${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Tolerance of hydrobionts to CeO2 nanoparticles 100 mg/l). In accordance with SGS and EC 93/67/EEC, NPs CeO2 is considered highly toxic (acute toxicity Level 1). Biomarkers and NPs CeO2 tolerant hydrobionts were determined. Range of tolerance of hydrobionts to NPs was established. The upper limit of tolerance was determined for certain hydrobionts by values of L(E)С50: 0.009 mg/l (by volume of Chl a) for Сhlorella v. B. and 46.15 mg/l (by mobility) for Daphnia m. S.]]> Thu 28 Sep 2017 16:40:22 KRAT ]]>