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Source: Carbohydrate research. 2018. Vol. 458/459. P. 60-66
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: In the present work we report that acetyl groups of per - acetylated aryl glycosides have different reactivity during the acidic deacetylation using HCl/EtOH in CHCl3, which leads to preferential deac ... More
Source: Laser physics letters. 2018. Vol. 15, № 8. P. 086201 (1-4)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) relies on ballistic back scattered photons to construct depth resolved optical slices of a specimen. However, the theory of OCT is generally math heavy and unintuiti ... More
Source: Chemical physics letters. 2018. Vol. 692. P. 184-190
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: In this work, the electric multipole moments and the polarizabilities , and the first hyperpolarizability for H2S have been calculated at the MP2, CCSD and CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVXZ (X = T, Q, 5) levels of ... More
Source: Journal of chemical physics. 2018. Vol. 148, № 4. P. 044313-1-044313-1
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: Ab initio calculations of the intermolecular potential energy surface (PES) of CO–N2 have been carried out using the closed-shell single- and double-excitation coupled cluster approach with a non-iter ... More
Source: Friction. 2018. Vol. 6, № 3. P. 323-340
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: In this research, results of the investigation of the sliding friction and wear of yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystalline (Y-TZP) and Y-TZP-Al2O3 samples preliminarily subjected to low- ... More
Source: Laryngoscope. 2018. Vol. 128, № 8. P. 1932-1938
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To aggregate symptoms reported by patients with superior canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS) and to develop an evidence-based symptom set by performing a systematic review of the l ... More
Source: International journal of geometric methods in modern physics. 2018. Vol. 15, № 6. P. 1850102 (1-30)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: A semiclassical approximation approach based on the Maslov complex germ method is considered in detail for the one-dimensional nonlocal Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piskunov (Fisher–KPP) equation unde ... More
Source: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 2018. Vol. 217. P. 73-85
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: The very weak absorption spectrum of the minor isotopologues of carbon dioxide near 1.74 µm (5702–5879 cm−1) is studied by high sensitivity cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) with an 18O enriched sa ... More
Source: Proceedings of SPIE. 2018. Vol. 10685 : Biophotonics: Photonic solutions for better health care VI. P. 1068511-1-1068511-7
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: Myocardial infarction (MI) causes partial or complete necrosis of the heart muscle. It means that muscle cells are wiped, and the contractility of the heart decreases. Today, for the MI diagnosis is b ... More
Source: 6th International congress on energy fluxes and radiation effects (EFRE 2018), September 16-22, 2018, Tomsk, Russia : abstracts. Tomsk, 2018. P. 224
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2018
Source: Russian physics journal. 2018. Vol. 60, № 9. P. 1461-1468
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: The modified Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piskunov equation with quasilocal quadratic competitive losses and variable coefficients in the small nonlocality parameter approximation is reduced to an equ ... More
Source: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 2018. Vol. 219. P. 323-332
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: A new study of 12CH4 line positions and intensities was performed for the Tetradecad regions 5550,000–5695.250, 5718.8–5724.250 and 5792.36–5814.290 cm−1 using long path (202 m, 602 m, 1604 m and 1804 ... More
Source: Computational materials science. 2018. Vol. 148. P. 1-9
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: The projector augmented wave method was applied to investigate the energetics of point defect formation at finite temperatures and the Ni-vacancy jumps in the intermetallic B2-TiNi alloy. It was shown ... More
Source: The European physical journal A. 2018. Vol. 54, № 9. P. 149 (1-10)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: New data on the production of single neutral pions in the pd→3Heπ0 reaction are presented. For fifteen proton beam momenta between pp=1.60 GeV/c and pp=1.74 GeV/c, differential cross sections are dete ... More
Source: Journal of biophotonics. 2018. Vol. 11, № 8. P. e201811001 (1-3)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2018
Description: Nowadays, lymphatic theranostics as an integration of diagnosis and therapy is one of the fast‐growing emerging branches of biomedical optics to provide early diagnosis and, hence, advanced well‐timed ... More