Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
"Социальная работа в изменяющейся России: проблемы, поиски, перспективы", всероссийская научно-практическая конференция (Томск.)

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The specificity of postcolonial text of settler societies in Australia and New Zealand: a comparative aspect 1
Specificity of publications on genealogy for non-specialist readers 1
Specificity of scientific political metaphor (a case study of A.J. Gregor's scientific article "The roots of revolutionary ideology") 1
The specificity of technical tactical training of orienteers at the stages of long-term preparation 1
The specificity of the advanced article in the sathyric magazine "Silhouettes of Life of the Native City" (1909, Tomsk) 1
The specificity of the coverage of the historical and local history topic in online publications (on the example of the materials of Tomskiy Obzor, 2018–2020) 1
The specificity of the description of prefixoids in neological academic lexicography 1
The specificity of the functioning of expressive means in Chinese economic texts 1
The specificity of the invariable parts of speech description in Abel Mathieu's (1520?-1572?) linguistic conception 1
Specificity of the level of development of the main components of psychomotor abilities in athletes 1
The specificity of the substantiation of social phenomena in Fyodor Stepun's philosophy of culture 1
The specificity of the target evaluative-effective cognitive pragmatic sets of the rock-poet synthetic lingual personality within the framework of "heroic" epoch of Russian rock music 1
Specificity of the translation of Chinese idioms including a numerical component into Russian 1
Specificity of thenational character in the description of entrepreneurs in Cameron Hawley’s and Ayn Rand’s novels 1
Specificity of topics in a regional morning show on a music radio 1
Specificity of Udmurt funeral rites 1
Specificity, factors of development and functions of popular scientific magazines covering the achievements of the academic community (on the example of the magazine Max Planck Forschung) 1
Specifics of academic text translation strategy 1
The specifics of antropogenic salt accumulation in time of oil pollution in the soils of the boreal zone 1
Specifics of assessing adult foreign language training for intercultural and interethnic communication 1
Specifics of children’s oculomotor activity while reading texts with various visual formatting 1
The specifics of cognition of a postmodern subject against the background of a cynical attitude of consciousness 1
Specifics of departmental news site and features of its content preparation 1
Specifics of development and course of acute coronary insufficiency during extreme heat weather conditions 1
Specifics of drama translation: a case of "Gore ot uma" by A. S. Griboedov newly translated by B. Hulick 1
Specifics of Fictional Space in V. D. Kolupaev’s Cycle “Captain of the Thunderer” (1982) 1
Specifics of foreign language teaching in a corporate multilingual environment 1
Specifics of futurological knowledge 1
Specifics of geological composition, geochemistry and geochronology of rocks from the Kresty alkaline-ultrabasic massif (Maimecha-Kotui province, Polar Siberia) 1
Specifics of interpretation of freedom in the Constitution as a nuclear genre of legal document discourse 1
Specifics of interpretation of freedom in the genres of court judgment and ruling 1
Specifics of introduction of the quality management system in the Russian Federation 1
The specifics of modern women’s political consciousness and behavior 1
Specifics of nuclear data testing in the context of the minor actinide transmutation problems 1
Specifics of risk production phase of coal mining enterprises of Kuzbass 1
The specifics of siberian chernozems on rocks of volcanic genesis 1
Specifics of small publishing houses in Russia: strategies of "No Kidding press" publishing house 1
Specifics of steppe soil formation on lake sediments (foot of the eastern macroslope of Kuznetsk Alatau, Khakasia) 1
Specifics of students’ physical health standards in China 1
The specifics of teaching foreign language legal discourse 1
The specifics of teaching history in Russian schools in Mongolia 1
The specifics of the development of accompanist art in Russia in the second half of the 19th – 20th centuries 1
The specifics of the evolution of criminal liability for libel in the criminal law of Russia 1
The specifics of the modern development of innovation activity in the agro-industrial complex 1
Specifics of the Western researchers' views relating to the problem of the scientific status of geology in the 20th and 21st centuries 1
The specifics of Tomsk pre-revolutionary censorship (based on the materials of the publications "Sibirskie Otgoloski” and “Sibirskaya Zhizn”) 1
The specifics of using fantastic assumptions in the works of R. D. Bradbury and the brothers Strugatsky 1
Specimens of the genus Betula L. as objects for environmental education in Peter the Great Botanical Garden of BIN RAS 1
Speckle dynamics under ergodicity breaking 1
Speckle-contrast imaging of pathological tissue microhemodynamics at optical clearing 1
Spectra and kinetics of luminescence of natural diamond type IIA under optical interzone excitation 1
Spectra of electromagnetic parameters of multicomponent radioabsorbing material at frequency range 20 Hz - 100 GHz 1
Spectra of electronic excitations in graphene near coulomb impurities 1
Spectral analysis of hair to determine the elemental status of human 1
Spectral analysis of medicinal plants of the Siberian flora 1
Spectral analysis of medicinal plants, water extracts and bodies of lab rats to assess the accumulation dynamics of regulated elements 1
Spectral and depolarization ratios for atmospheric ice particles of hexagonal and arbitrary shape within the framework of the physical optics and discrete dipoles 1
Spectral and electroluminescent properties of binuclear zinc complexes with halogen-substituted derivatives of 1, 2, 4-triazole 1
Spectral and electroluminescent properties of coordination compounds of terbium (III) with ibuprofen (in solid form, chloroform solutions, and polyvinylcarbazole films) 1
Spectral and energy characteristics of resonatorless lasing in solutions of Rhodamine 6G with nanoparticles of various nature with femtosecond pumping 1
Spectral and luminescent properties of humic acids of various origin 1
Spectral characteristics of humic acids buried under mounds of paleosols of the archaeological monument "Sanatornyi" (West Siberia) 1
Spectral characteristics of Si:Ge and Hg1–xCdхTe heterostructures 1
Spectral estimates of the p-Laplace Neumann operator and Brennan's conjecture 1
Spectral features of magnetic domain walls on the surface of three-dimensional topological insulators 1
Spectral luminescence properties and stability of zinc(II) dipyrromethenates with different structures in proton-donor media in the ground and excited electronic states 1
Spectral probabilistic and statistical analysis of Markov ciphers 1
Spectral properties of the Neumann-Laplace operator in quasiconformal regular domains 1
Spectral shaping of lasing active medium with agglomerated nanoparticles of metals and dielectrics 1
Spectral signs of simultaneous sublimation activity and the appearance of a dust exosphere on eight asteroids of the main belt near perihelion 1
Spectral-luminescence properties of water dispersions of CdS and Ag nanoparticles stabilized with Na2SiO3 1
Spectral-luminescent and lasing characteristics of thin-film structures based on semiconductor polymers 1
Spectral-luminescent and proton-acceptor properties of biologically active hydroxyl-substituted benzaldehydes 1
Spectral-luminescent properties and photolysis of charged forms of bisphenol A 1
The spectral-luminescent properties of 4,4-difluoro-1,3,5,7-tetraphenyl-2,6-dibromo-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene 1
Spectral-luminescent properties of bromcresol purple 1
Spectral-luminescent properties of dipyrromethene complexes with zn in liquid and frost solutions 1
Spectral-luminescent properties of laurdan in binary mixtures of solvents 1
Spectral-luminescent properties of laurdan molecule 1
Spectral‑luminescent and electroluminescent properties of charge‑transfer systems based on electron‑donating diphenylamine derivatives and acceptors of dibenzothiophene sulfone and phenanthridine 1
Spectroscopic investigation of photonics of dipyrromethene complexes with p- and d-block elements 1
Spectroscopic investigation of the spatiotemporal dynamics of an electric field in plasma of a beam-type high-voltage discharge in helium 1
Spectroscopic nanoporometry of aerogel 1
Spectroscopy and photochemistry of humic acids 2
Spectroscopy of ionic and neutral forms of some substituted porphyrins in ground and excited states 1
Spectroscopy study of organometallic compounds based on the dipyrromethenes with p-and d-elements 1
Spectroscopy study of silver nanoparticles fabrication using synthetic humic substances and their antimicrobial activity 1
Spectrum and AI-based analysis for a flight environment and virtual obstacles avoidance using potential field method for path control 1
Speculative realism as a project of a new piety 1
Speech - planning problems in modern radio discourse: from words to culture 1
Speech act theory: principles and problems 1
Speech activity of the modern forensic orator (on the material of speeches in debates) 1
The speech activity of the Rusins in proverbs and sayings 1
The speech behaviour of a dialect language personality in conflict situations 1
Speech culture or communicative competence: content aspect 1
Speech emotion recognition based on deep convolutional neural networks 1
Speech etiquette formulas with good wishing semantics in the discourse of speakers of Middle Ob dialects as a reflection of folk mentality 1
Speech etiquette in network communication: semantics and pragmatics of users’ nominations 1
Speech genre "Internet confession" as a source for studying emotional concepts 1
Speech genre "post" in the social network "Vkontakte" to the problem of description 1

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