The chemical composition of alkaline (Late Cretaceous basanite) and subalkaline (Permian-Triassic dolerite) basaltoids of different ages in the northern part of the Minusa Trough was studied by optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. The revealed differences of subvolcanic rocks in the nature of enrichment in HFS- and LIL-elements may indicate the generation of primary magmas at different depths and small degrees of melting of garnet and spinel mantle peridotite. The model of decompression partial melting of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle under the garnet stability conditions is applicable to the formation of basanite. It is assumed that the formation of dolerite magma was due to the interaction of the melt from shallower spinel peridotite with the OIB component of the sublithospheric mantle plume.
Doklady Earth Sciences. 2022. Vol. 506, № 2. P. 729-733
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Геолого-географический факультет
Geochemical evidence for multi-depth magma generation for Permian-Triassic dolerite and Late Cretaceous basanite of the Minusa Paleorift, Siberia