sphere of culture and their hierarchy 1
The main conceptual approaches to the development of tolerance in intercultural environment 1
A man of totalitarianism (judgments of H. Arendt) 1
"Memo": artistic, game and scientific models of the animated film 1
"Memo": художественная, игровая и научная модели мультипликационного фильма 1
Methodological aspects of the development of technological entrepreneurship and implementation of financial support tools in Russian universities 1
Methodology for comparing various electronic resources when studying the peoples of Western Siberia 1
Methods of museum management and their application in Russian museums 1
Mikhail Bonifatievitch Shatilov as revolutionist and museum scientist 1
Modeling a composer approach to work as a method of pianist's creative work 1
Modifications of the work: from written fixation to sounding fact 1
Money perception in Russian culture 1
Monitoring of effectiveness of institutions of art education in the region with a high innovative potential: to statement of the problem 1
Monomyth and hero's image transformation in videogames 1
Monuments of Russian architectural heritage: experience of typological classification 1
MOOCs and museums studies education: opportunities and prospects in the digital era 1
Movie-era collectivism as a mirror of national and cultural identity 1
Multicultural problems in Indonesia: ethnic conflicts 1999–2019 1
Multiculturalism in the XXI century: challenges and perspectives 1
Multimodal text as a means of political identification: an analysis of the russian blogosphere 1
Multivariance of mimesis in the 19th century literature 1
Museum activity of modern rural libraries (on an example of the Tomsk Region) 1
Museum and massive open online course 1
The museum as key concept of museum science 1
Museum Network Development in Siberia in the 19th Century -The Present Time 1
Museum network features in Siberia (XIX century - nowadays) 1
Museums of Tomsk universities: experience designing and creating exhibits 1
Music by Edison Denisov for radio performances 1
Music in its possibilities of forming human existence 1
Muzeologists' works as a complex of memorials of Northern Asia cultural heritage 1
Mythological image of sacrification in videogames 1
Mythological structures in video games: archetypes 1
N. K. Auerbakh and his contribution into Siberian museum science in 1920’s 1
Narcissism in modern visual culture: the phenomenon of selfie 1
Narymsky Museum of Political Exile. History of creation and formation 1
National games of national festival El-Oiyn 1
Net globalization in modern world 1
New approach to gamification in education 1
New media: technological design of forms and boundaries of cultural experience 1
The newspaper Krasnoye Znamya as a source of the Tomsk oblast museology study 1
Nikolay Gritsyuk - improvisations on the topic of a city 1
Notions of "set" and "infinity" in works of B. Bolzano 1
O. Messiaen. Theme and Variations for violin and piano 1
Obituaries as a source for studying the corporate culture of church historians of the xix – first quarter of the xx centuries 1
The olfactory image of Russian banya 1
On the historiography of museum business in Novosibirsk 1
On the question of study of Siberian old believers bookbinding (based on collections of the Scientific Library of Tomsk State University and Tomsk Museum of Local History) 1
On the socio-political factors of the formation of G. N. Potanin's scientific heritage: Axiological aspect 1
On the sources of study of Liaoning Paleontological Museum 1
Online political activity as a prosumer agency 1
Ontology of whole in the project of Russian culturology 1
Opportunities for the jews to receive education in the Russian Empire (the second part of the 19th – early 20th centuries) 1
The organization and activities of the museum of S. M. Kirov in Tomsk Polytechnic Institute 1
Organization of work with children's audience in the Liaoning Paleontological Museum in China 1
Origins and specificity surrealism in the cultures of Russia, West and East 1
Orthodox culture in the slavic world: an experience of an interdisciplinary research 1
Outline learning of a piece of music 1
Pages of the musical life of Tomsk (60-90 years of the twentieth century) 1
Paradigm of philosophy and architectonics of sciences of culture 1
Pars pro toto as a thinking principle 1
Pars pro toto как принцип мышления 1
Participation of women in the formation and development of the museum science of Tomsk University (1880s – early 1920s) 1
The path of a work of art in time: The pendulum model 1
Patriotic traditions of Tomsk province population during the initial period of World War I (1914-1915) 1
Performing analysis sonata for violin and piano A-dur César Franc 1
Perfume concerts as embodiment of sound and smell synesthesia principle 1
Periodicals as a way of shaping the corporate culture of religious educational institutes 1
The phenomenon of aestheticized violence in modern south korean cinema as a reflection of national and cultural identity 1
Philosophy of the modern era and videogames: the "disenchantment of the world" myth 1
Photography as part of the media culture 1
"Pieces for kids" ("Pieces pour enfants") by E. Denisov 1
Possibilities of digital culture in searching of educational new technologies and academia formation 1
Postfeminism and new image of women: femvertising in Nike 1
Potanin's epistolar heritage in the context of archeography 1
Power and Siberian society in the period of social cataclysms (March 1917 - May 1921) 1
The power of a thing over a person being 1
Principles of humanitarian paradigm of intercultural communication development 1
The principles of the developing training in musical pedagogics 1
The problem of aggression in the modern media 1
The problem of interpreting generative art: Towards hermeneutics of autonomous systems 1
The problems and perspectives of virtual reconstructing of cultural heritage 1
The problems of the creative hierarchy in Russian-speaking fandom communities by the example of the flash mob "I am not afraid to create" 1

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