Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета

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Source: Первая Всероссийская школа по медицинской химии для молодых ученых, г. Новосибирск, 4-9 июля 2021 г.. Новосибирск, 2021. С. 150
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2021
Source: Catalysis: from science to industry : proceedings of VI International scientific school-conference for young scientists, October 6-10, 2020. Tomsk, 2020. P. 64
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2020
Source: Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2020. Vol. 84, № 7. P. 780-782
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
Description: The optical properties and hardness of GaSe, GaSe:Al, GaSe:S:Al, and GaSe:Al:O crystals are studied to create effective terahertz radiation generators. Doped crystals differ from pure GaSe in high mec ... More
Source: Fifth Asian school-conference on physics and technology of nanostructured materials, Vladivostok, Russia, July 30 - August 03, 2020 : proceedings. Vladivostok, 2020. P. 114
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2020
Source: Materials research bulletin. 2020. Vol. 126. P. 110850 (1-6)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
Description: Herein we report the growth of new RxLayScz(BO3)4 (x + y+z = 4, R = Sm, Tb) crystals with large second-harmonic generation (SHG) responses. The obtained compounds, grown from eutectic LiBO2-LiF flux b ... More
Source: Catalysis: from science to industry : proceedings of VI International scientific school-conference for young scientists, October 6-10, 2020. Tomsk, 2020. P. 68
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2020
Source: Crystals. 2020. Vol. 10, № 9. P. 730 (1-6)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2020
Description: For the first time, we present the spectra of all three components of the refractive index and absorption coefficient of the KTiOAsO4 (KTA) crystal measured by the means of terahertz time-domain spect ... More
Source: Оптика атмосферы и океана. Физика атмосферы [Электронный ресурс] : материалы XXVI Международного симпозиума, 06-10 июля 2020 года, Москва : труды. Томск, 2020. С. D-338-D-341
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2020
Description: Обсуждаются результаты комплексных лидарных и актинометрических исследований характеристик перистых облаков, содержащих кристаллические частицы льда. Наибольшее внимание было уделено облакам, состоящи ... More
Source: Оптика атмосферы и океана. Физика атмосферы [Электронный ресурс] : XXVI Международный симпозиум, 6-10 июля 2020 года, Москва : тезисы докладов. Томск, 2020. С. 96
Type: статьи в сборниках
Date: 2020
Source: Proceedings of SPIE. 2019. Vol. 11065 : Saratov fall meeting 2018 : Optical and nano-technologies for biology and medicine. P. 110651Z-1-110651Z
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Description: We performed the transmission-mode terahertz (THz) pulsed spectroscopy of several THz-wave penetration- enhancing agents (PEAs): glycerol, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, and polyethylene glycol, f ... More
Source: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019. Vol. 2069. P. 040007-1-040007-8
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Description: In our paper we report about the optical properties of diamonds having applied sense. Radiation destruction manifests itself in the form of absorption bands and luminescence of vacancies and interstit ... More
Source: Journal of alloys and compounds. 2019. Vol. 794. P. 21-25
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Description: The bulk crystals of LiTm(WO4)2 with dimensions up to 10 × 15 × 3 mm have been obtained for the first time. Crystals of the compound melts congruently at 1007 °C, however melt crystallization of high ... More
Source: IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics. 2019. Vol. 25, № 1. P. 7200608 (1-8)
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Description: In this paper, we describe a simple and indirect method to evaluate the kinetics of the optical properties for biological tissues under optical clearing treatments. We use the theoretical formalism in ... More
Source: Quantum electronics. 2019. Vol. 49, № 1. P. 13-19
Type: статьи в журналах
Date: 2019
Description: Laser diagnostics and treatment procedures are commonly performed for visible and near-IR wavelengths. The knowledge of the wavelength dependences for the optical properties of various biological tiss ... More

