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On self-contradiction of antiphysicalism in David Chalmers’ theory of consciousness of 1
On separating UML specified non-deterministic finite state machines with time-outs 1
On sequential confidence estimation of parameters of stochastic dynamical systems with conditionally Gaussian noises 1
On sequential estimation of a periodic signal distorted by an additive autoregressive noise 2
On sequential estimation of autoregressive model parameters 1
On sequential estimation of autoregressive parameter by observations with superimposed errors 1
On sequential estimation of the parameters of continuous-time trigonometric regression 1
On sign-based regression quantiles 1
On signal estimating under dependent noises 1
On slow wave process in rocks 1
On small variation formulas 1
On socio-criminological bases for the application (appointment and execution) of punishments and other measures of a criminal-legal nature without isolation from society 1
On socio-cultural conditionality of person deixis (on the Japanese language material) 1
On solvability of regular equations in the variety of metabelian groups 1
On solving plane problems of non-stationary heat conduction by the collocation boundary element method 1
On solving the socio-economic problems of Russian miners in the 1990s 1
On some aspects of the image of Dzerassa in the Ossetian nartiada 1
On some aspects of the veneration of Seth in the oases (on the example of the smaller Dâkhla stela) 1
On some changes in the criminal anti-corruption legislation 1
On some classes of nilgroups 1
On some conceptual bases and approaches to the evaluation of innovation policy: theoretico-methodological analysis and empirical research 1
On some connections between social studies and analytic philosophy in the context of ontology of agency 1
On some controversial aspects of the legal regulation of a new category of administrative cases on the protection of the interests of a minor or a person recognized as legally incapable in the event of the refusal of the legal representative from medical intervention necessary for saving lives (Chapter 31.1 of the RF Administrative Procedure Code) 1
On some criminologically significant indicators of juvenile delinquency in the Russian Federation 1
On some developments on methods and devices used in the wildfire localization for the protection of forest ecosystems 1
On some distinctive anthropological characteristics of the population of Tomsk in the 17th to the 18th centuries 1
On some embedding theorems for ideal structures 1
On some features of andante in g minor of G. F. Handel: on problem of performing analysis of texture 1
On some features of regulation and activities of investigation teams formed in the law enforcement agencies of European states 1
On some features of the concept "merit" for the implementation of incentive norms in criminal procedure 1
On some features of the destruction of high-speed particles on debris corrugated mesh shields 1
On some issues of determining terrorism and information terrorism 1
On some methodological approaches in legal research (philosophical, naturalistic, positivist approaches) 1
On some problems of criminal law regulation of the use of incentive institutions in relation to persons deprived of liberty 1
On some problems of remuneration of prosecutors in connection with their official powers 1
On some problems of state languages in the subjects of the Russian Federation 1
On some problems on interpretation of the image of god Seth in the early dynastic period 1
On some properties of the Schur - Hadamard product for linear codes and their applications 1
On some recursive construction of plateaued resilient Boolean functions with step in 3 variables 1
On some theoretical aspects of the criteria of the creative component of the results of intellectual activities 1
On some varieties of Leibniz–Poisson algebras with extreme properties 1
On source code optimization for interpreted languages using state models 1
On specifying the criteria of lawful restriction of human rights in the criminal sphere 1
On strengthening the legal status of the court in the first trial stage of the criminal procedure 1
On structural features of polycode prescriptive text in discourse of active tourism 1
On studies combinatorics at school 1
On submission of concepts in public administration 1
On super Plücker embedding and cluster algebras 1
On super precedents of the US Supreme Court 1
On symbolic aspects of the modern Belarusian politics of memory: Nationalism vs Zapadnorusizm 1
On symmetric cuts of a real-closed field 1
On systematic approach to the tranlation of philological texts on the material of J. W. Hokenson and M. Munson's monograph The bilingual text. Hystory and theory of literary self-translation (Manchester, 2007) 1
On systematic errors in spectral line parameters retrieved with the Voigt line profile 1
On tendencies of the Russian academic neography development in the XXI century 1
On term structure of yield rates. 1. Vasiček model 1
On term structure of yield rates. 2. The Cox - Ingersoll - Ross model 1
On term structure of yield rates. 3. The Duffie - Kan one-factor model 1
On term structure of yield rates. 4. The Duffie – Kan two factor model 1
On term structure of yield rates. 5. The Duffie - Kan two factor model (continuation) 1
On term structure of yield rates. 6. The new version 1
On term structure of yield rates. 6. The three factor model 1
On the "expanded local mode" approach applied to ethylene 1
On the "male" poetics of Alexander Pushkin, or the sense-generating possibilities of one assimilation: Olga Larina = Phyllida 1
On the (im)possibility of Casimir repulsion between Chern-Simons surfaces 1
On the 5 years results of the Siberian environmental changes Network SecNet activity 1
On the abuse of right de jure and de facto by the defense in the judicial proceedings 1
On the accelerated settling of fine particles in a bidisperse slurry 1
On the accretion of the prosecutor's powers in pre-trial proceedings 1
On the accuracy of approximation of a small celestial body motion using intermediate perturbed orbits calculated from two position vectors and three observations 1
On the accuracy of explicitly correlated methods to generate potential energy surfaces for scattering calculations and clustering: application to the HCl-He complex 1
On the activities and procedural status of the prosecutor at the stage of preparation for the court session 1
On the activity of the court in adversarial criminal proceedings 1
On the addressee as a key category of courtroom discourse 1
On the anhemitonics in the Tatar-Kryashen church chants 1
On the application of dynamic screening method to resource queueing system with infinite servers 1
On the application of pulsed beams with a wide electron kinetic energy spectrum 1
On the application of the mechanism for implementing the new educational standard in integration with the developed professional standards 1
On the application of the natural user interface in the automated information system of enterprise personnel security 1
On the application of Wittgenstein’s later ideas in modern legal theory 1
On the arbitrarily reliable implementation of Boolean functions by non-branching programs with a conditional stop operator in bases with generalized conjunction 1
On the argumentative hyperlanguage notion: the pragma-analytical approach 1
On the asymptotic normality of the frequencies of letters in a multicyclic sequence 1
On the asymptotic structure of noncritical Markov stochastic branching process with continuous time 1
On the background and basis for innovative entrepreneurship research 1
On the Bassian property for Abelian groups 1
On the biological role of lithium 1
On the biology of the nine-spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius from Lake Khantayskoye 1
On the border of civilization-mentality zones in great migration period by archaeological sources 1
On the boundedness of the integral convolution operator in a pair of classical Lebesgue spaces Lp and Lr 1
On the box dimension of subsets of a metric compact space 1
On the brachistochrone shape under the Magnus effect 1
On the calculation by the method of linearization of the interaction of parametric and self-oscillations at delay and limited excitation 1
On the Carpathian Rus' terminology 1
On the causes of the abuse of rights in criminal procedure and the ways of its prevention 1
On the change in the ethos of modern science 1
On the charge neutrality level and the electronic properties of interphase boundaries in the layered ε-GaSe semiconductor 1
On the choice of an efficient way of organizing the bank borrower's cash flow to repay the loan 1
On the class of two-dimensional geodesic curves in the field of the gravity force 1
On the classification of linguistic phenomena of asymmetry (evidence from the Russian and English languages) 1
On the cognition objectivity in quantum mechanics 1

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