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J. Major in assessments of British society: yesterday and today 1
J. Perry’s qualia-phisicalism as an answer to the knowledge argument 1
J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth as a spatial model in Russian fantasy 1
The Jack and Jill adaptive working memory task: construction, calibration and validation 1
Jahn-Teller effect in intrinsic topological insulators 1
Jakub Szela: the unknown pages of history 1
Jan Assman's theory of cultural memory and formation of the image of Genghis Khan on the example of "The Secret Legend of the Mongols" and "The Novel about Genghis Khan" of the Franciscan Mission of Giovanni da Pian del Carpine 1
January 2, 1918: the day when the Bolsheviks subdued the State theatres 1
Japan innovation system formation (1898-2016) 1
Japan Self-Defence Forces 1
Japanese assimilation policy in colonial Korea in 1910-1945 on the example of educational reforms 1
Japanese characters and ikebana: from yin yang balance to breaking of form with shin gyo so 1
Japanese traditional orchestra music: correlation between time and tembra 1
Japanese translation tradition 1
Japanese zen and Russian toska: in pursuit of discreet beauty of simplified forms 1
Japan’s oda cooperation with ASEAN countries 1
Japan’s policy in Central Asia (1992–2016) 1
Jargon names of Chinese numerals 1
Jarret Zigon. Making the new Post-Soviet person: moral experience in contemporary Moscow. Leiden: Boston Brill, 2010. 257 p. 1
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. The first evolutionary theory in light of new breakthroughs in biology 1
Jemielniak D. Thick Big Data: Doing Digital Social Sciences. Oxford University Press, 2020. 173 p. 1
Jet energy measurement and its systematic uncertainty in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector 1
The jeux-partis of Theobald IV of Champagne and Adam de la Halle: From love metaphor to economic metaphor 1
Jewelry atelier of Vasiliy Lipin at Ekaterinburg: forgotten heritage of Ural's jewelers 1
The Jewish community of Irkutsk in the late 19th – early 20th century: a case of the Russian phenomenon of "dual rabbinate" 1
The Jewish djinn in Northern Morocco. Old and new neighborhoods 1
Jewish life metamorphosis in Buryat-Mongolian ASSR: from rootless cosmopolitans to panmongolists 1
Jewish question in Russian liberal publicists of the 1870s - 1890s 1
Jewish question in Russian liberal publicists of the 1870s-1890s 1
The Jewish theme in Soviet journalism. Subjective notes about time, authors and their heroes 1
The jews of the Samara province and the provinces of Western Siberia of the second half of the 19th - early of the 20th century: a comparative analysis of the adaptive practices of communities "outside the line" 1
The Jews' contribution to the pharmacy of a Siberian city in the second part of the 19th – early 20th centuries based on Tomsk archives 1
Jhering’s heaven of concepts and modern analytical jurisprudence 1
Jien’s periodization of the history of Japan: philosophical underpinnings 1
The Jigets: a great history of a small people 1
Jihadist terrorism as a counter-power: explication in the logic of Manuel Castells’ communication network concept 1
Jinn and divs as the other: demonizing the enemy in classical Islamic tradition and its origins 1
Jitter in geolocation data processing 1
Joe Biden Administration’s efforts to transform/restore the world order in the context of American rules 1
Johanna domina Wallie 1
Johannes Steke an Dameke Vosser über den Versand von Tuch 1
John Dewey's educational philosophy: museum as an experimental platform 1
John Locke's thoughts about miracles in the commentaries of contemporary Western researchers 1
John Major’s assessments of Brexit: prospects for the UK 1
John Sinclair’s legacy as the basis for creating a new type of terminological dictionary 1
John's Stone: a possible fragment of the 1908 Tunguska meteorite 1
Joint educational programs as a tool for internationalization of higher education in Uzbekistan 1
Joint effect of small additives of carbon nanoparticles of different morphologies on the mechanical characteristics of cross-linked polyurethanes under static and dynamic loads 1
Joint effect of ultrasonic vibrations and solid metal addition on the grain refinement of an aluminium alloy 1
Joint probability density of the intervals length of modulated semisynchronous integrated flow of events under the conditions of the constant dead time 1
Joint probabiliy density function of the interval duration between an adjacent events of the modulated synchronous flow in conditions of fixed dead time and recurrence conditions of the flow 1
Joint research of the northern hemisphere surface pressure and air temperature fields 1
A joint study of meteorological fields on the Asian territory of Russia 1
Jorge Luis Borges’s "La trama": evidence of intertextual interpretation 1
Journal "Free word: Carpatho-Russian monthly" as an important source on the history of Subcarpathian Rus in the inter-war period 1
Journal contenant ce qui se passe de plus remarquable en tout le royaume. Depuis le vendredy 11. jusques au vendredy 18. octobre, 1652 1
Journal de la Lettre de M. la princesse douairiere de Condé, presentée à la reyne regente. Contenant tous les moyens dont le cardinal Mazarin s'est servy pour empescher la paix, ruyner le parlement & le peuple de Paris; pour tâcher de perdre monsieur le duc de Beaufort, monsieur le coadjuteur, monsieur de Brousselles, & monsieur le president Charton; par l'assassinat supposè contre la personne de monseigneur le Prince, & pour la detention de messieurs les princes 1
Journal du siege de Guyse, depuis son commencement jusques à sa levée 1
Journal du siège de Guise, depuis son commencement jusques à sa levée 1
Journal historique du voyage de M. De Lesseps, consul de France, .... P. 1 1
Journal historique du voyage de M. De Lesseps, consul de France, .... P. 2 1
Journal in computer games: narrative and gameplay functions 1
"The journal of the Moscow Patriarchate" as a source of the Mukachevo-Uzhgorod eparchy history in 1945–1955 1
Journal, contenant ce qui s'est fait et passé en la cour de parlement de Paris, toutes les chambres assemblées & autres lieux; sur le sujet des affaires du temps present és années 1648 & 1649 1
Journal, contenant ce qui s’est fait et passé en la cour de parlement de Paris, toutes les Chambres assemblées & autres lieux; sur le sujet des affaires du temps présent ès années 1648 & 1649 1
Journal, d’airs choisies avec accompagnement de harpe, mêlés de préludes, petits airs, ou pièces 1
Journal, d’airs choisis. Avec accompagnement de harpe, melés de préludes, petits airs, ou pièces 1
Journalism as a value in a digital environment 1
Journalism education evolution in view of communicative culture revolutionary changes 1
Journalism of Yulian Tarnovich in the Nash Lemko newspaper 1
"Journalism school 2030": is the impossible possible? Strategic sessions on the issues of professional education at the Tomsk State University Faculty of journalism 1
Journalism science in the care of the journalistic trade union: hindsight 1
Journalism studies: the subject-object field and the structure 1
A journalist in the discourse of media: determinism or position? (a case study of informational argument around Sergey Gurkin's interview with Svetlana Alexievich) 1
A journey into Siberia by Kurt and Margot Lubinski (1928) 1
The journey of the intellectual: an ethnologist's view 1
The journeys and the "rewriting" in Vertigo by W. G. Sebald 1
Joyce’s literary tradition in Mikhail Shishkin’s prose and its evocation in the story "The Blind Musician" 1
JPEG Image 1
Judge as an independent participant of criminal proceedings 1
Judges of provincial general jurisdiction courts in Western Siberia in the first half of the 19th century: Formal qualitative characteristics 1
Judgment of the art plan of work in the course of its individual analysis 1
Judicial authority and its manifestation in criminal trials 1
Judicial control of the new religious movements: a historical overview and a sociological analysis 1
A judicial identity: the Canadian Metis before the courts 1
Judicial remedies for prisoners in France 1
Judicial rhetoric in a modern law school 1
Judicial systems of the Swiss cantons of Aargau and Bern: a comparative-legal analysis 1
Judith Marquand. Development aid in Russia: Lessons from Siberia; with foreword by Lord Patten of Barnes CH, Chancellor of the University of Oxford and former European Commissioner. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 281 p. ISBN 978-0-230-23362-1 1
Jules l'Apostat 1
Jules l’appostat 1
Julian Yavorsky – a scholar, social and political activist of Carpathian Rus 1
Jumper technique preparatory phase excelling model for academic basketball 1
Junior rhythmic gymnasts’ jumping ability progress tests 1
Juridical community and the problem of Russia’s alcoholization at the turn of the 20th century (based on the material of all-Russian juridical periodicals) 1
Jurinea mongolica Maxim. (Asteraceae) – новый вид для флоры России 1
Jury as a collection of ephemical ideas 1
The jury verdict and social needs of society 1
Justes reproches de la France a monsieur le prince de Condé 1
Justice as a transcendental a priori of sociality: the economic component of modern social theory (on the example of Georg Simmel's "philosophical" sociology of fashion) 1

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