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Cognitive aspects of a temporality concept in the comparative analysis of post-nonclassical scientificity and myth 1
Cognitive aspects of epistemological experience research in network digital environment 1
Cognitive aspects of the project activity in teaching foreign languages 1
Cognitive basis of individual paths in foreign language education 1
Cognitive characteristics in primary school children with different levels of mathematical achievement 1
Cognitive communication of memory and ideology in student attitudes: is quantitative narrative analysis possible? 1
Cognitive diversity as a common good 1
Cognitive factors of mental activity abnormalities in obsessive-compulsive disorder 1
Cognitive features of synonymy in German-language legal texts at different stages of development of legal terminology in the system of law 1
Cognitive freedom as a new political freedom of the 21st century 1
The cognitive function of expressing determination / indetermination of utterances in a scientific text 1
Cognitive image of spatial situation in the English and Russian languages (based on the material of verbal vocabulary) 1
Cognitive inefficiency of school education in the context of digitalization 1
Cognitive integration as the dynamic aspect of modern educational practices 1
Cognitive modeling of the semantics of taking life in Russian and English languagess 1
Cognitive modelling of the semantics of subjunctive mood (a case for the English verb would) 1
Cognitive models of folk plant names 1
Cognitive models of grammatical competence of students 1
Cognitive operations with another person's speech in dialectal communication 1
Cognitive organization of a lexical derivational family of words as a basis for creating an electronic database 1
Cognitive poetics of deixis in J. Cortázar’s “la isla al mediodía” 1
Cognitive potential of Rusin proverbs compared with those in the Russian and Ukrainian languages 1
Cognitive pragmatic and linguistic characteristics of english scientific academic discourse 1
Cognitive pragmatic study of Russian parenthesis from the perspective of relevance theory 1
Cognitive processing of an expressive word: gender specificity 1
Cognitive processing of binomials in the Russian language (an experimental study) 1
Cognitive processing of emotional words by Russian native speakers and heritage Turkic-speaking bilinguals 1
Cognitive processing of grammatical gender and number by Russian native speakers and Turkic-Russian bilinguals 1
Cognitive processing of marked and unmarked members of grammarical oppositions the russian and bulgarian languages 1
The cognitive processing of the case forms of Russian nouns by Russian and Turkic-Russian bilinguals 1
The cognitive processing of the grammatical gender of Russian nouns by Russian natives and Turkic-and-Russian bilinguals 1
The cognitive processing of the grammatical gender of Russian nouns by the Russians and Turkic and Russian bilinguals 1
Cognitive processing of the grammatical gender of Russian nouns in different types of bilingualism 1
Cognitive processing of the Russian language binomials in Turkic-Russian bilinguas 1
Cognitive readiness for intercultural communication as an essential component of intercultural competence 1
Cognitive representation of illness in neurological patients 1
Cognitive resources of development of a city (a case study of surveys on Surgut strategy development) 1
The cognitive role of metaphors in processes of cultural production 1
Cognitive science on knowledge and language 1
Cognitive simulation and perception situation (on the material of Boris Pasternak’s story Zhenia’s Childhood) 1
Cognitive skills in education: typology and development 1
Cognitive states dynamics of students with different levels of reflection 1
Cognitive systems for monitoring and forecasting the scientific and technological development of the state 1
Cognitive tool for the representation of test results of the blended education 1
Cognitive, behavioural and emotional components of adolescents’ communicative behaviour in information space 1
Cognitive-communicative approach in the system of teaching Russian language for foreign students (in the condition of no language environment) 1
The cognitive-discursive model of evidentiality (authorization) 1
Cognitive-discursive technology in teaching foreign language intercultural communication 1
The cognitive-ideological matrix: a diffusion model of dynamics 1
A cognitive-phenomenological interpretation of a rhetorical example 1
Cognitive-pragmatic characteristics of the language of scientific and academic discourse of group-theoretic statistical reconstructive diagnostics 1
Cognitive-pragmatic program "Law of Conscience" in the film construct "Boys": target vector 1
Coherence of heart rate variability and local physical fields in monitoring studies 1
Coherence of social processes in topics of social order and disorder: to the concept of interstitial emergence 1
Coherent and incoherent additions of ight beams at solutions of the light scattering problem by use the beam tracing method within the framework of physical optics 1
Coherent and semiclassical states in a magnetic field in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm solenoid 1
Coherent and semiclassical states of a charged particle in a constant electric field 1
Coherent backscattering by large ice crystals of irregular shapes in cirrus clouds 1
Coherent demodulation of APSK and QAM signals 1
Coherent demodulation of the two-level amplitude phase-shift keyed signals: Noise immunity issue 1
Coherent radiation of photons by particle wave packets 1
Coherent states and related quantizations for unbounded motions 1
Coherent states of inverse oscillators and related problems 1
Coherent states of non-relativistic electron in the magnetic-solenoid field 1
Coherent states of systems with quadratic Hamiltonians 1
Coherent summation of Ka-band microwave beams produced by sub-gigawatt superradiance backward wave oscillators 1
Coins attributed to the Saumakos and Saulakos coinage as an example of the dialogue of cultures in the Northern Black Sea region during the Pontic period 1
Coins from the cultural layer of the town Tara 1
Cold resistance of three species of earthworms (Oligohaeta, Lumbricidae) in Western Siberia 1
Cold-seep carbonates of the Laptev Sea continental slope: Constraints from fluid sources and environment of formation 1
Coleoptera assemblages from the quaternary deposits of Kizikha River, the southernmost late pleistocene insects of the West Siberian plain 1
Collaboration with fascists or fighting against them? Two trends in the ranks of Cossack emigrants during the Second World War 1
Collaborative learning at engineering universities: Benefits and challenges 1
Collaborative learning in engineering education: reaching new quality and outcomes 1
The collapse and demobilization of the Romanian front in the Winter of 1917/1918: between the reds, the whites and interventionists 1
Collecta ex diversis super indulgentiis 1
The collected works of Vladimir Narbut: archives, texts, and approaches 1
Collecting as a fundamental creative principle of Konstantin Vaginov's poetics 1
The collection of Amaranthaceae in the botanical garden of the Ural Federal University 1
Collection of breeding varieties of potatoes in the conditions of the tail zone of Western Siberia 1
Collection of decorative cereals and sedges in the Stavropol Botanical Garden, current state and prospects 1
A collection of documents "Magnitogorsk prewar" as a source for studying the history of industrialization (experience with the program MAXQDA) 1
Collection of English roses in the dendropark "Alexandria" of the NAS of Ukraine: prospects for their use in the creation of landscape gardening 1
A collection of expedition photographs by A. I. Skassi in the collection of the department of manuscripts and book monuments of the Scientific Library of TSU 1
A collection of folklore along the Vasyugan River at the beginning of the 20st century 1
A collection of glass from the Tomskiy Ostrog archaeological monument based on field-work materials of 2017 1
The collection of menologia in the ancestral library of the Princes Golitsyn in the Research Library of Tomsk State University 1
Collection of photographic negatives of Alexander Vasilyevich Adrianov in the Tomsk Regional Museum 1
Collection of plants from the Red Book of Ukraine in the dendrological park "Olexandria" NAS of Ukraine 1
Collection of textbooks and publications on education in Russia in the library of Count P. A. Valuev 1
Collectiones medicinae 1
Collective electronic excitations in Ti and Zr and their dihydrides 1
Collective memory or ideology? On the history of discourse 1
Collective monograph: attempt for a formalized evaluation of scientific values 1
Collective of algorithms with weights for clustering heterogeneous data 1
A collective portrait of professors of the Imperial Tomsk University in the mirror of their relationships with students (late 19th - early 20th centuries) 1
The Collective Security Treaty Organisation: emergence, evolution and crisis of the military-political alliance 1
Collective social networks of large family support 1
Collectors of P. N. Krylov Herbarium: to the 135 anniversary of the Herbarium foundation 1
College students' perception of educational science comics as multimodal texts: a pilot mixed-method study: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 37.04.01 - Психология 1

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