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Calligraphy of Images: Artworks by Yukei Teshima 1
Cancel culture as a tool of power in sport fandom 1
The character image of russian and soviet cinema: from socialist realism model to uncertainty of post-soviet period 1
Charity and donations in the museum science in Siberia in 19th and early 20th century 1
Charity in Tomsk during the Revolution and Civil War (1917-1919) 1
Chef-d’oeuvre и современное искусство: история без будущего? 1
Choosing a repertoire at different stages of the singer's artistic activity 1
Choral music as one of the options for the realization of emotional resonance 1
Church architecture in Tomsk sketches 1920-s 1
Church historical science in Russian historiography of the second half of the 19th - early 21st century 1
Circulars of the West Siberian school district as a source of study of legislative activity in the field of museum affairs of the Imperial Tomsk University (1886-1916) 1
"Civilization has thrown their nets at the russian people" S. M. Soloviyev on culture and museum values of medieval Russia) 1
Codes of a traditional culture and an ethnic identity in the modern era 1
Combination of verbal and non-verbal in vocal music 1
Commodification of knowledge in the system of higher education 1
Comparing archaeological and written sources in the study of Tym River region as a prospective line of research: the case of Napas yurts 1
Composer – demiurg; functional analogies 1
Composer-performing practice of a pianist as a way to comprehend the figurative-emotional range of a musical work 1
Composition of the monoopera: from a plan to fixing of the text 1
The concept of the Other as a manifestation of national and cultural identity in Soviet and post-Soviet cinema 1
Conceptualization of modernity in the context of postmodern reflection 1
Conservation of traditional cuisine by Ukrainians in Tomsk region 1
Constructing gender in social networks on the example of the Nike sportswear brand: the new women and the same men? 1
Consumer practices of the brands under the influence of prosumerism 1
The contribution of Problem laboratory of history, archaeology and ethnography of Siberia staff to the works of Museum of archaeology and ethnography of Siberia 1
Corporate culture of church historians in the Russian orthodox ecclesiastical academy in the second half xix – the first quarter of the xx century: research concept 1
Correlation of the opera image and the individual inner world of the singer 1
Creative almanac "Artifex" as representation of F. M. Dostoevsky’s work for a wide audience 1
The creative method of Alexandra Exter in the development of the author's project 1
Crowdfunding as a source of funding for museum activities: an analysis of projects on the Planeta.ru platform 1
Cultural ambivalence of red color (based on animated film adaptation of the fairy tale "Kroshechka-Khavroshechka") 1
Cultural content as a tool for community identity formation (to the problem statement) 1
Cultural diversity and globaltity 1
Cultural heritage of Europe in measuring of Eurobarometer 1
Cultural practices of prosumerism 1
Curatorial work during the "iron curtain" on the example of the exhibition "Paris-Moscow-Paris" 1
Current situation of grammar schools’ libraries (on the example of educational institutions of Tomsk) 1
Democracy in the Context of Soft Globalization 1
Democratization of the process of fan video production in the context of cultural logic of late capitalism 1
Dependent character personality from the personality of the soloist in the context of the composer’s creative process 1
Design of the exemplary training program in the direction "Museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage objects": conditions, principles, experience 1
Design, education and society: forms of interaction 1
Designer’s professional training with the regional industrial enterprises requirements 1
Designing a suite of corporate gifts as a tool of corporate culture for the exam preparation school “Planck’s Constant” 1
Designing educational games to teach philosophy: case study 1
The desk calendar as an attribute of West Siberian holidays in 1920-30-s 1
Development of creative thinking and creativity of students in the process of teaching the technology of decorative fonts design 1
Die musikalische Kommunikation im städtischen Jugendraum: das Projekt "Russisch-deutscher Chor" 1
Digitalization as a tool for preserving and promoting European culture 1
The dual nature of producing consciousness in the emergence of a musical work: The intertemporal tandem "composer–performer" 1
The East in the artistic creation of the romantic period 1
The East in the european culture of the 19th century 1
Ecological urban design: approaches to waterfront revetment 1
Edison Denisov opera "Ivan the Soldier" 1
Edison Denisov. Choral variations for trombone and piano 1
Edison Denisov: a letter to the teacher 1
Editorial 14
Education as an event: event nature of the university corporativity 1
Education possibilities for the jews in Russia in the 19th-20th centuries 1
Emotivity in the formation of vocal text: from occurrence to perception 1
The emotivny plan is a primary plot of the monoopera 1
Epistemological risk aspects 1
Ethnic culture, digitalization and neo-traditionalism 1
Ethnic design and designer's social responsiveness 1
Ethnographic fieldwork materials from V. N. Chernetsov's archives from graphology perspective 1
European traditions in the architectural heritage of Tomsk 1
The evenks of Western Siberia in fictionalized journalism of the 20th and 21st centuries 1
Everyday life: on the problem of the concept and the phenomenon 1
Evguenia et Valerian Maikov. Du romantisme au positivisme 1
Evolution haute couture: at the crossroads of art, science, and technology 1
The evolution of punk zines in the digital age 1
The exhibition-bussankai as Japanese proto-museum form of XVIII century 1
The existence of the author's text in the context of understanding Platonic eidos 1
The faces of university Spain in the Stroganov library: Spanish humanist Hernando Núñez de Guzmán 1
Fashion-иллюстрация: технический рисунок : массовый открытый онлайн-курс. 1
Fashion-скетчинг : массовый открытый онлайн-курс. 1
Features and modern trends in the development of museums within the system of higher education 1
Features of sign system as criterion of classification of art forms 1
Features of the authentic interpretation of the text 1
Fiction film as historic source: the example of F. Murnau’s "Nosferatu: a Symphony of Horror" film (1922) 1
Fight for walls: "patriotic graffiti" as a method of the public imagery formation by pro-Kremlin youth organizations in Russia 1
Figurative and emotional characteristics of the character in the ballet "Cinderella" by Sergey Prokofiev 1
Figurative row from the child's life: "The children's album" of P. I. Tchaikovsky 1
Figuratively emotional platform of the work of art 1
The First All-Russian Museum Congress and its influence on Siberian museums 1
The first art exhibitions and the beginning of development of art education in Tomsk in the XIX century were 1
For the history of studying the historiography and methodology of museum management in Russia 1
"The forerunners of Eurasian integration". The museum research project 1
Formation of the municipal museums Parabel District of Tomsk Region (1985-2015) 1
Forms of scientific communication of the teaching community of church historians of the second half of the XIX - first quarter of the XX centuries (on the example of the Moscow Theological Academy) 1
From the chief editor 4
From the editor 7
From the history of the conservation of cultural heritage objects in Tomsk in 1917-1920s 1
From the misery of Don Joost 1
Fugues in the context of pedagogical searches J. S. Bach on the example of "The Art of Fugues" 1
G. N. Potanin and P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky: relationships and scientific collaboration 1
G. N. Potanin and V. I. Vernadsky: experience of scientific interaction 1
Glassware of Olginsky Glass Factory in the Tomsk Regional Museum n.a. M. B. Shatilov: the problem of attribution 1
Globalization in the context of cultural diversitу 1
Globalization in the post-colonial world 1

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