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Qubit representation of qudit states: correlations and state reconstruction 1
Que la voix du peuple est la voix de dieu. Contre le sentiment de celui qui nous a proposé une question toute contraire 1
The Queen of Spades by Pushkin in opera, operetta and animation 1
Quenched polyampholytes for polymer flooding 1
Quest as a method of work with readers (on the example of Tomsk libraries) 1
The quest for a universal language throughout human history 1
Quest for Casimir repulsion between Chern-Simons surfaces 1
Question cardinale, plaisamment agitée ou dasthicotée entre un hollandois et un suisse, et décidée par un Français 1
Question morale et politique, très-importante à decider & pour la gloire du roy, & pour le bien de son peuple, sçavoir quelle de ces deux vertus est plus necessaire au souverain, ou la clemence ou la justice 1
The question of adaptation of manufacturing groups belonging to the industrial sector of Altai Krai to the market economy model during the first half of 1990s as exemplified by Barnaul Instrument and Mechanical Plant (OAO BAMZ) 1
Question of Brexit in pre-election rhetoric of the British political parties and their leaders on the eve of snap parliamentary elections on June 8 2017 1
The question of freedom and the master–slave dialectic in Herman Melville’s novella Benito Cereno and Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Village of Stepanchikovo 1
The question of the death penalty in modern russian legal science 1
The question of the economic structure of the Rusins of Bessarabia in the 19th - beginning of the 20th century 1
Question, s'il y doit avoir un premier ministre dans le conseil du roy. Raison d'Estat et politique tres-importante a decider, pour le bien du souverain, & pour le repos de la patrie 1
Question, si la voix du peuple est la voix de dieu? 1
Question, s’il y doit avoir un premier ministre dans le conseil du roi. Raison d’État et politique très importatante à decider, pour le bien du souverain, & pour le repos de la patrie 1
Questioning the genesis of the madrigal comedy and its connections with the cultural traditions and ideas of the renaissance humanism 1
Questions about Subcarpathian Rus’ in foreign policy calculations of Poland (October 1938 - March 1939) 1
Questions of "Soviet life" in the political debate of the 20-ies of XX century 1
Questions of development of cassation proceedings in Russian criminal procedure 1
The questions of development of fiberoptic sensors for measuring pressure with improved metrological and operational characteristics 1
Questions of implementation of the principle of freedom of contract in the law of the People's Republic of China 1
Questions of studying the history of the Tomsk diocese in modern historical research 1
Questions of teaching professional English to foreign students in Russian universities 1
Questions paleozoogeography of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger 1839) (Rhinocerotidae, Mammalia) 1
Queueing network MAP−K(GI/∞)K with high-rate arrivals 1
Queueing system GI/GI/∞ with n types of customers 1
Queueing system with preemptions for modeling network slicing in 5G 1
Queueing system with two phases of service and service rate degradation 1
Queuing network MMPP-(GI /∞)K subject to the extremely rare arrval process transitions 1
Queuing systems with heterogeneous servers and state-dependent jump priorities informatics and programming 1
Quickest change-point detection in time series with unknown distributions 1
Quine’s problem is coming back 1
Quintic vertices of spin 3, vector and scalar fields 1
"Quitness" and "silence" in B. L. Pasternak's poetry: linguistic aspect 1
Quittung über Hinterlegung eines Pfandes für Pfundzoll für feine Tuche von Bertoldus Holthusen 1
Quittung über Hinterlegung eines Pfandes für Pfundzoll für Tuch von Hermannus de Molne 1
Quittung über Hinterlegung eines Pfandes für Pfundzoll für Tuch, unter anderem feines Tuch von Symon Bucstok 1
Quittung, dass Hermannus Schele ein Pfand für ein Fass Mandeln von Johannes Basthorst hinterlegt hat 1
Quittung, dass Heyno Verwer ein Pfand für Tuch, Mandeln, leere Tonnen und Öl hinterlegt hat 1
The quiz in the practice of preliminary training in small business organizations: a study on the example of recruitment agencies 1
Quotient divisible groups of rank 2 1
Qvatriesme balade 1
Qve la voix dv Pevple est la voix de Diev. Contre le sentiment de celuy qui nous a proposé vne Question toute contraire 1
Qvestion cardinale, plaisamment agitée ou dathicotée entre vn Holandois et vn Svisse, et decidée par vn François 1
Qvestion morale et politiqve, tres-importante a decider & pour la gloire du Roy, & pour le bien de son peuple, Sçauoir quelle de ces deux vertus est plus necessaire au Souuerain, ou la Clemence ou la Iustice 1
Qvestion, s'il y doit avoir vn premier ministre dans le conseil dv Roy. Raison d'estat et politiqve tres-importante a decider, pour le bien du Souuerain, & pour le Repos de la Patrie 1
Qvestion, si la voix dv Pevple est la voix de Diev? 1
R-branding in a modern organization 1
R. Bauman's views on the suspension of L. Cornelius Cinna from magisterial duties in 87 BC 1
R. Bernstein’s concept of the pragmatic turn 1
RAB-тариф – новый источник инвестиций в российской экономике? 1
Racial policy of John F. Kennedy in 1960-1963 1
Racial protests in Notting Hill and Nottingham in 1958 in the context of the development of the right-wing forces of Great Britain 1
Radar interferometric survey of the surface of an unprepared landing area from on board a helicopter 1
Radar methods for determining the thickness of dielectric layers 1
Radar-lidar ratio for ice crystals of cirrus clouds 1
Radiation donor defects in arsenic implanted CdHgTe MBE films 1
Radiation effect on conjugate turbulent natural convection in a cavity with a discrete heater 1
Radiation factors climate formation in the Altai-Sayan Mountain Region in modern climate change period 1
The radiation focusing by the array of waveguide based elements with controllable reflection 1
Radiation of de-excited electrons at large times in a strong electromagnetic plane wave 1
Radiation of high-power ultrawideband pulses with elliptical polarization by a conical helical antenna 1
Radiation of twisted photons from charged particles moving in cholesterics 1
Radiation resistance of two-layer hollow SiO2/ZnO particles under proton iradiation 1
Radiation stability of optical properties of zirconium dioxide powder modified with cerium dioxide nanoparticles 1
Radiation strength of Nb2O5/SiO2 thin-film coating for cavity mirrors of a parametric light generator based on a ZnGeP2 single-crystal 1
Radiation-thermal synthesis of W-type hexaferrites 1
Radiative decay Y(4260) → X(3872) + γ involving hadronic molecular and charmonium components 1
Radiative processes in graphene and similar nanostructures in strong electric fields 1
Radiative recombination in narrow gap HgTe/CdHgTe quantum well heterostructures for laser applications 1
Radical anions, radical-anion salts, and anionic complexes of 2,1,3-benzochalcogenadiazoles 1
Radical moods among German football fans 1
Radical remodeling of the Y chromosome in a recent radiation of malaria mosquitoes 1
Radicalization which leads to violent extremism on the Internet in conjunction with the coronavirus pandemic as an example of protest communications in Western Europe, North America and Asia 1
Radio and development of the Soviet space. About Stephen Lovell's book "Russia in the microphone age. A history of Soviet radio, 1919-1970". Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2015. XI, 237 p. 1
Radio physical methods of ensuring ornithological safety of objects and territories 1
Radio talk-show as a new discourse practice 1
Radio-carbon age of the humus-eluvial part of the polygenetitic soils in the southern taiga of Western Siberia 1
Radio-wave non-contact passenger inspection system 1
Radio-wave tomography of inhomogeneities in biological media with multi-frequency sounding in the range 2-8 GHz 1
Radioabsorbing materials based on polyurethane with carbon fillers 1
Radioactive isotopes of Toson-Ula basin of Mongolia 1
Radioactive source strength effect on gamma radiation monitoring with a NaI (Tl) scintillation detector 1
Radiocarbon chronology of the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Aeneolithic, and Bronze Age sites in the Trans-Urals (Russia): a general framework 1
Radiocarbon dating of pottery complexes from neolithic settlements on the Baikal coast 1
Radioecological influence of the Siberian chemical combine in Tomsk district 1
Radioholography using a spherical wave as a reference signal 1
Radiolysis of resin-asphalt components of oil under various gases 1
Radiolysis of resin-asphalt oil components in the atmosphere of various gases 1
Radiophysical community in Tomsk in the 1910-1960s: institutionalization of the direction and the leaders' role in the development 1
Radioprogram name’s language presentation in sounding text 1
Radiotherapy resistance: identifying universal biomarkers for various human cancers 1
Radiotomographic measurements using detector and tunable microvawe generator 1
Radiotomographic system construction on the basis of multi-elemental reflective array 1
Radiotomography based on monostatic interference measurement with controlled oscillator 1
Radiotomography based on movable focusing reflector 1
Radiotomography with scanning by arbitrary trajectory 1
The radius of social identification and trust as a factor of cultural capital 1

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